ISHR's Pooja Patel speaking at the Human Rights Council

ISHR Pooja Patel speaking at the Human Rights Council




  • 平等、尊严和免受歧视
  • 环境正义和可持续性
  • 对镇压人权捍卫者的问责
  • 透明度和法治

我们的每个项目计划都使用一系列综合战术,与维权者及其组织、网络和联盟在国家、区域和国际层面合作开发和实施。 这些策略包括:

  • 为人权捍卫者提供培训、能力建设、战略咨询、宣传支持和奖学金
  • 立法和政策研究、宣传倡导和建议
  • 战略诉讼和干预
  • 叙事拓展、宣传推广和动员
  • 联盟和运动的建立和协调,包括担任 HRCnet 的秘书处和公民自由和人权捍卫者商业网络的联合召集人


  1. 人权捍卫者能有所配备、互有联系、获得支持,而具有影响力
  2. 国家、企业和其他非国家行为者尊重和保护人权捍卫者
  3. 人权法律和机制易于使用、能快速反应并且有实效

Equality, dignity and non-discrimination

ISHR provides solidarity and support to defenders working on issues of equality and non-discrimination.

Environmental justice and sustainability

ISHR provides solidarity and support to defenders working on issues of environmental justice, corporate responsibility and accountability, and sustainable and inclusive development.

International accountability

ISHR undertakes lobbying, advocacy and litigation to promote both State and non-State accountability for widespread and systematic threats, attacks, restrictions and reprisals against defenders.

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Transparency and rule of law

ISHR provides solidarity and support to defenders working to promote transparency, to combat corruption, and to safeguard and strengthen laws and institutions.


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