NGO committee civil society


ECOSOC and the NGO Committee

The Committee on NGOs oversees the implementation of ECOSOC resolution 1996/31, which is the legal framework governing civil society participation in the work of the UN. The Committee is tasked with considering the applications of NGOs for consultative status with the UN, and makes recommendations to the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which can accept or overturn a decision.

Consultative status provides NGOs with access to a range of fora at the UN, including the Human Rights Council, ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies, UN conferences, and events organised by the President of the General Assembly.

ISHR works to facilitate the accreditation of human rights NGOs, in particular those dealing with sexual orientation and gender identity, women’s rights, reproductive rights, minority issues, and freedom of expression and association.

ISHR runs campaigns advocating for improvement in the functioning and membership of the Committee and for the accountability of its members to the principles of the UN Charter and ECOSOC Resolution 1996/31. We also provide strategic advice and support to NGOs seeking accreditation by the Committee on NGOs, and to NGOs subject to disciplinary sanctions by the Committee.

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Forum des ONG | Mise en œuvre de la décision de la Commission Africaine concernant les droits du peuple autochtone endorois au Kenya

À ce jour, les recommandations formulées par la Commission Africaine des Droits de l’Homme et des Peuples (la Commission Africaine) à l’intention du gouvernement kényan afin de réparer le préjudice subi par le peuple autochtone endorois chassé de ses terres ancestrales dans les années 1970 demeurent largement ignorées. Le 13 avril 2021, le Forum des ONG s’est réuni pour évoquer le stade de mise en œuvre de la décision 276/2003 de la Commission Africaine prise en 2010 au sujet des droits du peuple endorois.

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