What Does Civil Society Want From the New UN Rights Commissioner?
Passblue, 22 December 2022
What do nongovernmental organizations want from the new rights leader? A recent survey asked 39 such groups and UN experts about their top asks to Turk, an Austrian. Unsurprisingly, most want a strong, vocal and principled high commissioner who will take on the most powerful people in the world, writes ISHR’s Vincent Ploton. Read his full story here.
UAE urged to not deport Egyptian-American activist who called for Cop27 protests
The Independent, 22 December 2022
Over 20 rights groups sign letter urging UAE to not deport Sherif Osman over fears he could be ‘subjected to torture’. “#UAE’s detention of #SherifOsman at the behest of Egypt as a reprisal for his call for protests at #COP27 must be met with strong condemnation and action from governments committed to civic space and climate justice. This is a critical test run for #COP28,” wrote Phil Lynch, director of The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full story here.
See also: the article on Yahoo news.
ONG humanitarias piden renovación de resolución 49/3 de ONU sobre Nicaragua
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 15 December 2022
Un grupo de 34 organizaciones nicaragüenses e internacionales demandaron este jueves ante la oficina del Alto Comisionado de la ONU para los Derechos Humanos (Acnudh) la renovación del mandato del Grupo de Expertos de Derechos Humanos sobre Nicaragua (49/3) para investigar presuntos abusos y violaciones de derechos humanos en el país centroamericano. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Defensores piden a la ONU renovar resolución sobre la crisis de Nicaragua
Artículo 66, 15 December 2022
Organizaciones de derechos humanos demandaron al Consejo de Derechos humanos de la Organización de Naciones Unidas (ONU) que “renueve y refuerce” por dos años la resolución sobre la situación de Nicaragua y el mandato de expertos en materia de derechos humanos. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
UN Grants Consultative Status to Dalit Rights Group After 15 Years
The Swaddle, 9 December 2022
The International Dalit Solidarity Network (IDSN), a Coppenhagen-based international group working to highlight caste discrimination and advocate for Dalit Rights at a global level, was on Wednesday granted consultative status by the United Nations (UN) Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Read the full story here.
UN body accredits 9 rights, minority groups after US push
Associated Press (AP), 8 December 2022
The U.N. body overseeing economic development and social issues voted Wednesday to give nine human rights and minority groups the right to raise concerns and participate in its discussions. Madeleine Sinclair, co-director of the International Service for Human Rights’ New York office, said ECOSOC members “must ensure the NGO committee finally fulfils its mandate and that its members stop arbitrarily denying civil society groups access to the U.N. for political reasons.” Read the full story here.
See also: the articles in the Washington Post, The Star Tribune, Business Standard and Yahoo News.
UN ECOSOC grants accreditation to 9 NGOs amid objections from several nations
The Print, 8 December 2022
The UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has voted to grant special consultative status to nine non-governmental organisations, including one that advocates for Dalit human rights. According to the International Service for Human Rights, IDSN’s application was deferred for 15 years – a “record for blocking an organisation”. Read the full story here.
Climate activist Deanna Coco’s 15 month sentence is “outrageous” and “alarming”
Women’s Agenda, 6 December 2022
Reactions have been swift and severe after environmental protester Deanna Coco was sentenced to 15 months prison last week for her actions on the Sydney Harbour Bridge in April, when she blocked a lane of traffic with a hired truck as part of the Fireproof Australia movement. Director of the International Service for Human Rights, Phil Lynch, told the Guardian that peaceful protest was a fundamental human right. Read the full story here.
Un comité de l’ONU demande à la France de poursuivre les policiers qui ont cyberharcelé Assa Traoré
BFMTV, 3 December 2022
Dès le 24 novembre, l’ONG International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) avait alerté le représentant permanent de la France aux Nations unies à Genève, Jérôme Bonnafont, l’appelant à protéger Assa Traoré de tout acte d’”intimation et de représailles”. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
UN Committee Asks France To Prosecute Police Officers Responsible For Online Intimidation Against Assa Traoré
Globe Echo, 3 December 2022
The CERD spoke out on the personal case of Assa Traoré, the sister of Adama Traoré, a young man who died in 2016 after his arrest by the gendarmes. Assa Traoré has become a figure in the denunciation of police violence. Having come to Geneva on November 15 to be heard by CERD experts, like a host of representatives of civil society, ministries or independent authorities, she was subsequently the subject of many “messages of intimidation and threats” on line. The CERD asks France to prosecute in particular the police officers who are the authors of these defamatory messages and threats on Twitter. Read the full story here.
Un comité de l’ONU demande à la France qu’elle poursuive des policiers auteurs d’intimidations en ligne contre Assa Traoré
Le Monde, 3 December 2022
La sœur d’Adama Traoré, mort en 2016 après son interpellation par des gendarmes, est venue témoigner à Genève, le 15 novembre, devant le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale (CERD). Elle a été la cible, ensuite, de nombreux messages diffamatoires et menaçants. L’ONG International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) a alerté l’ambassadeur de France, Jérôme Bonnafont, auprès de l’ONU, dès le 24 novembre. Dans un courrier dont Le Monde a pris connaissance, elle enjoint à la France de protéger Assa Traoré de tout acte d’« intimation et de représailles ». Lisez la suite de l’article ici ($).
UN official ‘alarmed’ by jailing of climate activist who blocked traffic on Sydney Harbour Bridge
The Guardian, 3 December 2022
Human rights groups around the world express outrage over ‘disproportionate’ punishment peaceful Australian climate protester Deanna ‘Violet’ Coco. From Geneva, Phil Lynch, the director of the International Service for Human Rights, said peaceful protest was a fundamental human right. Read the full story here.
Un comité de l’ONU défend Assa Traoré face à des syndicats policiers
Mediapart, 2 December 2022
La sœur d’Adama Traoré a été la cible de messages virulents de la part de syndicats de policiers après avoir été auditionnée par le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale des Nations unies. Ce dernier demande au gouvernement d’ouvrir des procédures, si nécessaire pénales, contre les auteurs. Lisez la suite de l’article ici ($).
Deutsche Welle, 25 November 2022
联合国一个委员会24日发布声明,敦促中国政府立即释放被关押在新疆拘留设施中的人士,并向受害者提供补救跟赔偿。专家认为,此举将进一步在相关议题上向中国施压。 长期关注联合国人权发展的“国际人权服务社”亚洲项目经理戴海彦(Raphael David)在推特上指出,联合国委员会的突破性决定,迫使国际社会在联合国加强行动,监督和报告中国的侵权行为。他写道:“它再次表明,中国政府对维吾尔人的迫害,不是一个政治问题,而是一个有据可查的严重侵犯权利的问题。” Read the full story here.
Africa: Countries Hiding Responses Sent to UN Experts Over Allegations of Human Rights Abuses
All Africa, 25 November 2022
Human rights defenders are alarmed at what appears to be a new process permitting countries to keep confidential their responses to UN experts about allegations of human rights abuses. There should be a space for human rights experts and countries to have private conversations about allegations, says Sarah M. Brooks, Programme Director for the organization International Service for Human Rights. See the full story here.
See also: the article on Inter Press Service.
Rights Bodies Demand ‘Immediate, Unconditional Release’ of Jailed Kashmir Activist Khurram Parvez
The Wire, 22 November 2022
A number of national and global human rights and civil society organisations have demanded India to ‘immediately and unconditionally release’ Kashmiri human rights defender Khurram Parvez, who has been under arrest for a year under several sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) and the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA). Read the full article here.
Prisioneiro político egípcio faz greve de fome e corre risco de morrer durante a COP27
Globo, 7 November 2022
Segundo Alaa Abdel Fattah, sua decisão foi tomada “em um momento que considero oportuno para minha luta pela liberdade (…) e pelas vítimas de um regime incapaz de lidar com suas crises, exceto com opressão”. Para Salma el-Hosseiny, da ONG Serviço Internacional para os Direitos Humanos, os representantes dos países que chegam ao Egito devem usar todo o seu prestígio para pedir a libertação do ativista. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
Droits de l’Homme : Rencontres au sommet à Banjul en Gambie
Maliweb.net, 21 October 2022
Le Centre africain des Etudes sur la Démocratie et les Droits de l’homme (ACDHRS) organise à Banjul, dans la capitale gambienne, un renforcement des capacités des acteurs de la société civile des défenseurs de droits humains. Cette session annuelle est organisée en partenariat avec la Commission africaine des Droits des Peuples, (CADHP), Open society foundations, le Service international pour les droits de l’Homme (ISHR) et le Haut-commissariat des Nations-Unies aux Droits de l’Homme. Lire la suite de l’article ici.
Human Rights Council vote on China reflects shift in power
Swissinfo, 20 October 2022
Despite the efforts of Western countries and NGOs, the UN body responsible for protecting human rights everywhere refused to discuss the situation in China’s Xinjiang. “The council is as good as its members, and its membership changes every year,” says ISHR’s Raphaël Viana David. “Being two votes away in the context of the Council is not that much,” he adds. Read the full story here.
Venezuela perde assento no Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU
Swissinfo / AFP, 11 October 2022
“A Venezuela tem sido um aliado constante, tanto da China quanto da Rússia neste conselho”, disse à AFP Tess McEvoy, da ONG International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Leia o artigo completo aqui.
Venesuela prarado savo vietą JT Žmogaus teisių taryboje
LRT.lt / Baltic News Service / AFP, 11 October 2022
Kinija ir Rusija neteko patikimos sąjungininkės Jungtinių Tautų Žmogaus teisių taryboje, Venesuelai, kaltinamai rimtais pažeidimais, antradienį nesugebėjus išsaugoti savo vietos. Nauji tarybos nariai, turintys „tvirtesnį ir principingesnį požiūrį“ į žmogaus teisių krizes, gali „labai padidinti“ būsimos iniciatyvos Kinijos klausimu pasisekimo tikimybę, sakė Raphaelis Viana Davidas iš žmogaus teisių organizacijos „International Service for Human Rights“ (ISHR). Read the full story here.
See also: the article on Alfa TV.
Le Venezuela perd sa place au Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU
La Presse / AFP, 11 October 2022
« Le Venezuela a été un allié constant de la Chine et de la Russie au Conseil – ce qu’il a confirmé une fois de plus la semaine dernière, en s’opposant à la fois à la tenue d’un simple débat sur le rapport du Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme sur le Xinjiang et au vote […], demandant un rapporteur spécial pour la situation en Russie », a rappelé auprès de l’AFP Tess McEvoy de l’organisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Lire la suite de l’article ici.
Venezuela quedó afuera del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU
Clarín / AFP, 11 October 2022
Había dos vacantes y las obtuvieron Chile, con 144 votos, y Costa Rica, con 134. Caracas quería ser reelecto pero solo obtuvo 88 sufragios. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Venezuela perdió su asiento en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU
El Espectador / AFP, 11 October 2022
Dentro del órgano de Naciones Unidas, tres países de América Latina se presentaron a la votación por los escaños y en el proceso, que fue secreto y sin discursos, Chile obtuvo 144 votos, Costa Rica 134 y Venezuela 88. “Venezuela ha sido un aliado constante tanto de China como de Rusia en este Consejo, un hecho que se confirmó una vez más la semana pasada cuando se opuso a un simple debate sobre el informe del Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos sobre Xinjiang”, explicó Tess McEvoy, miembro de la oenegé International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Vease también los artículos de France 24 y del Diario las Américas.
Venezuela Fails In Bid To Renew UN Rights Council Seat
Barron’s / AFP, 11 October 2022
China and Russia will lose a trusted ally in the UN Human Rights Council after Venezuela, which stands accused of serious violations, failed Tuesday to renew its seat. New council members with a “more robust and principled approach” to human rights crises could “greatly increase” the chances of a future initiative on China succeeding, said Raphael Viana David of the International Service for Human Rights. Read the full article here.
Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU: México se aleja de sus socios y vecinos
Proceso, 9 October 2022
“Es profundamente decepcionante que México, un país que siempre apoya un diálogo constructive hasta en las situaciones más complicadas, no haya sido capaz de simplemente apoyar un mero debate en la ONU sobre posibles crímenes de lesa humanidad en Xinjiang”, dice Raphael Viana, portavoz del International Service for Humam Rights. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
UN Rights Vote Pyrrhic Victory For China, Say Campaigners
Barron’s / AFP, 8 October 2022
The UN Human Rights Council damaged its credibility by dodging a discussion on Xinjiang, experts say, but campaigners brand it a Pyrrhic victory for China with Beijing’s impunity finally dented. Phil Lynch, executive director of the International Service for Human Rights NGO, suggested China had secured only a Pyrrhic victory: a win that comes with losses resembling a defeat. Read the full article here.
See also: the article on Arab News.
A l’ONU, Pékin pourrait bien avoir emporté une victoire à la Pyrrhus
Le Journal de Québec / AFP, 8 October 2022
Phil Lynch, qui est directeur général de l’ONG International Service for Human Rights, y voit une victoire à la Pyrrhus pour Pékin: une victoire qui a un tel coût qu’elle s’apparente à une défaite. Il en veut pour preuve le score très serré. «Nous n’avons pas remporté le vote, mais la marge étroite donne vraiment le sentiment que c’est une cause que nous devons défendre et que la Chine ne peut pas continuer à bénéficier de l’impunité face aux crimes contre l’humanité», a-t-il expliqué. Lire la suite de l’article ici.
UN agency appoints Special Rapporteur to investigate human rights violations in Russia
Meduza, 7 October 2022
The UN Human Rights Council has voted to establish a Special Rapporteur to monitor and assess human rights abuses in Russia. “The criminalization of protest, the imprisonment of human rights defenders, the silencing of the free press, and the massive propagation of disinformation are all factors which have enabled Putin to perpetrate his war of aggression in Ukraine,” International Service for Human Rights Executive Director Phil Lynch said. Read the full article here.
U.N. Human Rights Council votes to appoint investigator to monitor Russia
UPI, 7 October 2022
The vote, which comes amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, marks the first time that such monitoring has been mandated on a permanent member of the U.N. Security Council, according to the International Service for Human Rights. “With this vote, Council members have pledged their support to Russian civilians and civil society groups as they are under attack from an increasingly violent and totalitarian state,” said Phil Lynch, executive director of the ISHR, in a statement. Read the full story here.
China calls Xinjiang vote at UN Human Rights Council a win against US ‘coercion’
South China Morning Post, 7 October 2022
After defeating a bid to debate China’s alleged abuses in Xinjiang, Beijing says developing countries are ‘clearly aware’ of Western motives. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights, called the voting record “shameful” on Twitter, and singled out Ukraine’s vote. Read the full story here ($).
U.N. Human Rights Council Declines Debate on Xinjiang Report
China Digital Times, 7 October 2022
On Thursday, the U.N. Human Rights Council voted against a motion to debate the human rights situation in Xinjiang. Sarah Brooks, ISHR Programme Director: “No government has a perfect record of sticking to principle when voting on UN resolutions. Yet, this resolution was a crucial test of the credibility of the Human Rights Council as a whole and, particularly, its ability to respond to atrocity crimes even at the hands of the most powerful governments.” Read the full article here.
Human Rights Groups, China Voice Strong, Opposing Reactions to UN Vote
Voice of America (VOA), 7 October 2022
Beijing highlighted the failure of a push by the United States and some Western countries to debate China’s human rights record in Xinjiang at next year’s U.N. Human Rights Council. Uyghur rights groups voiced strong disappointment. Read the full story here.
U.N. body rejects debate on China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims in blow to West
Reuters, 7 October 2022
The U.N. rights council on Thursday voted down a Western-led motion to hold a debate about alleged human rights abuses by China against Uyghurs and other Muslims in Xinjiang in a victory for Beijing as it seeks to avoid further scrutiny. Qatar, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates and Pakistan rejected the motion, with the latter citing the risk of alienating China. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights, called the voting record “shameful” on Twitter. Read the full story here.
See also: the articles on CNN, Swissinfo and on the East Coast Daily English.
Droits de l’homme : Pékin s’offre une victoire diplomatique face à Washington
Le Journal de Montréal / AFP, 6 October 2022
Le directeur exécutif de l’organisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Phil Lynch, a jugé «honteux» le vote des pays musulmans et africains. Lire la suite de l’article ici.
UN Human Rights Council rejects debate on Xinjiang
France 24 / AFP, 6 October 2022
The UN Human Rights Council on Thursday voted against holding a debate on alleged widespread abuses in China’s Xinjiang region after intense lobbying by Beijing, in a major setback for Western nations. The International Service for Human Rights’ China advocate Raphael Viana David said: “Council members sent today a dreadful message: China remains so far untouchable.” Read the full story here.
See also: the articles on the Manila Times, the Manila Bulletin and on The Australian($).
Com abstenção do Brasil, China vence votação na ONU e impede debate sobre violação de direitos humanos
Globo, 6 October 2022
Infelizmente o sistema não passou nesse teste de credibilidade — afirmou ao GLOBO Raphaël Viana David, da organização The International Service for Human Rights, que monitorou a votação. — Infelizmente, a mensagem da maioria dos 47 membros que votaram é que o diálogo claro é um pilar fundamental do multilateralismo, mas isso não se aplica à China. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
Human Rights Council shuts down China debate proposal in close vote
Geneva Solutions, 6 October 2022
“It is shameful that global south governments who profess their commitment to dialogue, Muslim countries supposedly committed to religious rights and freedoms, and African governments who purport to oppose systemic discrimination have overwhelmingly failed to even support a UN discussion on rights abuses against Uyghurs,” said Phil Lynch, executive director for the International Service of Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full article here.
UN rights council blocks debate on China’s abuses in Xinjiang
Financial Times, 6 October 2022
Raphaël Viana David of the International Service for Human Rights said: “While, in recent years, the council has been able to scrutinise international crimes in Palestine, Ukraine or Myanmar, and to investigate systemic racism and police violence in the United States, council members sent today a dreadful message: China remains so far untouchable.” Read the full article here.
Brasil se abstém, e ONU rejeita debate sobre repressão a uigures na China
Folha de S. Paulo, 6 October 2022
Para Raphael Viana David, responsável por advocacy para China e América Latina no International Service for Human Rights, que acompanhou a votação, a abstenção brasileira enfraquece a posição do país como promotor de diálogo no cenário internacional. “O Itamaraty indica com isso que se pode conversar sobre direitos humanos em qualquer país, menos na China”, diz à Folha. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
China debate hangs in the balance as states prepare to vote at UN rights body
Geneva Solutions, 6 October 2022
An initiative to scrutinise China’s human rights record faces an uncertain future at the Human Rights Council today as countries prepare for a tight vote. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) tweeted: “This vote is a big test of principle, including for OIC states who purport to protect Muslims and religious rights, African states who profess to oppose systemic discrimination, and all states who express their commitment to dialogue.” Read the full article here.
Bahrain pulls out of U.N. human rights body election after criticism
Reuters, 4 October 2022
Bahrain will no longer run in an election to the U.N.’s top human rights body later this month, a U.N. website showed, after critics drew attention to alleged human rights violations. A U.N. site showed that Bahrain withdrew its candidacy on Sept. 26 to run for a three-year seat at the Geneva-based body, without giving details. A scorecard published by the International Service for Human Rights gave Bahrain a green tick for just three of 16 criteria, one of the lowest scores among candidate countries. Read the full story here.
Com ditaduras, Brasil se opõe na ONU a debater direitos humanos na China
UOL, 29 September 2022
O governo de Jair Bolsonaro se mostrou contrário à proposta de europeus e americanos de colocar na agenda da ONU um debate sobre as acusações de violações de direitos humanos na China. “O Brasil, como membro do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, está frente à uma escolha simples: apoiar ou não um diálogo, para que todos os governos, China incluída, possam expressar suas opiniões”, afirmou Raphael Viana, da entidade International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Leia o artigo completo aqui.
Renovación del mandato a Misión de la ONU gana terreno tras presentar tercer informe ante el Consejo de DDHH
Cronica.uno, 26 September 2022
Organizaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos y delegaciones tomaron la palabra este lunes en el Diálogo Interactivo del Consejo de DD. HH. en apoyo al trabajo de la Misión de Determinación de Hechos y para condenar las violaciones de los derechos humanos en Venezuela. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Volker Türk appointed top UN human rights chief
The Lancet, 24 September 2022
Philip Lynch, Director at the International Service for Human Rights, told The Lancet that “it is imperative that the new High Commissioner adopt a strong, public, and principled approach which condemns violations, demands accountability, and shows solidarity with victims”. Read the full article here. Download a copy of the article here.
La ONU aporta pruebas de crímenes contra la humanidad que apuntan al gobierno venezolano
Perfil, 22 September 2022
Los indicios de genocidio en la crisis de derechos humanos durante el gobierno de Nicolás Maduro y su “álter ego” Diosdado Cabello, en Venezuela, recolectados por expertos de la ONU desde el 2014 a la fecha. Eleanor Openshaw, del Servicio Internacional de Derechos Humanos (SIDH), en Ginebra, estimó que el informe “es una condena irrefutable al régimen de Maduro y de sus servicios de seguridad.” Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
‘We’re ready for the fight’: China ramps up response to Xinjiang report as pressure mounts on Human Rights Council
Geneva Solutions, 22 September 2022
Raphael Viana David, Asia programme manager for the International Service of Human Rights (ISHR), said that the visit of a Xinjiang delegation is “a part of China’s wide range of tactics to demonstrate diplomatic support for their own position and to coerce their diplomatic allies into showing support”. Read the full article here.
The Uyghur world leader asked the UN for a resolution to stop the abuses of the Chinese regime
The Gal Times / Agencia EFE, 20 September 2022
The president of the World Uyghur Congress, Dolkun Isa, assured this Monday at the European headquarters of the UN that this organization “no longer has excuses” to remain inoperative in the face of the abuses of the Chinese regime. “It is time to act and leave empty promises, people continue to suffer and it is disappointing that there is no urgent debate here on the Uyghur issue” , Isa said at a ceremony held on the sidelines of the UN Human Rights Council by the NGO International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full article here.
Líder uigur en el exilio pide a la ONU una resolución contra abusos de China
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 19 September 2022
“Es tiempo de actuar y de dejar las promesas vacías, la gente sigue sufriendo y es decepcionante que no haya aquí un debate urgente sobre la cuestión uigur”, señaló Isa en un acto celebrado en los márgenes del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU por la ONG Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos (ISHR). Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Recrudecen ataques a defensores de DDHH en Venezuela, según ONG
RunRun·es, 19 September 2022
La ONG Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia (CDJ) informó este 19 de septiembre que en Venezuela se registraron 27 ataques e incidentes de seguridad contra defensores de derechos humanos (DDHH) en agosto. Aunque se trata de 46 % menos que en julio, señala la organización, se trata de «agresiones más violentas». El Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos (ISHR, por sus siglas en inglés), instó este martes, 30 de agosto, a mantener el foco sobre los DDHH en Venezuela. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
West weighs calling for China Uyghur abuses inquiry at UN
The Guardian, 19 September 2022
Western powers are weighing the risk of a potential defeat if they table a resolution at the UN Human Rights Council calling for an independent commission to investigate alleged human rights abuses by China in Xinjiang. Sarah M Brooks, a programme director for the Geneva-based International Service for Human Rights warned: “A failure by the UN even to try to do something on this issue would be far worse than trying and failing.” Read the full story here.
U.N. Xinjiang report reaps Chinese reprisal
Politico, 15 September 2022
Beijing’s anger could threaten Chinese funding for UNHCR projects including research on issues related to indigenous persons, social inequalities and racial discrimination. “Those are mandates that are doing incredible work on a global scale, and would potentially suffer from a Chinese decision to throw a hissy fit and take their money and walk away,” said Sarah Brooks, program director at ISHR. Read the full story here.
ONU cita a 42 estados por represalias contra defensores de derechos humanos
Crónica, 14 September 2022
El 14 de septiembre de 2021, el Secretario General de la ONU publicó su informe anual sobre represalias e intimidación contra individuos y grupos que buscan cooperar con la ONU en materia de derechos humanos. “Otra vez, el informe del secretario general es terrible y la situación no muestra signos de mejorar”, dijo Madeleine Sinclair, codirectora de la oficina de Nueva York y asesora legal de ISHR. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
China Criticizes UN Report On Alleged Xinjiang Human Rights Abuse, Rallies Support
Business Times, 14 September 2022
China criticized a report released by the UN office for human rights on alleged abuses in Xinjiang. A statement had been read by a Chinese envoy calling out the UN body, and claiming that around 20 other countries had expressed support to Beijing. Read the full story here.
China rallies support over Xinjiang report at U.N. rights meeting
Reuters, 13 September 2022
Democracies are now mulling a possible historic motion against China including a possible investigative mechanism at an ongoing meeting of the Geneva council as a result, diplomats told Reuters. “The U.N. report has made it hard for many countries, in particular Muslim ones, to stay silent…” said Raphael Viana David from the International Service for Human Rights, Read the full story here.
See also the article on The Standard (Hong Kong).
Sudanese minister tells woman during visit to Australia ‘we would beat you until you begged us to stop’
ABC, 9 September 2022
Sudanese-Australian activist Nazik Osman has called for a senior Sudanese government minister to be banned from Australia after he allegedly threatened her during a visit to Perth for a mining conference. The International Service for Human Rights said in March that Sudanese security forces had used “rape and sexual violence as a weapon to silence women protesters”. Read the full article here.
L’Autrichien Volker Türk nommé chef des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU
Ouest-France, 9 September 2022
Ancien haut-commissaire de l’ONU pour les réfugiés, l’Autrichien Volker Türk a été nommé ce jeudi 8 septembre 2022 haut-commissaire des droits de l’Homme. Il succède à l’ancienne présidente chilienne Michelle Bachelet à ce poste sensible et observé. « Le secrétaire général a manqué une occasion clé de construire la légitimité et l’autorité du prochain Haut-Commissaire », a commenté le directeur exécutif de l’organisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Phil Lynch. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
Šaltiniai: į JT žmogaus teisių vadovo postą A.Guterresas siūlys V.Turko kandidatūrą
15min.lt / Baltic News Service (BNS), 8 September 2022
Jungtinių Tautų generalinis sekretorius Antonio Guterresas vyriausiuoju žmogaus teisių komisaru siūlys paskirti savo kolegą Volkerį Turką iš Austrijos, ketvirtadienį pranešė diplomatai ir teisių gynimo grupės. ISHR vadovas Philas Lynchas įspėjo, kad toks skaidrumo ir konsultacijų trūkumas gali brangiai atsieiti. „Generalinis sekretorius praleido svarbią galimybę sustiprinti kito vyriausiojo komisaro legitimumą ir autoritetą“, – sakė jis. Read the full story here.
L’Autrichien Volker Türk, nouveau chef des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU
Courrier International / AFP, 8 September 2022
L’Autrichien Volker Türk, proche collaborateur du secrétaire général des Nations unies, a été nommé jeudi Haut-Commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’Homme. “Le secrétaire général a manqué une occasion-clé de construire la légitimité et l’autorité du prochain Haut-Commissaire”, a commenté le directeur exécutif de l’organisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Phil Lynch. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
Voir également: les articles parus dans Médiapart et 20 Minutes (France).
Volker Türk va-t-il coiffer au poteau Adama Dieng?
Seneplus, 8 September 2022
Toutefois, le choix de Türk n’a pas manqué de faire grincer des dents. Pour preuve, Phil Lynch, directeur exécutif du Service international pour les droits de l’homme, a déclaré dans Swissinfo que la sélection de Turk avait manqué de transparence et de consultation avec la société civile indépendante. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
ONU: Antonio Guterres propose son adjoint pour succéder à Michelle Bachelet
Le Temps, 8 September 2022
Plusieurs ONG dénoncent un «processus opaque» et rappellent que pour toutes les nominations précédentes, le candidat recommandé par le Secrétaire général a été approuvé par consensus, sans vote. «Pour répondre aux exigences du poste, le prochain Haut-Commissaire doit être un champion des droits de l’Homme, courageux et doté de principes, qui s’engage de manière cohérente avec les défenseurs des droits de l’Homme» a déclaré Sarah Brooks, directrice de programme à l’International Service for Human Rights. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
Volker Türk pressenti pour succéder à Michelle Bachelet
Le Matin / AFP, 8 September 2022
L’Autrichien devrait être nommé Haut-Commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme selon un processus qui ne fait pas l’unanimité. Le directeur exécutif de l’ISHR, Phil Lynch, a averti que le manque de transparence et de consultations aurait des retombées. Lisez la suite de l’article ici
Guterres nominates Austrian Volker Turk to be next High Commissioner for Human Rights
Armenia News, 8 September 2022
Phil Lynch, executive director of the International Service for Human Rights, said there was a lack of transparency and consultation with independent civil society in Turk’s selection. Read the full article here.
UN taps Austrian as next rights chief
Bangkok Post / AFP, 8 September 2022
Guterres’s choice of a figure unknown to the wider public stands in contrast to his appointment of the high-profile Bachelet, who ended her tenure last week. But “in all previous appointments, the secretary general’s recommended candidate has been approved by consensus,” the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) pointed out in a statement. Read the full article here.
See also the aritcles by France 24, RFI and Free Malaysia Today.
UN Chief Antonio Guterres Taps Volker Turk As Next Rights Chief: Report
Ndtv, 8 September 2022
A week after Michelle Bachelet stepped down at the end of her four-year term as rights chief, the UN has yet to officially announce who will replace her. ISHR director Phil Lynch warned that this lack of transparency and consultation could come at a price. “The secretary general missed a key opportunity to build the legitimacy and authority of the next high commissioner,” he said. Read the full story here.
Austria’s Turk appointed U.N. human rights chief
Reuters, 8 September 2022
The United Nations General Assembly on Thursday approved the appointment of Austria’s Volker Turk as the next U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights. Phil Lynch, executive director of the International Service for Human Rights, said Turk’s selection had lacked transparency and consultation with independent civil society. Read the full story here.
See also the articles by Al Jazeera and Voice of America.
La ONU aprobó la designación del austriaco Volker Turk como Alto Comisionado de Derechos Humanos
Infobae, 8 September 2022
Los grupos defensores de derechos humanos han estado pidiendo que el próximo Alto Comisionado de DDHH tenga el valor suficiente para enfrentarse incluso a los países más poderosos y denunciar las violaciones. “Lo que está en juego nunca ha sido tan importante”, dijo la directora del programa del International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Sarah Brooks. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
El austriaco Volker Turk podría ser el nuevo Alto Comisionado de la ONU para Derechos Humanos
Proceso, 8 September 2022
Se espera que esta tarde el Secretario General de la ONU António Guterres lo proponga en la Asamblea General en Nueva York y sea aprobado su nombramiento. ‘La falta de transparencia y de consulta significativa con la sociedad civil independiente en el proceso de selección significa que el Secretario General ha perdido una oportunidad clave para fortalecer la legitimidad y autoridad del próximo Alto Comisionado’, dijo el Director Ejecutivo de International Services for Human Rights (ISHR), Phil Lynch. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Vease también los artículos de Swissinfo / AFP, EVTV, El Financiero, El Nacional y Yahoo News.
ONG denuncia opacidad en posible nombramiento de Turk como jefe d.humanos ONU
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 8 September 2022
La ONG Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos (ISHR) reveló hoy que el austriaco Volker Turk podría hoy ser nombrado alto comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, aunque denunció que esa posible designación ha seguido un proceso “opaco” en el que no ha habido consenso. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Unterdrückung der Uiguren – Menschenrechtler fordern Sanktionen
IslamiQ, 3 September 2022
Der aktuelle UN-Bericht verdeutlicht Menschenrechtsverletzungen gegen die Uiguren. Für Menschenrechtsorganisationen soll das Verhalten Chinas endlich Konsequenzen haben. Read the full story here.
聯合國發布新疆報告 美英說話了
China Times/中國時報, 2 September 2022
不過,巴舍萊在卸任前發布這份報告,並未滿足人權運動和批評人士,尤其是報告對於「種族滅絕」隻字未提。國際人權服務社(ISHR)專案主任布魯克斯認為:「在任期最後幾分鐘發布這麼重要的報告,她只履行了最低限度的職責。」Read the full article here (中文).
Calls for accountability mount after UN China report
Swissinfo, 2 September 2022
Voices in Geneva and elsewhere are demanding follow up after the release of a long-awaited report on Xinjiang. ISHR called on the Human Rights Council to hold a formal discussion on China’s human rights crisis, not only Xinjiang but also Tibet, Hong Kong, and the persecution of human rights defenders. “Council members should also initiate and support efforts to establish an independent international mechanism to monitor and report on the human rights situation in China,” it said. Read the full article here.
Menschenrechtler loben Xinjiang-Bericht der Vereinten Nationen
Handelsblatt / Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA), 1 September 2022
Menschenrechtsorganisationen haben den nach monatelanger Verzögerung veröffentlichten Bericht des UN-Menschenrechtsbüros über das Vorgehen Chinas gegen Minderheiten in der Region Xinjiang gelobt. Auch die Menschenrechtsorganisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) forderte Konsequenzen. “Dieser Bericht ist ein entscheidender Schritt auf dem Weg zur Rechenschaft über Rechtsverletzungen an Uiguren und türkischen Muslimen in China”, teilte Exekutivdirektor Phil Lynch mit. Read the full story here.
ONG celebran informe de la ONU sobre China aunque afirman que Bachelet “jugó un juego peligroso”
El Mercurio On-Line (EMOL), 1 September 2022
Las ONG de derechos humanos Human Rights Watch (HRW) y Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos (ISHR) celebraron este jueves la publicación tras muchos retrasos del informe que denuncia graves abusos de China en su región de Xinjiang, y pidieron aumentar la presión internacional tras este paso “histórico”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
UN: Anzeichen für Verbrechen gegen Menschlichkeit in China
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / Deutsche Presse-Agentur (DPA), 1 September 2022
In einem seit langem erwarteten Bericht zur Lage in der chinesischen Region Xinjiang sieht das UN-Menschenrechtsbüro Anzeichen für Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit. «Dieser Bericht ist ein entscheidender Schritt auf dem Weg zur Rechenschaft über Rechtsverletzungen an Uiguren und türkischen Muslimen in China», teilte ISHRs Exekutivdirektor Phil Lynch mit. Read the full story here.
See also: the article on the Kölner Stadt Anzeiger (in German).
ONG piden a comunidad internacional que aumente presión a China tras informe
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 1 September 2022
ISHR criticó que Michelle Bahcelet esperara hasta los últimos minutos de su mandato para la salida a la luz del informe. “Su publicación se produce tras un caótico proceso que fue mal manejado por la alta comisionada Bachelet”, aseguró la organización, recordando que la oficina que ayer dejó de dirigir la política chilena aseguró hace casi un año que estaba “finalizando” el documento. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
UN’s Bachelet releases report on Xinjiang, citing possible crimes against humanity
Geneva Solutions, 1 September 2022
The outgoing UN rights chief published the long-awaited report 13 minutes to midnight on 31 August. While welcoming the “historic” report, NGOs were not so quick to forget Bachelet’s questionable decision to hold off its publication in exchange for a visit to Xinjiang. “The High Commissioner took a dangerous gamble. She seemingly believes that constructive dialogue with China can be more effective than public criticism of policies that violate human rights in Xinjiang and elsewhere,” said ISHR’s Sarah Brooks. Read the full story here.
Xinjiang-Bericht: China wirft Westen Manipulation und Lügen vor
Nau.ch / Keystone-SDA/Keystone-ATS, 1 September 2022
Die Menschenrechtsorganisation International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) forderte Konsequenzen. «Dieser Bericht ist ein entscheidender Schritt auf dem Weg zur Rechenschaft über Rechtsverletzungen an Uiguren und türkischen Muslimen in China», teilte Exekutivdirektor Phil Lynch mit. Das Verhalten Chinas dürfe nicht weiter geduldet werden, meinte ISHR-Programmdirektorin Sarah Brooks. Read the full story here.
China acusa ONU de ser cúmplice do Ocidente ao publicar relatório sobre Xinjiang
CNN Portugal, 1 September 2022
No documento, o organismo da ONU menciona possíveis “crimes contra a humanidade” cometidos contra a minoria muçulmana uigur, nativa da província situada no noroeste da China, e membros de outros grupos étnicos. A publicação do relatório foi considerada um passo histórico pelas organizações não-governamentais Human Rights Watch (HRW) e International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), que apelaram para maior pressão internacional sobre Pequim. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
联合国发布新疆报告 称中国恐犯下反人类罪
Deutsche Welle, 1 September 2022
在等待近一年后,联合国人权高专办公室31日发布一份关于新疆人权情况的报告,表示中国对新疆维吾尔人实施酷刑的指控是可信的,而相关行为可能已构成反人类罪。中国则坚决反对报告结果。国际人权服务社的维亚纳·戴维(Viana David)表示,下一个重要步骤是让联合国人权理事会的各国形成协调一致的多边应对措施。 他向德国之声表示:“由于人权理事会将在一周多后开始下届会议,理事会的外交机构应该协调一致做出强烈反应,包括公开谴责以及重申报告中的建议和调查结果。” Read the full story here (中文)
Uyghur community slams UN’s China report as too little, too late
Deutsche Welle, 1 September 2022
While for some it represents a “game changer,” for others the long-awaited report [on the human rights situation in Xinjiang] is insufficient. “The post of the high commissioner for human rights requires you to be a champion of human rights beyond states. You are not a mediator between governments, which is a role that she has been assuming in this situation,” said ISHR’s Raphaël Viana David. Read the full story here.
This article is also available in Spanish and Indonesian.
U.N. Says China May Have Committed ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ in Xinjiang
New York Times, 31 August 2022
The organization’s human rights office delivered its much-delayed report minutes before Michelle Bachelet, the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, was to leave office. “By releasing this crucial report with just minutes left on her mandate, she has only done the bare minimum,” said ISHR’s Sarah M. Brooks.”We must now push for her office, her successor and states to ensure survivors get answers and perpetrators face accountability.” Read the full story here.
This article is also available in Chinese (中文).
ONU vê possível crime contra a humanidade em ação da China com uigures
Folha de S. Paulo, 31 August 2022
É incerto, porém, o impacto que [o relatório] terá para remediar críticas recentes a [Michelle Bachelet]. “Seu principal legado é e continuará a ser o fracaso em tomar medidas claras e necessárias sobre essa crise, particularmente na forma como atrasou a publicaçao do relatório sobre Xinjiang”, diz a Folha Raphaël Viana David. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
UN rights chief’s tenure ends in disappointment for China activists
Reuters, 31 August 2022
“I wish for them to replace her with an officer with a more clear position with China. The UN can really do much more,” Luo Shengchun, the wife of jailed Chinese rights lawyer Ding Jiaxi, told Reuters, commenting on Michelle Bachelet’s failure, so far, to issue a report on Beijing’s record and its crackdown in its western region of Xinjiang underscores the need for a more outspoken successor. Read the full story here.
ISHR pide mantener foco sobre DDHH en Venezuela: “No es momento de reducir la misión de la ONU”
Runrun.es, 30 August 2022
En un texto firmado por Eleanor Openshaw, se recordó que la Misión de las Naciones Unidas ha trabajado energéticamente con “vistas a garantizar la plena rendición de cuentas de los autores y la justicia para las víctimas”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
The (long) wait continues for the UN’s human rights report on Xinjiang
Swissinfo, 26 August 2022
“My interpretation of the length of preparation of the report is that it was about making sure that every ‘t’ was crossed and every ‘i’ was dotted. And that takes time when you’re working in an organisation like the OHCHR,” said ISHR’s Sarah Brooks, commenting on the long delay in the publication of a much-awaited report on the human rights situation in China’s Uyghur region (Xinjiang). Read the full story here.
Cet article est également disponible en français.
As Bachelet takes a bow, what did the UN rights chief accomplish?
Geneva Solutions, 26 August 2022
The High Commissioner “failed to engage sufficiently with independent civil society or really show solidarity with victims. And instead she appeared to privilege access and friendly relations with governments over strong and principled public advocacy,” said ISHR’s Phil Lynch as he looked back on Michelle Bachelet’s tenur ahead of her last day in office, on 31 August 2022. Read the full story here.
UN human rights chief Michelle Bachelet ‘trying hard’ to publish Xinjiang report before leaving office but can’t offer guarantees
South China Morning Post, 25 August 2022
Bachelet, who visited China in May, says she has received ‘substantial input’ from Beijing, which will need to be carefully reviewed before publication. China is accused of extensive abuses against Uygurs and other mainly Muslim minority groups in the far-western region. Read the full story here ($).
ONG pedem prolongamento da Missão de Verificação dos Factos sobre a Venezuela
RTP Notícias / Lusa, 18 August 2022
Representantes de 125 organizações não-governamentais (ONG) venezuelanas e estrangeiras pediram ao Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU que prolongue o mandado da Missão Internacional Independente de Verificação dos Factos sobre a Venezuela. Leia o artigo completo aqui.
ONG exigen la renovación del mandato de la misión de la ONU para Venezuela
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 17 August 2022
Una coalición de 125 ONG venezolanas y de otros países exigieron este miércoles la renovación del mandato de la Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos de la ONU sobre Venezuela, creada por el Consejo de Derechos Humanos en 2019 para evaluar presuntas violaciones de los derechos humanos. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
A quelques jours de son départ, Michelle Bachelet sommée de publier un rapport sur le Xinjiang
Le Temps, 11 August 2022
Le document, prêt depuis août 2021, mais qui vient d’être complété par les remarques de Pékin, devrait être publié dans les jours à venir. «Un tel rapport apposerait le sceau de l’ONU à des constats déjà faits par plusieurs ONG, par des rapporteurs spéciaux et des comités onusiens », explique Raphaël Viana David. Lisez la suite de l’article ici ($).
Rights bodies condemn Sri Lanka’s violent crackdown on protesters
Lokmat Times / Asian News International (ANI), 6 August 2022
As many as 13 organisations – including ISHR – have condemned the Sri Lankan authorities’ violent crackdown and increasing reprisals against peaceful protesters in island country. Read the full story here.
After years of delay 6 rights groups get UN accreditation
Associated Press (AP), 22 July 2022
The six groups now join thousands of NGOs with consultative status at ECOSOC. Maithili Pai, Programme Officer at ISHR, said the vote could make clear that the NGO committee “cannot continue to be a vehicle for reprisals against civil society,” noting that applications for over 350 organizations are still being held up. Read the full story here.
See also: articles on the Toronto Star and on News-24 (in French).
China launches new bid for internet dominance
Politico, 21 July 2022
The Chinese mission in Geneva is pressuring the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, to bury a long-delayed report on human rights in Xinjiang. Sarah Brooks, program director at the International Service for Human Rights, noted “we need this report to ground a clear-eyed, informed conversation about violations against Uyghurs — and we need a High Commissioner who will stand by it and be an advocate for those affected”. Read the full story here.
China tells Bachelet not to publish Xinjiang report in ‘act of desperation’
Geneva Solutions, 20 July 2022
China has circulated a draft letter with diplomats asking UN high commissioner for human rights Michelle Bachelet not to publish her long-awaited report on human rights abuses in Xinjiang. “That China would want to quash the report is not news, but that it would get other governments to help them do so, is,” said ISHR’s Sarah Brooks. Read the full story here.
Ce qu’il faut pour être le ou la cheffe des droits humains à l’ONU
Swissinfo, 20 July 2022
Phil Lynch, directeur de l’ONG ISHR confirme le rôle important joué par La Haute-Commissaire Michelle Bachelet en matière de migration, de racisme systémique et de promotion de l’équité vaccinale dans le contexte du Covid. Il se montre toutefois critique sur son approche des situations où, selon lui, elle a un «manque de solidarité marqué avec les victimes et les défenseurs des droits humains, ainsi qu’une incapacité ou une impréparation lorsqu’il s’agit de contraindre un gouvernement puissant à rendre des comptes». Lire la suite de l’article ici.
Expertos en DD.HH. creen que visita a China “empañó” el legado de Bachelet como Alta Comisionada de la ONU
elmostrador, 17 July 2022
Expertos creen que la expresidenta asumió un rol muy activo en materias como migración, racismo y desigualdad, pero le cuestionan el que no haya sido más decidida en su condena respecto de las masivas violaciones a los derechos humanos en países como China. Phil Lynch, director de la ONG ISHR, cuestionó la disposición de la Alta Comisionada Michelle Bachelet a privilegiar “el diálogo amistoso” con gobiernos reconocidos en el mundo como violadores de los derechos humanos, en especial el caso de China. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
What it takes to be a UN human rights chief
Swissinfo, 13 July 2022
ISHR Executive Director Phil Lynch agrees that Michelle Bachelet played an important role on issues like climate change, poverty and inequality, migration, systemic racism and promoting vaccine equity in the context of Covid-19. But he is critical of her approach to country situations where he says she has “privileged friendly dialogue with governments over what we would say are the interests of a consistent, non-selective, principled approach to dealing with human rights crises”. Read the full story here.
U.N. Steps Up Efforts Against Anti-LGBTQ+ Violence and Discrimination
The Advocate, 8 July 2022
The United Nations Human Rights Council Thursday adopted four new resolutions, including one in which it extends the mandate of the independent expert on protection from violence and discrimination related to sexual orientation and gender identity for three years. Read the full story here.
Mnangagwa regime on UN radar over abuses
Bulawayo24, 3 July 2022
“There has been an alarming rise in police brutality with the context of the 2022 by-elections, peaceful protests and assembly of human rights activists, opposition leaders, and political activists are banned and criminalised through selective abuse of restrictive laws,” ISHR said in a statement during Zimbabwe’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR). Read the full story here.
A word of advice to the next High Commissioner for Human Rights: engage with UN human rights experts
OpenGlobalRights, 2 July 2022
The unexpected announcement by Michelle Bachelet that she would not seek a second term as High Commissioner for Human Rights on June 13 has kicked off a race to find a suitable replacement, writes ISHR’s Vinvent Ploton. Read the full article here.
Human Rights Council to hold urgent debate on women in Afghanistan
Geneva Solutions, 26 June 2022
The International Service for Human Rights, among several organisations, published a letter calling for an urgent debate on the situation of women and girls’ rights in Afghanistan. Read the full article here.
Relatora sobre Violencia contra las Mujeres de la ONU recordó al gobierno mexicano su obligación de hacer justicia al feminicidio
Primera Linea, 24 June 2022
Desde las oficinas del Servicio Internacional de Derechos Humanos, en Ginebra, Jarquín Edgar afirmó que, ante la falta de justicia en el país, hay que tender puentes internacionales duraderos para fortalecer la solidaridad y les pidió a todas quienes buscan justicia por el feminicidio de sus hijas que “no dejen de luchar”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Corte Interamericana decidirá sobre caso de persecución y vigilancia estatal en contra de defensores de derechos humanos
Infobae, 22 June 2022
La CIDH ha escuchado testimonios de seguimientos, amenazas e inteligencia ilegal contra miembros del colectivo CAJAR por parte del Estado colombiano. ISHR afirmó que “se trata de una oportunidad para determinar si el Estado debe informar a los ciudadanos sobre las actividades de seguimiento y establecer un control independiente para monitorear, prevenir y evitar que hayan acciones ilegales de inteligencia que lesionen los DDHH”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
ONG piden participar en selección de sucesor de la alta comisionada Bachelet
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 22 June 2022
Sesenta organizaciones civiles pidieron hoy en una carta abierta al secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, participar en la selección de un sucesor o sucesora de la alta comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los derechos humanos, Michelle Bachelet, y recomendaron que sea una figura “imparcial”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
NGOs urge UN to pick a ‘courageous’ rights chief
Malay Mail / AFP, 22 June 2022
More than 60 non-governmental organisations sent an open letter to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres about what they hoped to see in the next high commissioner for human rights. They appealed for the next UN rights chief to be appointed through a swift, open process, calling for a “courageous” nominee to stand up to powerful countries. Read the full story here.
UN human rights chief ‘not able to speak to’ any detained Uygurs or their families in Xinjiang
South China Morning Post, 15 June 2022
“Bachelet’s failed visit has enabled China and many allies to praise Beijing’s so-called engagement. To break from this polarisation, Bachelet needs to promptly release her Xinjiang report, and present it to the UN Human Rights Council. Forty-seven countries have called for this yesterday, the clock is ticking,” said ISHR’s Raphael Viana David after the High Commissioner said she couldn’t move freely through the Chinese region when she visited last month. Read the full story here.
Xinjiang: la digue onusienne face à Pékin a sauté
Le Temps, 14 June 2022
«Depuis 2018, la Chine a doublé ses efforts diplomatiques pour accroître son influence sur le CDH. Elle exerce désormais de fortes pressions sur les experts indépendants et le haut-commissariat», a commenté Raphaël Viana David, chargé du programme Asie auprès d’ISHR, s’exprimant sur les efforts de la Chine qui essaie d’imposer son narratif au Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU. Lire la suite de l’article ici ($).
Bachelet dejará de ser alta comisionada en grave momento para los D. Humanos
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 13 June 2022
La alta comisionada de la ONU para los derechos humanos, Michelle Bachelet, anunció que renuncia a presentarse a un nuevo mandato. “El puesto de alta comisionada requiere saber dialogar, pero también exigir rendición de cuentas de forma imparcial a todos los perpetradores, grande o pequeños. Bachelet ha fallado en hacerlo ante la crisis de derechos humanos en China”, dijo el director del Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos, Phil Lynch. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Bachelet pas candidate à un second mandat à l’ONU
Léman Bleu / ATS, 13 June 2022
La Haute commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme Michelle Bachelet ne briguera pas un second mandat. “Il faut garantir que le prochain Haut commissaire soit indépendant”, affirme le directeur exécutif du Service international pour les droits humains (ISHR), Phil Lynch. Lire la suite de l’article ici.
Voir également: l’article dans La Liberté.
Human Rights Council: Bachelet’s China trip, Ukraine, Afghanistan under the spotlight
Geneva Solutions, 12 June 2022
“A special rapporteur would enable the human rights situation in Russia itself to be the subject of monitoring and reporting, and in the context of the silencing and the criminalization of civil society, would provide a lifeline for embattled human rights defenders in the country,” ISHR executive director Phil Lynch said, looking at some of the major points to be discussed at the 50th session of the UN Human rights Council. Read the full story here.
Denuncian a Marruecos ante la ONU por tortura a activistas saharauis
Infobae / AFP, 10 June 2022
Las denuncias fueron preparadas por el Servicio Internacional de Derechos Humanos (ISHR), ACAT-Francia y la Liga para la Protección de Presos Políticos Saharauis en las Cárceles Marroquíes (LPPS). Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Sahara occidental : plaintes pour torture déposées contre le Maroc à l’ONU
Le Parisien, 10 June 2022
Quatre défenseurs sahraouis des droits humains ont été « gravement torturés », révèlent des ONG, dont ISHR dans quatre plaintes contre le Maroc, devant le Comité des Nations unies contre la torture. Ces plaintes « symbolisent l’espoir de reconnaître les tortures subies par ces derniers en violation des engagements internationaux du Maroc ». Lire la suite de l’article ici.
A voir également: les articles dans L’Orient le Jour, Algérie Presse Service, BFMTV, et Le Jeune Indépendant.
Une plainte collective pour tortures déposée contre le Maroc à l’ONU
Le Monde, 10 June 2022
« C’est malheureusement à chaque fois le même scénario qui vise des activistes pacifiques sahraouis, poursuivis pour des ‘crimes’ après des aveux qui sont extorqués sous la torture », décrit Vincent Ploton de l’ISHR, s’exprimant sur les quatre plaintes déposées au nom d’activisites sahraouis détenus par le Maroc. Lire la suite de l’article ici ($) ou ici.
Quatre militants sahraouis accusent le Maroc de torture devant les Nations unies
Libération, 9 June 2022
Quatre plaintes contre le Maroc ont été déposées ce jeudi devant le Comité contre la torture des Nations Unies, concernant quatre prisonniers sahraouis, enfermés depuis 2010 dans des geôles marocaines: Mohamed Lamine Haddi, Hassan Dah, Abdelmoula El-Hafidi et Mohamed Bani. Elles ont été posées par au nom des détenus et par plusiers groupes, dont ISHR. Lire la suite de l’article ici ($) ou ici.
Répression des Ouïgours : les appels se multiplient pour la publication d’un rapport sensible de l’ONU
Le Monde, 3 June 2022
« La visite de Mme Bachelet en Chine pose le problème de la crédibilité du Haut-Commissariat et de sa cheffe; celle-ci compte avant tout sur les résultats d’une diplomatie privée consistant à s’entretenir à huis clos avec des responsables chinois, ce qui ne fonctionne pas en Chine, plutôt que de mettre en avant une stratégie de diplomatie publique, levier politique essentiel », explique Raphaël Viana David, chargé du programme Asie auprès d’ISHR. Lire la suite de l’article ici ($) oui ici. (This story is also available in English here ($))
EU laments UN human rights chief’s limited access on visit to China
South China Morning Post, 30 May 2022
‘Her speech evidenced her lack of understanding of the country’s human rights challenges despite significant evidence gathered by her office,’ said Raphael Viana David, commenting on High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s visit to China and her office’s end of mission statement, published on Saturday 28 May. Read the full article here.
Critiques au vitriol de Michelle Bachelet après sa visite en Chine
Le Temps, 29 May 2022
Pour Raphaël Viana David, chargé du programme Asie auprès d’ISHR, lors de sa visite en Chine – la première d’un Haut-Commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme depuis 17 ans -, «[Michelle] Bachelet a raté une occasion unique d’établir les bases d’une surveillance substantielle de la crise des droits humains en Chine. Son discours met en évidence son manque de compréhension des défis de la Chine dans ce domaine malgré les importantes preuves récoltées par son équipe.» Lisez la suite de l’article ici ($). (This story is also available in English here)
La gira china de Michelle Bachelet
El País, 28 May 2022
‘La única vía para que gobiernos progresistas avancen hacia una resolución del Consejo de Derechos Humanos que permita investigar posibles crímenes de lesa humanidad del régimen de Pekín es romper con la lectura geopolítica actual,’ escribe Raphaël Viana David, encargado del programa de Asia de ISHR, en una tribuna para El País. Lea el resto del artículo aquí ($) o aquí.
Falta de contundência de Bachelet em visita à China frustra ativistas de direitos humanos
Folha de S. Paulo, 28 May 2022
‘O mandato de Bachelet tem sido marcado pela ausência de diplomacia pública sobre a China; quando se compara isso com as outras crises com as quais ela teve de lidar, como Mianmar e Ucrânia, a diferença na linguagem e na frequência é imensa’, afirma Raphaël Viana David, diretor do programa para a Ásiado ISHR. Leia o resto do artigo aqui.
Miles de documentos filtrados revelan la feroz represión contra la minoría uigur en China
La Nación, 24 May 2022
“Nos preocupa mucho que esta visita traiga pocos beneficios para víctimas y activistas a un costo político muy alto”, declaró Raphaël Viana David, encargado del programa de Asia de ISHR, comentando la visita a China de la Alta Comisionada de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, Michelle Bachelet. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Véase también: los artículos de Telemetro, El Tiempo, TVN Noticias, Milenio y Swissinfo.
Acesso de comissária da ONU à região chinesa de Xinjiang sob escrutínio
GZH / AFP, 24 May 2022
“Estamos muito preocupados que esta visita resulte em poucos benefícios para vítimas e ativistas a um custo político muito elevado”, disse Raphaël Viana David, comentando a visita oficial da Alta Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos. Leia o resto do artigo aqui.
Veja também: artigos em Istoé Dinheiro e Noticias.uol.com
Droits de l’homme: l’ONU entame sa visite au Xinjiang
Le Point / AFP, 24 May 2022
“Mme Bachelet doit comprendre que ce qui est en jeu, c’est la confiance du monde dans les Nations unies”, a déclaré Raphaël Viana David, chargé du programme Asie auprès d’ISHR, s’exprimant sur la visite de la Haute-commissaire des Nations unies aux droits de l’homme en Chine. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
A voir également: les articles sur TV5 Monde, la RTBF, Le Devoir, Arte et La Presse.
UN envoy’s access to China’s Xinjiang under scrutiny as trip begins
The Strait Times / AFP, 24 May 2022
“We are very worried that this visit comes with few benefits for victims and activists, for a very high political cost,” said ISHR’s Raphaël Viana David, commenting on UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet’s visit to China. Read the full story here.
See also: articles by France 24, Hong Kong Free Press and The New Arab.
Utusan PBB Sambangi Xinjiang di Bawah Pengawasan China
Sidonnews.com, 24 May 2022.
“Kami sangat khawatir kunjungan ini hanya memberikan sedikit manfaat bagi para korban dan aktivis, dengan biaya politik yang sangat tinggi,” kata Raphaël Viana David dari International Service for Human Rights. Read the full story here.
U.N. Human Rights Chief to Make First Trip to China Since 2005
The New York Times, 20 May 2022
Rights groups say Michelle Bachelet’s trip, including a visit to the western Chinese region of Xinjiang, where Beijing has cracked down on the Uyghur minority, will be a test of her office’s credibility. The precedents do not inspire confidence among rights groups, said ISHR’s Raphael Viana David. Read the full story here.
What it takes to bridge the divide between the business sector and human rights
Open Global Rights, 16 May 2022
For ISHR’s Andrés Zaragoza, if we want to constructively engage companies, business associations or investors on human rights issues, we must recognise who our interlocutor is. Read the full story here.
Le casse-tête chinois de Michelle Bachelet
Le Temps, 13 May 2022
La visite en Chine de la Haut-Commissaire au droits humains, Michelle Bachelet, ne peut être dissociée du rapport que l’OHCHR a produit et, pour l’heure, refusé de publier, sur la situation dans le Xinjiang. Raphaël Viana, chargé du programme Asie auprès d’ISHR s’étonne: «Ces trois dernières années, la haut-commissaire a été silencieuse sur les graves violations des droits en Chine. Elle s’est pourtant exprimée sur de nombreuses crises à travers le monde. Mais la Chine est la grande exception.» Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
UN rights chief’s credibility in the balance ahead of China visit
Geneva Solutions, 13 May 2022
“For the last three years, the high commissioner has been silent on the serious violations of rights in China. Yet she has spoken out on many crises around the world. But China is the big exception,” said ISHR’s Raphaël Viana, commenting on the upcoming visit to China by Michelle Bachelet. Read the full story here.
¿Cómo investigará el Mecanismo de la ONU las violaciones a los derechos humanos en Nicaragua?
Divergentes, 3 May 2022
“Una premisa importante de la rendición de cuentas es que hay una investigación mucho más detallada de violaciones de derechos humanos”, explicó Raphaël Viana David, comentado el funcionamiento del Mecaniso de investigación y rendición de cuentas por las graves violaciones de los derechos humanos cometidas en Nicaragua, aprobado por el CDH en marzo. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
La Russie boutée hors du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU, et après?
Swissinfo, 20 April 2022
Pour le directeur exécutif d’ISHR, Phil Lynch, « la preuve accablante d’atrocités commises dans le contexte d’une guerre d’agression contre un État souverain, le tout en violation de l’existence même de la Charte des Nations unies » rendaient le cas de la Russie différent dans un vote pour sa suspension du Conseil des droits de l’homme. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
Russia’s suspension from UN Human Rights Council raises big questions
Swissinfo, 13 April 2022
For ISHR Executive Director Phil Lynch, the fact Russia engaged in a campaign of bullying ahead of the General Assembly vote “shows that the Human Rights Council matters and that states such as Russia and China try to use membership of the Human Rights Council to undermine human rights standards and evade accountability.” Read the full story here.
Russia rights council suspension sends strong signal: NGOs
The Manila Bulletin / AFP, 8 April 2022
ISHR’s Executive Director Phil Lynch told AFP the suspension vote would “significantly strengthen” the council’s integrity and legitimacy as it showed that “no state, regardless of its economic and political power, is beyond scrutiny”. Read the full story here.
L’expulsion de la Russie du Conseil des droits de l’homme saluée par les ONG
Le Figaro / AFP, 8 April 2022
La suspension de la Russie du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU « envoie un puissant message que le Conseil n’est pas un endroit pour les États qui commettent des violations massives des droits humains, y compris des actes qui constituent des crimes de guerre et des crimes contre l’humanité», a déclaré Phil Lynch, le directeur exécutif d’ISHR. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
Russia’s suspension from UN rights body sends strong signal: Rights groups
Al Jazeera, 7 April 2022
Reacting to the UN General Assembly suspening Russia from the Human Rights Council, ISHR Executive Director Phil Lynch said the vote sent a “powerful message that the Human Rights Council is no place for states that are perpetrating massive human rights violations”. Read the full story here.
Organismos celebran que se investiguen violaciones de DD.HH. en Nicaragua
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 31 March 2022
Una coalición de ONG internacionales y nicaragüenses celebró que el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU aprobara una resolución que establecerá un grupo de tres expertos para investigar posibles violaciones de DDHH en Nicaragua. Para Raphaël Viana David (ISHR), “el mecanismo adoptado hoy por el Consejo es uno de los más fuertes que existe”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
La ONU creó un Grupo de “expertos en derechos humanos” para investigar a Nicaragua
Perfil, 31 March 2022
Por 20 votos a favor, 7 en contra y 20 abstenciones, el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU resolvió crear “un grupo de tres expertos para emprender investigaciones exhaustivas e independientes de todos los presuntos abusos y violaciones, sus dimensiones de género y causas estructurales profundas desde abril de 2018” en Nicaragua. Para Raphaël Viana David (ISHR), esto “envía un mensaje claro a todos los Estados de que no se tolerará la falta de cooperación con el sistema universal”. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
Can the United Nations get a true picture of China?
Swissinfo, 22 March 2022
“If she publishes the report it can make for a much more substantive visit,” ISHR’s Executive Director Phil Lynch told Swissinfo’s Imogen Foulkes as they discussed UN Human Rights Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s announcement that she would be visiting China, despite failing to publish a much-awaited report on the situation in Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
«Ich weiss, dass ich nicht allein bin» (“I know I am not alone”)
Die Wochenzeitung, 17 March 2022
#MeToo in Egypt: ISHR’s Salma El Hosseiny discusses the recent of the women’s rights movement in Egypt at a crucial time, as women’s rights activist Rasha Azab, who had publicly expressed solidarity with women that had been victims of sexual assault, is now on trial. Read the full story here ($).
Le Xinjiang, épine dans le pied de Michelle Bachelet
Le Temps, 10 March 2022
Dans une lettre ouverte adressée le 8 mars à la haut-commissaire Michelle Bachelet, quelque 200 ONG exhortent la Chilienne à «tenir sa promesse» de septembre 2021 de publier un rapport sur les graves violations des droits humains dans le Xinjiang. Lisez la suite de l’article ici.
‘Blunt reality’ of UN’s ‘limited leverage’ laid bare as Putin tears up world order
The Daily Express, 28 February 2022
The UN’s top peacekeeping body has “limited leverage” in the conflict in Ukraine due to Russia’s sway at the international organisation, UN experts have warned. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) said: “With the UN Security Council hamstrung by Russia’s power of veto as a permanent member, it is imperative that the UN General Assembly and the UN Human Rights Council step up and fulfil their vital mandates in promoting and protecting human rights and international peace and security.” Read the full story here.
The US plays its credibility at the UN Human Rights Council
Swissinfo, 28 February 2022
The United States returns this month as a member of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), having left in 2018 under the administration of former US president Donald Trump. Phil Lynch, director of the NGO International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) hopes the US will refrain from approaching issues through a political or ideological lens. “We would hope and expect that the US would deal with human rights situations, primarily having regard to their human rights merits and applying objective criteria, such as the gravity and severity of the issues,” he says. Read the full story here.
NGOs ask the UN for “firm measures” against Nicaragua for failing to comply with the resolution
California18 News / Agencia EFE, 21 February 2022
A coalition of international and Nicaraguan NGOs – including ISHR – asked the UN Human Rights Council on Monday to “take firm measures” against the State of Nicaragua for not stopping or repairing the “serious violations” of human rights that occur in the Central American country since April 2018. Read the full story here.
ONG piden a la ONU “medidas firmes” contra Nicaragua por incumplir resolución
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 21 February 2022
Una coalición de ONG internacionales y nicaragüenses – entre ellas ISHR – pidió este lunes al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU “tomar medidas firmes” contra el Estado de Nicaragua por no detener ni reparar las “graves violaciones” a los derechos humanos que acontecen en el país centroamericano desde abril de 2018. Lea el resto del artículo aquí.
House approves HR defenders bill
The Philippine Star, 18 January 2022
The House of Representatives of the Philippines passed House Bill 10576, known as the Human Rights Defenders Protection Act. The bill is based on the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders and the Model National Law on the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights Defenders drafted by ISHR. Read the full story here.