HRC43 Side Event: Women human rights defenders radically transforming a world in crisis
Wednesday 4 March 2020
12:00 - 13:00
New Venue: ISHR Offices, Geneva
1 rue de Varembé, 5th Floor
This event is co-hosted with Amnesty International, Global Fund for Women, Urgent Action Fund, Mesoamerican Initiative of women human rights defenders, and Just Associates (JASS).
Women activists who work in conflict and post-conflict contexts are strongly contributing to sustainable and inclusive peace and security. The UN and its member States must recognise and consider women human rights defenders as partners in peace and security. They should holistically protect women defenders’ groups, movements and communities and ensure an enabling environment where they can thrive and expand their work. We call on the UN and its member States to hold perpetrators accountable for violations against women human rights defenders and to take a firm stand against reprisals, violence and impunity.
- Michel Forst, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders
- Nazik Awad, Sudan
- Leslie Xamara Ramírez, El Salvador
- Luz Mary Rosero Garces, Colombia
- Fatima Bentaleb, France
- Hasmida Karim, Indonesia
- Zephanie Repollo, Just Associates (JASS)
Photo credits:
P79TER_UN Women_India
FlickR_Amine Ghrabi_Tunisian woman
Iran_FlickR_Green day women in Iran by Hamed Saber_council
UNPhoto_Eric_Kanalstein_International Women's Day Observed in Liberia
Woman protestor 2 by Collin David Anderson
Woman protestor by Collin David Anderson
women by Danumurthi Mahendra
Women Protest__FlickR_Say No - Unite_Bogota small