"A Seat At The Table" ISHR publication launch

A guide to crafting effective narratives at the UN about human rights and the people who defend them

Location: ONLINE

30 June 2021

1:00 - 2:30 PM CEST
online event

Register here

The stories and narratives that are told about human rights defenders at the UN have a major impact on how they are understood and supported on the ground. 

Over the past 9 months, we have explored perceptions and views that diplomats working at the UN have about human rights and people who defend them. Our objective was to understand the messages that best increase support for human rights defenders and to craft more effective human rights narratives, particularly as they relate to people who defend human rights. 

Today, we're really thrilled to share our findings with you and launch our new practitioners' guide "A Seat At The Table"! We hope that this guide will be helpful for anyone working within or engaging with the UN system to promote and protect human rights, whether they be advocates with organisations, diplomats or frontline community activists and leaders. 

This event will be held online. In order to attend the event, please RSVP here.


  • Ambassador Marc Bichler, Permanent Mission of Luxembourg


  • Tom Clarke, human rights campaigner, communications specialist and guide co-author
  • Sophie Mulphin, human rights communications specialist and guide co-author
  • Mary Lawlor, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders
  • Ambassador Nazhat Shameen Khan, President of the Human Rights Council
  • Ilze Brands Kehris, Assistant Secretary-General for human rights
  • Guadalupe Marengo, Amnesty International
  • Thomas Coombes, human rights strategist and communications expert, founder of hope-based communications


  • Marianne Bertrand, International Service for Human Rights


This event is hosted with the kind support of the Permanent Mission of Luxembourg.