Civil society space and the private sector
Wednesday 14 June 2017
The impact of business on space for civil society is complex, as business can both contribute and benefit to the closing of space for civil society actors, but also has the potential of being an ally to civil society in defending such space. Business is increasingly recognising the shared interest of companies and civil society in open and democratic societies.
This side event aims to bring together civil society, members of the business community, UN and State representatives to discuss their intersecting role in delivering on human rights and development standards. The event will focus on lessons learnt on how to ensure the effective realisation of these commitments and identify strategies for effective multi-stakeholder participation in the development of norms on business and human rights.
Co-sponsored by CIVICUS and the International Service for Human Rights.
Follow the event on Twitter: @ISHRglobal #HRDs
Light refreshments will be served