New Zealand

Human rights defender's story: Aych McArdle from New Zealand

Aych McArdle, a New Zealand human rights defender, focuses on enhancing LGBTI inclusivity in schools and advocating for broader protections under the nation's Human Rights Act.

Aych McArdle is a passionate advocate for LGBTI rights, concentrating on the unique challenges faced by young individuals within this community in New Zealand. During the interview with the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), McArdle discussed the pressing need for supportive environments during the vulnerable coming out period. She expressed concerns about the prevalent bullying in schools and the lack of inclusivity in New Zealand’s strong sporting culture. McArdle is committed to fostering educational systems that celebrate diversity, from implementing diversity policies at the board level to ensuring LGBTI inclusivity in school curriculums and cultural activities.

Additionally, she is actively working to include gender identity, gender expression, and diverse sex characteristics as protected grounds in New Zealand’s Human Rights Act, aiming to secure a safe and non-discriminatory environment for all. Through her participation in an international training program in Geneva, McArdle has significantly broadened her advocacy network, connecting with global NGOs and human rights defenders to enhance her impact both locally and globally.