Latin America & Caribbean

Human rights defender's story: Leydy Araceli Pech Martin from Mexico

Leydy Araceli Pech Martin, a fervent advocate from the Colectivo de Comunidades Mayas de Hopelchén, is dedicated to preserving the heritage and natural resources of her Mayan community in Mexico, advocating for the rights and health of her people against environmental degradation and cultural erosion.

Leydy Araceli Pech Martin is a distinguished representative of the Colectivo de Comunidades Mayas de Hopelchén. Her work as a human rights defender is deeply rooted in her desire to protect the land and rich heritage left by her Mayan ancestors. Leydy’s activism is driven by the urgent need to preserve her community’s natural resources and biodiversity, which are threatened by deforestation, water contamination, and the hazardous use of pesticides in agriculture.

Leydy’s journey as a defender began with her realisation of the imminent risks to her environment and health, compelling her to stand up not only as a community member but also as a woman and a mother. She feels a profound responsibility and commitment to her culture and ancestors to safeguard the land bestowed upon them.

One of the core principles Leydy advocates for is the right to self-determination for Indigenous communities. This includes the autonomy to manage their lands and lifestyle and the fundamental right to live in a healthy environment with access to clean water and air, and the ability to sustainably produce their food and preserve their natural surroundings. She emphasises the necessity for government recognition and respect for these rights, highlighting the existence of Indigenous peoples long before contemporary laws were conceived.

As a woman human rights defender, Leydy encounters specific challenges, including discrimination and cultural barriers that traditionally restrict women’s roles to private spaces. However, she takes pride in being part of a movement that empowers not only herself but also other women within her community to assert their invaluable role in environmental and cultural preservation.

Leydy’s efforts have fostered a sense of pride and hope within her community, inspiring more women and men to join the cause. She celebrates every small step forward as a collective advancement towards greater involvement of Indigenous women in public advocacy and decision-making processes. Her work embodies a powerful message of resilience and empowerment, reinforcing the idea that women are integral to the fight for environmental justice and the preservation of cultural heritage.