Latin America & Caribbean

Human rights defender's story: Mariana Zaragoza from Mexico

Mariana Zaragoza, a dedicated advocate working in the immigration programme at the Ibero-American University of Mexico, tirelessly champions the rights of migrants and refugees, promoting a culture of hospitality and robust protection of their rights amidst challenging policy environments.

Mariana Zaragoza is a pivotal figure in the immigration programme at the Ibero-American University, where her work spans several critical areas: strengthening human rights defenders, fostering a culture of hospitality and integration for migrants and refugees, and conducting research for advocacy. This research is particularly focused on bridging the gap between academic programs and the practical, on-the-ground efforts of migrant shelters and defenders.

Mariana’s commitment to human rights was ignited at the age of eighteen during her first work experience in Chiapas, where she was deeply moved by the plight of Indigenous communities affected by government actions. This experience shaped her resolve to defend the dignity and rights of people across Mexico.

Working with migrants and refugees presents significant challenges, especially in the context of restrictive Mexican policies that exacerbate their vulnerability. Mariana emphasises the difficulty of fostering collective processes and altering public perceptions of migrants, compounded by the dire poverty and precarious conditions these individuals often face. For Mariana, human rights work is not confined to office hours; it is a life-long project and a personal calling that extends into all areas of her life, making it difficult to disconnect.

She also highlights the additional challenges faced by women human rights defenders in predominantly patriarchal and male-dominated spaces. Women often have to work harder to prove the value of their contributions and assert their right to speak.

Mariana’s message to the international community is a call to action to pay closer attention to what is happening at the borders and to the restrictions on migrants’ rights. She urges a global approach to security that prioritises human dignity and calls for active engagement in demanding full protection for all individuals, regardless of their geographic or socio-economic status. Her work and advocacy continue to ensure safer and more dignified conditions for migrants and refugees.