
Human rights defender's story: Mphatso Sakala from Zambia

Mphatso Sakala, founder and director of the Intersex Society of Zambia, champions the rights and well-being of intersex individuals by promoting inclusive health policies and enhancing visibility amongst policymakers and healthcare providers.

Mphatso Sakala is a dedicated advocate for the human rights of intersex people in Zambia, focusing particularly on improving intersex health and well-being. Through his leadership at the Intersex Society of Zambia, he has been instrumental in raising the visibility of intersex health issues amongst policymakers and healthcare providers. His advocacy extends beyond just health to encompass the broader spectrum of human rights challenges faced by intersex individuals.

Mphatso’s work involves developing targeted media and communication strategies that effectively convey the complexities of intersex issues to the public and stakeholders. These efforts aim to foster a deeper understanding and promote inclusive policies that safeguard the dignity and rights of intersex individuals. By highlighting the specific health needs and rights of intersex people, Mphatso has become a pivotal figure in advocating for systemic change that ensures better health outcomes and societal acceptance for the intersex community in Zambia.

His commitment to these causes is fueled by both personal experience and a profound belief in equality and justice for all, regardless of gender identity. Mphatso Sakala’s strategic approach to advocacy demonstrates his dedication to not only addressing immediate needs but also to achieving long-term societal acceptance and policy reform.