Latin America & Caribbean

Human rights defender's story: Naayeli Ramirez Espinosa from Mexico

Naayeli Ramirez Espinosa, a dedicated lawyer in Holpelchén, Campeche, provides vital legal assistance to Mayan communities, advocating for environmental protection and their rights to participation, whilst confronting the significant challenges posed by gender biases and a national human rights crisis.

Naayeli Ramirez Espinosa is a committed lawyer who specialises in defending the environmental and participatory rights of Mayan communities in Holpelchén, in the State of Campeche, Mexico. Her work involves not only providing legal assistance in court and administrative proceedings, but also collaborating with various organisations at international, national, and local levels to support these communities.

As a woman lawyer and human rights defender, Naayeli faces numerous challenges, including cultural biases that often devalue women’s opinions and professionalism, judging them on superficial standards like attire and appearance rather than their competence and expertise. Beyond these societal challenges, she also experiences more direct and aggressive forms of intimidation compared to her male counterparts.

Despite these obstacles, Naayeli finds profound satisfaction in the tangible impacts of her work. She plays a crucial role in educating Mayan communities about their rights, empowering them to defend their land and participate more actively in public policies and forums that affect them directly. Her efforts have led to significant legal victories, including the revocation of permits that threaten their environment, recognition of human rights violations, and the promotion of Indigenous consultation processes in her region.

Naayeli’s work is not just about legal battles; it’s about fostering a culture of informed participation and respect for Indigenous rights in Mexico. She is deeply proud of the advancements she has facilitated, contributing significantly to the protection and empowerment of the Mayan communities she serves. Through her enduring commitment and advocacy, Naayeli Ramirez Espinosa stands as a formidable defender of both human and environmental rights in one of Mexico’s most culturally rich regions.