More support

© Photo: Neil Thomas / Unsplash

More support

A number of resources are available for human rights defenders at risk, providing emergency assistance or information about safety and security.

Several options are available for human rights defenders facing imminent threats or who have experienced targeted violence, including the following.


This list is by no means exhaustive, nor is the inclusion of an organisation here an endorsement of any kind.

International schemes (no geographical restrictions)

Protect defenders


Frontline Defenders 


Regional schemes

East & Horn of Africa: Defend Defenders  

Africa: Africa Human Rights Netwok 

Africa (relocation only): African Defenders


Asia: Forum-Asia

Thematic focus

Women HRDs: Urgent Action Fund, Madre 

LGBTIQ HRDs: ILGA WorldOutright International

Digital threats and attacks: Digital DefendersAccess now Helpline

Temporary relocation for non-EU defenders at risk: Elisabeth-Selbert-Initiative

French-speakers: Agir Ensemble