Effective public policies to protect the right to defend human rights
Wednesday 20 June
Room V, Palais des Nations. Geneva
You are invited to the launch of PI and CEJIL publication "The time is Now: Effective public policies to protect the right to defend human rights". This is the first in-depth comparative study of protection mechanisms for human rights defenders in the Americas. This will be followed by a discussion focusing on:
- Progress, setbacks and challenges in the creation of public policies for the protection of human rights defenders;
- Global developments regarding laws for the recognition and protection of human rights defenders; and
- Recommendations for State authorities to guarantee and protect the right to defend human rights.
Panelists will include:
- Joel Hernandez - Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
- Mauricio Angel - Protection International
- Alejandra Vicente - Centre for Justice and International Law
- Tess McEvoy - International Service for Human Rights
- Triffi Bassam, Tunisian League of Human Rights
- Luisa Rios, Peruvian Society for Environmental Law
Follow us on twitter @ProtectionInt @cejil @ISHRglobal #thetimeisnow #HRC38
Attendance only with UN accreditation.