Human Rights Council Elections 2020: discussions of candidate States’ visions for membership - ONLINE EVENT
Wednesday 9 September 2020
9:00 am - 12:00 pm (New York time)
15:00 - 18:00 (Geneva time)
To attend this online event, please register here.
In advance of the Human Rights Council elections that will take place this autumn for the membership term 2021-2023, Amnesty International and the International Service for Human Rights will hold an online pledging event for candidate States on 9 September 2020.
Candidate States are listed below, with a link to their "scorecards":
1. African States: 4 seats, 4 candidates – Group scorecard
- Senegal: scorecard and recommendations
- Cote D'ivoire: scorecard and recommendations
- Malawi: scorecard
- Gabon: scorecard and recommendations
2. Asia-Pacific States: 4 seats, 5 candidates - Group scorecard
- China: scorecard and recommendations
- Pakistan: scorecard and recommendations
- Saudi Arabia: scorecard and recommendations
- Nepal: scorecard and recommendations
- Uzbekistan: scorecard and recommendations
3. Eastern European Group: 2 seats, 2 candidates - Group scorecard
- Russia: scorecard and recommendations
- Ukraine: scorecard and recommendations
4. Latin American and Caribbean States: 3 seats, 3 candidates - Group scorecard
- Bolivia: scorecard and recommendations
- Cuba: scorecard and recommendations
- Mexico: scorecard and recommendations
5. Western European and other States: 2 seats, 2 candidates - Group scorecard
- France: scorecard and recommendations
- United Kingdom: scorecard and recommendations
It is intended to give candidates an opportunity to present their visions for Council membership and to respond to questions from a range of stakeholders on how they propose to realise the pledges and commitments they may have made in seeking election.
State representatives, civil society, national human rights institutions (NHRIs) and other key stakeholders are invited to participate actively in the event and pose questions to candidate States.
To attend this online event, please register here. The event will also be livestream on YouTube in English, French and Spanish.
This event is kindly sponsored by the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of the Marshall Islands. We are grateful to Canada and the Czech Republic for their financial support for this event.
Have a question? Follow the event and submit questions to candidates via Twitter: @ISHRglobal #HRCpledging