The Illusion of Abundance: Film screening & panel discussion

Join us for a screening of The Illusion of Abundance, a powerful documentary highlighting the courageous efforts of Latin American activists fighting to protect their land against multinational exploitation.

Location: Geneva, Switzerland

Register here.

In the framework of the Women Human Rights Defender Advocacy Week, join us for a screening of The Illusion of Abundance, a powerful documentary highlighting the courageous efforts of Latin American activists fighting to protect their land against multinational exploitation. Following the film, a panel discussion will explore land rights in the context of the global rush for natural resources.

The Illusion of Abundance: Women, land, and the resource rush – Film screening & panel discussion

18:30 – 19:30: Projection of the movie The Illusion of Abundance

A documentary by Erika González Ramírez & Matthieu Lietaert. Belgium, Colombia • 2022 • 60 minutes 

Máxima, Berta and Carolina are activists from Latin America. They are fighting tirelessly so that their people can continue to live on their land in an environment that's healthy and sustainable, against the brutal practices of multinationals harming nature and Indigenous peoples in Peru, Honduras and Brazil. Máxima, who resisted forced eviction from her property near a gold mine in Peruvian Cajamarca, was severely beaten. Honduran journalist Berta Cáceres, who drew attention to the misconduct of developers in a giant hydroelectric project on the Honduran river Gualcarque, was murdered. Carolina, in turn, is trying to bring to justice the culprits behind the 272 human casualties of a catastrophic toxic waste dam breach in the traditional Brazilian mining region of Minas Gerais. The threads of all three cases converge in this investigative documentary into a global chain leading from Latin America through influential European banks to Asian buyers.  

19:30 – 20:30: Panel discussion 'The fight for land rights in times of rush for natural resources'


  • Indigenous activist Tania Carolina Hernandez, from the Civic Council of Popular and Indigenous Organizations of Honduras (COPINH), whose funder Berta Caceres is portrayed in the documentary. 
  • Hernán Vales, Chief of the Indigenous Peoples and Minorities Section, OHCHR
  • Juliette Müller, Head of the French-speaking Switzerland section, Coalition for the Responsible Business Initiative

Moderation: Ulises Quero, Programme Manager - Business, Land & Environment, ISHR

🍷A light reception will follow the event.

🌳This event is part of the Women Human Rights Defender Advocacy Week and is organised by PBI in partnership with the City of Geneva, FIFDHJASS, and ISHR.

🎧The film will be presented in Spanish with English subtitles, and the discussion will be held in both English and Spanish with interpretation provided.

🎟️ Free admission – Please register here (not mandatory but highly appreciated!)