Latin America & Caribbean

Human rights defender's story: Romel Rubén Gonzalez Diaz from Mexico

Romel Rubén Gonzalez Diaz, a passionate defender from the Indigenous and Popular Regional Council of Xpujil, advocates for the rights and sustainable development of Indigenous communities in Mexico, focusing on dignified housing, environmental protection, and sustainable management of natural resources.

Romel Rubén Gonzalez Diaz has dedicated more than three decades to defending natural resources, communal development, and housing production within Indigenous communities in Mexico. His journey as a human rights defender began in his youth when several influential books awakened his social conscience, propelling him into a lifelong commitment to combat poverty and advocate for dignified living conditions.

Romel’s work with the Indigenous and Popular Regional Council of Xpujil, in partnership with the Cooperativa Chac Lol, involves vigorous defense of territorial rights, education on municipal and collective human rights, and the promotion of sustainable development practices like agriculture, biocultural tourism, and natural resource management. His approach is deeply rooted in community organisation and empowerment, ensuring that local people are well-informed and actively participating in decisions that affect their lives and environment.

One key aspect of Romel’s advocacy is ensuring safety and effectiveness in their endeavors. This involves not only community organisation and training, but also equipping people with both theoretical and practical tools for collective defense. He emphasises the importance of changing the attitudes of businesses and the government towards Indigenous communities, advocating for respect, proper consultation, and consent prior to the execution of development projects.

Romel is particularly proud of empowering Indigenous individuals to know their rights and confidently assert their rights. His future goals include passing on his knowledge to younger generations and ensuring the preservation of natural environments, understanding the stark contrast between the ease of destruction and the painstaking efforts required for creation.

In his message to the international community, Romel calls for the establishment of mechanisms and judicial spaces that allow for rigorous scrutiny of governments and the formation of international treaties to ensure accountability and adherence to commitments. His vision is for a global framework where Indigenous rights are not only recognised, but actively protected and promoted, ensuring a sustainable and equitable future for all Indigenous peoples.