
Human rights defender's story: Abdoulaye Kanni from Niger

Abdoulaye Kanni from Niger discusses his commitment to human rights defence, detailing his strategic use of UN mechanisms to promote good governance, press freedom, and the protection of human rights defenders in his country.

Abdoulaye Kanni, a dedicated human rights defender from Niger, is driven by a profound passion for justice and the effective application of human rights principles. His work primarily focuses on advocating for good governance through anti-corruption initiatives, as well as enhancing press freedom and the freedom of expression. He is also deeply involved in promoting the work and safety of human rights defenders.

Through his extensive experience, Abdoulaye has effectively utilised United Nations mechanisms to foster change on the ground. He highlights the positive impacts of these international tools, such as the Universal Periodic Review and the reviews conducted under various human rights treaties, which have prompted the Nigerien government to implement recommendations that are crucial for improving governance and human rights practices.

Moreover, Abdoulaye notes the significant influence that international scrutiny has on his country’s policies, especially concerning gross human rights violations. The fear of negative reports at the UN level motivates the government to align more closely with international human rights standards.

In his advice to fellow human rights defenders, Abdoulaye emphasises the importance of leveraging international and regional human rights mechanisms. He believes that these platforms are essential for amplifying local voices and bringing about tangible changes, particularly when local advocacy does not yield immediate results.

Through his dedicated efforts, Abdoulaye Kanni remains a pivotal figure in Niger’s journey towards better human rights practices and governance, advocating for a world where such principles are not just aspirational but a tangible reality.