
Human rights defender's story: Mohd Rizal bin Rohan from Malaysia

Rizal Rozhan, an Advocacy and Capacity-Builder Officer at EMPOWER in Malaysia, plays a crucial role in promoting women's political equality and coordinating national efforts to monitor and implement UPR Recommendations in Malaysia.

Mohd Rizal bin Rohan, serving as the Advocacy and Capacity-Builder Officer for EMPOWER, significantly contributes to advancing women’s political equality at community, local, and national levels in Malaysia. EMPOWER, acting as the co-secretariat for the Coalition of Malaysian NGOs in the UPR Process (COMANGO), collaborates with a broad coalition of organisations to uphold human rights across the nation.

Rizal’s work involves not only advocating for the essence of human rights for all in Malaysia but also overseeing the monitoring of Malaysia’s adherence to UPR Recommendations. This is pivotal for coordinating activities across various NGOs within the coalition, ensuring a united and effective approach to human rights advocacy.

Despite the critical nature of his work, Rizal faces considerable challenges and risks. He and his colleagues are often stigmatised and subjected to severe backlash, including being labeled as traitors and facing accusations of promoting controversial social issues. The physical safety of human rights defenders in Malaysia has increasingly been threatened, exemplified by incidents following public demonstrations like the Women’s Day March, where participants were harassed by groups opposing their advocacy.

Rizal’s participation in international forums has been instrumental in broadening his network and enhancing support for human rights initiatives in Malaysia. These interactions with diplomats and permanent missions have been supportive and have opened avenues for engaging with NGOs, including unregistered local groups, to further amplify their causes.

In a heartfelt message to global leaders, Rizal emphasises the importance of governing with love and respect for all humankind, regardless of differences, to foster a world where human rights are universally respected and upheld. His dedication to human rights advocacy not only champions the cause of political equality and justice in Malaysia but also inspires a broader commitment to humanity and dignity worldwide.