Latin America & Caribbean

Human rights defender's story: Igor Pereira Bastos from Brazil

Igor Pereira Bastos from Brazil collaborates with the Global Catholic Climate Movement and Franciscan Action of Ecology and Solidarity, where he champions environmental and social justice. With a focus on grassroots and global initiatives, Igor's work confronts Brazil's inequality by advocating for housing, land rights, and sustainable economic practices.

Igor Pereira Bastos is a committed advocate for environmental and climate justice within Brazil, working with the Global Catholic Climate Movement and the Franciscan Action of Ecology and Solidarity. His efforts are rooted in a deep commitment to addressing Brazil’s stark inequalities and environmental challenges through active engagement with social movements and community organising.

Early Motivations and Current Work

Igor’s journey into activism was sparked by his awareness of Brazil’s profound social injustices and environmental issues. His work spans from local grassroots movements to national and global initiatives, striving to integrate environmental sustainability with social equity. Igor has been instrumental in mobilising support for housing and land rights, particularly for the 20,000 homeless individuals advocating for housing in his city.

Achievements and Vision

Through his advocacy, Igor has seen significant victories, such as the empowerment of families fighting for their rights, which reinforces his optimistic outlook for the future. He envisions a Brazil where the economy respects all individuals, including Indigenous and marginalised communities, and where transnational corporations are held accountable for their environmental and social impacts.

Goals for Change

Igor’s overarching goal is to foster an inclusive society that prioritises sustainability and justice. He believes in mobilising civil society and the State to work collectively towards comprehensive solutions that benefit both the people and the planet. His dedication to creating a better future is a call to action for everyone to contribute to meaningful change for current and future generations.