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Human rights defender’s story: Andreza Jorge, from Brazil

Andreza Jorge is a human rights defender and activist working to empower communities in favelas in Brazil. She was also a participant to the 2023 edition of ISHR’s flagship training course, the Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme (HRDAP).

UN committee urges China to better regulate business operations overseas

UN committee releases findings on socio-economic rights in China, calling for a clear regulatory framework for companies operating overseas. Prior to China's review, ISHR and the CICDHA coalition submitted a report looking at the human rights impact of 14 Chinese projects in 9 Latin American countries.

Human rights defender’s story: Igor Pereira Bastos from Brazil

Igor Pereira Bastos from Brazil collaborates with the Global Catholic Climate Movement and Franciscan Action of Ecology and Solidarity, where he champions environmental and social justice. With a focus on grassroots and global initiatives, Igor's work confronts Brazil's inequality by advocating for housing, land rights, and sustainable economic practices.

Elections | States vote Venezuela onto the UN’s Human Rights Council

Venezuela has been voted onto the Human Rights Council by one of the smallest ever majorities, along with Brazil. Costa Rica – who put forward their candidacy only two weeks ago – was narrowly beaten. All new members, including Venezuela, must now work to live up to the human rights standards that membership demands.