Julio Achmadi from Indonesia © self recorded video


Human rights defender's story: Julio Achmadi from Indonesia

'People in certain areas do not need big hotels, they do not need a huge stadium, they just need the nature to sustainably live and survive.'

Julio Achmadi is a human rights defender, environmental activist and public interest lawyer from Indonesia. He works with FORUM-ASIA and is also affiliated with the Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network, and he has experience engaging with UN mechanisms. Julio is also an alumnus of ISHR’s HRDAP training.

In this video, he shares his motivations and his optimistic vision of a future where environmental defenders find themselves “at the heart of the process of policymaking” in Indonesia.

Human rights defender's story: Julio Achmadi from Indonesia (Video 1 of 2)

In his drive to ensure that Indonesian defenders “are able to exercise their freedom,” Julio urges the UN to promote systemic change by further engaging with them: “I would like to hope that you can improve your accessibility for Indonesian human rights defenders in particular.”

He also has a message for the international community:

Human rights defender's story: Julio Achmadi from Indonesia. (Video 2 of 2)

Watch Julio’s full interview by clicking here.