Annual Report: Power in Coalition

Human rights and multilateralism are making a remarkable comeback. Discover why and how in our Annual Report!

Whether it’s in their work to address the climate crisis or systemic discrimination, Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine or China’s repression of Uyghurs, activists around the world are coming together in powerful coalitions and turning to international human rights laws and systems to achieve justice and accountability. And while the threats and challenges remain enormous, we’re starting to win!

In 2022, ISHR achieved and contributed to a number of human rights wins, some of which are highlighted in the video below.

In a recent conversation with Björk, environmental activist Greta Thunberg reflected that hope is not something you feel, but something you do. ‘When people act,’ she said, ‘they create hope’. As we enter 2023, fueled by indignation and sustained by hope, ISHR’s commitment is to provide solidarity to defenders, contribute to positive momentum and, with your support, achieve even more significant human rights wins!