Nicaragua: Evaluation Benchmark of Resolution 49/3

'Colectivo 46/2' has published an Evaluation Benchmark on the implementation by the Nicaraguan government of Human Rights Council resolution 49/3 on the human rights situation in the country.

On 31 March 2022, the Human Rights Council (HRC) adopted resolution 49/3 in which it urged the Nicaraguan government to cooperate with a range of UN bodies, including the ‘Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua’. This group, created through the same resolution, is mandated to investigate alleged human rights violations and abuses committed in Nicaragua since April 2018 and make recommendations to relevant stakeholders.

The HRC expressed ‘grave concern at the deterioration of democracy and the human rights situation in Nicaragua’. It called on the Nicaraguan government to allow the Group ‘unimpeded, absolute and transparent access to the entire country’ and take steps to address impunity and restrictions on civic space, as well as ensure accountability and justice for victims of human rights violations.

Colectivo 46/2 - a coalition of international, regional and Nicaraguan NGOs of which ISHR and the Institute on Race and Equality are part – has been monitoring the implementation of Human Rights Council resolutions by Nicaragua since 2021. The Colectivo has produced a series of Evaluation Benchmarks to assess the degree to which Nicaragua has implemented recommendations made to it by the Human Rights Council in its prior resolution on the matter (46/2).  

The Benchmarks assess government action – or inaction – against a series of clear objectives, drawing on public information from the United Nations and Inter-American human rights systems, as well as independent civil society and media reports.

This Evaluation Benchmark, which assesses the implementation of Resolution 49/3, contains findings that should alarm the international community to demand compliance by the Government of Nicaragua with its international obligations:

  • An absolute lack of cooperation from the State of Nicaragua with human rights protection bodies;
  • Ongoing brutal repression of the exercise of fundamental human rights and civic space;
  • Continuing deterioration of the human rights situation since the crackdown on protests in April 2018.

On December 15, ISHR and the Colectivo 46/2 coalition have issued a global call for the strengthening and two-years renewal of resolution 49/3 at the Council's upcoming 52nd session in March 2023.