
Burundi | Join our #BurundiOut Twitter campaign

Join us now in creating momentum to demand Burundi's suspension as a member of the Human Rights Council.

Despite evidence of crimes against humanity perpetrated by government officials, Burundi has declared persona non grata three UN independent experts; interrupted its examination by the Committee against Torture by simply not showing up at the last part of it to answer the Committee’s questions; refused all collaboration with the Commission of Inquiry experts, etc. Such attitude is clearly incompatible with the status of Council member and has not been met so far with the legitimate reaction it calls for.  

Join us now in creating momentum to demand Burundi’s suspension as a member of the Human Rights Council:

  • Share the campaign’s pictures on Twitter
  • Share the hashtag #BurundiOut
  • Invite your friends and contacts to do so

Civil society’s involvement is key to ensure the voices of the victims do not go unheard. Join in, step in and reach out to your own government. 

The campaign’s pictures are available in English, French and Spanish on ISHR’s Twitter accounts:


Click here for more information on the situation in Burundi. 




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