Botswana, Canada, Finland, Myanmar, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Switzerland
HRC38 | Critical situation of environmental defenders should serve as benchmark for diplomatic support
The UN Working Group on business and human rights, together with States, must consider the particular threats and attacks on defenders working on rights related to land and environment, ISHR and a group of environmental defenders told the Human Rights Council. ISHR also emphasised that States providing diplomatic support to business should also require a clear commitment to respect, consult and protect defenders.
Together with a group of environmental human rights defenders from Peru, Botswana, Myanmar and the Philippines, ISHR has called on States to combat impunity for attacks on defenders, and ensure full civil society participation in development and the management of natural resources. The statement was delivered during the dialogue with the UN’s expert group on business and human rights. The Council also considered new reports on the use of economic diplomacy to increase respect for human rights, and on investigative missions to Canada and Peru by the working group.
‘We welcome the affirmation by the Working Group that the situation of human rights defenders should be a critical benchmark to assess eligibility for State support and benefits relating to trade and export promotion,’ said Michael Ineichen, Programme Director at ISHR.
‘Especially States who also have a foreign policy priority on protecting human rights defenders, like those having specific Guidelines on the protection of defenders, should demand that businesses demonstrate a specific policy commitment to respect and consult with defenders before requesting diplomatic support’, Ineichen said.
The statement also called on the forthcoming guidance by the working group to include a specific focus on the situation of environmental human rights defenders.
ISHR co-organised a side event on the protection of human rights defenders against new and emerging forms of technology-facilitated rights violations on the margins of the 58th session of the Human Rights Council.
In their third report to the Human Rights Council, the UN Group of Human Rights Experts on Nicaragua spoke of a new phase of repression in Nicaragua gutting the constitution of basic human rights guarantees. As Nicaragua disengages from the Council and further isolates itself from the international community, the importance of continuing the work of the Experts is clear.
In a joint statement with ISHR, Antoine Gliksohn, executive director of the Global Albinism Alliance, stressed the importance of the mandate of the Independent Expert in light of the continued attacks on persons with albinism.