El superviviente del Aquarius Moses Von Kallon, Premio Nacional de Juventud en Derechos Humanos
Europa Press, 10 December 2024
Desde marzo de 2024, es uno de los quince defensores de derechos humanos seleccionados en todo el mundo para cursar el programa formativo para Defensores de Derechos Humanos del International Service for Human Rights de la ONU. Read the full article here.
See also the articles on Levante, Valencia Diari, A Punt and Valencia Plaza.
Uygur Soykırımını Tanıma Günü 76. Yıldönümü Anıldı
Sabit Haber, 10 December 2024
Uygur Hareketi, Uygur Soykırımı Tanıma Günü’nün 3. yılını ve Soykırımı Önleme ve Cezalandırma Sözleşmesi’nin 76. yıldönümünü büyük bir ciddiyetle anıyor. 9 Aralık 2021’de, Londra’da bağımsız bir mahkeme olan Uygur Mahkemesi, uzmanlar, kamp hayatta kalanları, göçmenler, insan hakları aktivistleri ve Urumçi’den bir eski Çinli polis memurunun tanıklık ve sunduğu delillere dayanarak, Çin hükümetinin Uygurlar’a karşı işlediği suçların, insanlığın tanımladığı en ağır suç olan soykırım olduğunu doğruladı. Read the full story here.
Uygur Hareketi, Uygur Soykırımı Tanıma Günü’nün üçüncü yıl dönümünü andı
Haber Hergun, 10 December 2024
Uygur Soykırımı Tanıma Günü’nün üçüncü yıl dönümünü ve Soykırım Suçunun Önlenmesi ve Cezalandırılması Sözleşmesi’nin kabul edilişinin 76. yıl dönümünü saygıyla anıyor. Read the full story here.
Campaign for Uyghurs commemorates Uyghur Genocide Recognition Day anniversary
Times of Europe, 9 December 2024
Campaign for Uyghurs (CFU) solemnly commemorates the third anniversary of Uyghur Genocide Recognition Day, coinciding with the 76th anniversary of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Read the full story here.
Morocco hosting UN retreat elevates Africa to human rights rule-maker
Maghreb Insider, 27 November 2024
Africa’s increased presence in the UNHRC is helping shift the dynamics to ensure principles are applied in a ‘consistent, principled, and non-discriminatory way,’ said Phil Lynch, Executive Director of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full article here.
Human Rights Groups Push for Afghanistan Accountability Mechanism
Akweya TV, 27 November 2024
International human rights organisations are renewing calls for a comprehensive accountability mechanism to investigate potential human rights violations in Afghanistan, according to a new document published yesterday, November 26, by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and its partners. Read the full article here.
Mapping China’s influence at the United Nations
The Review of International Organizations, 26 November 2024
How do emerging powers secure international leadership posts? How do these international civil service positions contribute to an emerging power’s influence in multilateral institutions? Read the full article here.
Zholia Parsi Honored with the Prestigious Martin Ennals Award
Rudabe, 20 November 2024
The Martin Ennals Foundation has announced that two distinguished human rights defenders, who have devoted their lives to advancing human rights in Afghanistan and Tajikistan, will receive the 2024 Martin Ennals Award during a ceremony in Geneva on November 21, 2024. Read the full story here.
Award seen as Nobel Prize for human rights won by Kabul women’s rights activist and jailed Tajik lawyer
IntelliNews, 20 November 2024
The Martin Ennals Award, often referred to as the Nobel Prize for human rights, is to go to Zholya Parsi, a women’s rights activist in Afghanistan, and imprisoned Tajik lawyer Manuchehr Kholiqnazarov. Read the full story here.
UN calls for “unconditional release” of detained Chinese human rights lawyer couple
ANI News, 15 November 2024
The United Nations Human Rights Office expressed regret over the conviction and sentencing of human rights lawyer Yu Wensheng and his wife, Xu Yan and called for their ‘immediate and unconditional release’. Read the full article here.
The cost of defending the defenseless in China
Asia Democracy Chronicles, 9 November 2024
Beijing has continued its relentless crackdown on human rights lawyers like Yu Wensheng, sending a message to present and future rights defenders that the cost of advocating for justice will be their freedom – and their families’ future. Read the full article here.
Civil group calls for accountability from China over human rights violations in Xinjiang
Jurist News, 4 November 2024
ISHR calls for the Chinese government to ensure timely implementation of the recommendations made by the the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), in addition to permitting investigations in the region. It also calls on the UN Human Rights Council to install a ‘monitoring and reporting mechanism on the human rights situation’ to ensure the participation of UN bodies for transparency and the protection of human rights. Read the full story here.
China Spring (中國之春), 1 November 2024
在习近平的领导下,中国加大了对国内公民社会的打压,并试图切断国内与国际非政府组织的联系。作为更强硬全球态度的一部分,中国在联合国中也开始扮演愈加跋扈的角色,包括在人权理事会(HRC)中发起一系列决议,并参与选择人权专家的工作,这些专家将加入特别程序系统。中国在联合国经济及社会理事会(ECOSOC)下属的非政府组织委员会中的表现,正是这一趋势的集中体现。该委员会有权授予 NGO 联合国咨商地位。Read the full article here.
Groups demand respect for rights defenders in Burkina Faso amid claims of abductions and forced conscription
Jurist News, 1 November 2024
Human rights organizations urged Burkina Faso on Wednesday to respect and promote the security of human rights defenders in the country amid reports of increased abductions and forced military conscription. These organizations include the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International. Read the full story here.
Vietnam Sentences Blogger Duong Van Thai to 12 Years After Alleged Kidnapping in Thailand
The Vietnamese Magazine, 31 October 2024
Vietnamese activist and blogger Duong Van Thai was tried in a closed trial on Oct. 30, 2024, where he was sentenced to 12 years in prison, followed by three years of probation. Read the full story here.
La CEOG et le village Prospérité actent la fin d’un long conflit
Guyaweb, 19 October 2024
Après des années de conflit, un protocole d’accord a été signé jeudi 24 octobre entre la Centrale électrique de l’Ouest guyanais (CEOG) et l’Association Village Prospérité. Il prévoit le retrait des plaintes déposées de part et d’autre et la création d’un fonds de dotation de 1,5 million d’euros à destination du village sur les 25 ans de vie de la centrale électrique, dont l’emplacement a été vigoureusement contesté. Read the full article here.
What Kenya must do after joining credible UN Human Rights Council
The Standard, 19 October 2024
Most observers of Kenya’s election to the United Nations Human Rights Council on October 9 have expressed outright condemnation or scepticism with the council or Kenya adding much value to the promotion and protection of human rights internationally. Read the full article here.
Saudi-Arabia mister sete i FNs menneskerettighetsråd
Geopolitika, 14 October 2024
I en nesten ukonkurrert valgprosess valgte FN-landene å ikke støtte Saudi-Arabias kandidatur til FNs menneskerettighetsråd. Det saudiarabiske regimet, som er kjent for sine grove menneskerettighetsbrudd, får dermed ikke en plass i FNs menneskerettighetsråd etter at landene i FNs generalforsamling stemte imot. Saken ble omtalt av organisasjonen International Service for Human Rights. Read the full story here.
‘AP, Çin’i Gülşen Abbas ve İlham Tohti dahil keyfi tutulan Uygurları serbest bırakmaya davet ediyor!’
Akit, 13 October 2024
Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Servisi’nin (ISHR- International Service for Human Rights) aktardığına göre, Avrupa Parlamentosu (AP), 10 Ekim 2024 tarihinde Strazburg’da yaptığı toplantıda, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti’nin (ÇHC) ‘İlham Tohtı ile Gülşen Abbas’ı ve Çin’de keyfi olarak gözaltına alınan ve davaları Avrupa Birliği (AB) tarafından İnsan Hakları Konseyi’nde ele alınan kişileri derhal ve koşulsuz olarak serbest bırakmasını’ talep eden çığır açıcı bir önergeyi kabul etti. Read the full article here.
Human Rights Group Slams UN over Inaction on Afghanistan Crisis
World Echo News, 12 October 2024
The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), a leading watchdog organization, has criticized the United Nations Human Rights Council for its inadequate response to the escalating human rights crisis in Afghanistan. Read the full article here.
Rights group criticizes UN Human Rights Council’s response to Afghanistan crisis
AMU TV, 12 October 2024
The United Nations Human Rights Council has failed to adequately address the escalating human rights crisis in Afghanistan, according to the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), a prominent watchdog organization. Read the full article here.
International Organizations Urge Human Rights Council to Establish Independent International Accountability Mechanism for Yemen
Yemen Monitor, 12 October 2024
Organizations including the International Service for Human Rights, the Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development, the Global Alliance for Civic Participation, the International Federation for Human Rights, and the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies believe that the continued inaction and indifference of the Council in the face of the escalating human rights crisis in Yemen is deeply concerning. Read the full article here.
CDH renueva mandatos de la misión de la ONU y del alto comisionado sobre Venezuela
Espiga, 12 October 2024
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil venezolana como Provea, Alfavic Venezuela, Cepaz, Amnistía Internacional Venezuela, SOS Orinoco, y la iniciativa Justicia y Verdad, junto con entidades internacionales como el Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos (ISHR) y la Federación Internacional por los Derechos Humanos (FIDH), han hecho un intenso esfuerzo para mantener el foco internacional en la crisis crítica del país. Asimismo, países como Chile y Argentina han desempeñado un papel esencial en apoyar esta iniciativa por la causa venezolana. Read the full article here.
República Democrática del Congo, Etiopía, Benín y Kenia elegidos para el Consejo de Derechos Humanos
Ahors EG, 11 October 2024
En un evento organizado por el International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) y Amnistía Internacional el pasado día 4 de septiembre de 2024, donde los candidatos presentaron sus prioridades, se reveló la falta de participación de algunos países. Solo 12 de los 19 candidatos asistieron, destacando la ausencia de varios Estados africanos, así como la de Bolivia y Arabia Saudita. Read the full article here.
EU condemns China for human rights violations against Uyghurs
Voice of America, 11 October 2024
The European Parliament overwhelmingly passed an emergency resolution Thursday condemning the Chinese government’s persecution of Uyghurs and urging China to immediately and unconditionally release detainees, including Uyghur economist Ilham Tohti and Gulshan Abbas. Read the full article here.
歐洲議會高票通過議案譴責中共反人類暴行 促釋兩維吾爾族精英
Radio Free Asia, 10 October 2024
據悉,今年9月初,古麗仙.阿巴斯的女兒齊巴.穆拉特(Ziba Murat),和總部位於日內瓦的「國際人權服務社」(International Service for Human Rights, ISHR)發起這項行動,並向歐洲議員進行廣泛的遊說。在這個里程碑式的決議通過後,他們也敦促歐盟領袖在聯合國,加強歐盟對維吾爾族命運關切的行動。 Read the full article here.
Voice of America (Chinese service), 10 October 2024
欧洲议会以压倒性多数通过一项紧急决议,谴责中国政府对维吾尔族的迫害,并且呼吁中国立即无条件释放维吾尔经济学家伊力哈木·土赫提和退休医生古丽善·阿巴斯等被拘留人士。这一决议引发了国际社会的广泛关注,也凸显了国际社会对新疆人权状况的持续关切。国际人权服务社(ISHR)从今年9月起与阿巴斯医生的女儿泽芭·穆拉特一道,进行了广泛的欧洲议会议员倡导活动,最终促成了今天的历史性决议。ISHR的中国项目经理拉斐尔·维亚纳·大卫(Raphaël Viana David)告诉美国之音:“这项决议表明,当各国政府和联合国专家持续公开施压北京时,最终会产生效果。现在是全球各方加大压力的时候,谴责北京的跨国镇压行为,并呼吁释放阿巴斯医生。” Read the full article here.
欧洲议会通过决议 要求中国释放维吾尔医生古丽仙和学者伊力哈木
Radio Free Asia, 10 October 2024
欧洲议会以大比数通过一项紧急决议,谴责中国政府侵犯人权的行为,要求立即无条件释放维吾尔族医生古丽仙和学者伊力哈木,停止针对维吾尔人的“反人类罪行”和种族灭绝,以及立即关闭所有拘留营。“国际人权服务社”中国项目经理戴海彦(Raphaël Viana David)表示,全球行动者必须加大压力,直到古丽仙得以保外就医。他促请欧盟成员国遵守动议,以行动展示支持维吾尔人的承诺。Read the full story here.
Saudi fails in bid to join UN human rights council
Channel News Asia / Agence France Presse, 10 October 2024
International Service for Human Rights program director Tess McEvoy said that ‘when given a real choice, states voted down the less deserving candidate, refusing to hand powerful actors who violate basic rights an enhanced ability to bend key human rights processes in their favour.’ Read the full story here.
See also the article on Barron’s, The Tribune, 24 News, Jurist News, Jacaranda FM and Free Malaysia Today.
السعودية تفشل في الحصول على مقعد في مجلس حقوق الإنسان
Arabi21 / Agence France Presse, 10 October 2024
فشلت السعودية في الانضمام إلى مجلس حقوق الإنسان التابع للأمم المتحدة الذي يتولى حماية الحريات على مستوى العالم، بعدما حلت في المركز السادس في تصويت أعضاء المنظمة الأممية لانتخاب خمسة مقاعد إقليمية.
وكانت إثيوبيا وقطر من بين 18 دولة جرى انتخابهما لعضوية مجلس حقوق الإنسان المكون من 47 مقعدا ولولاية من ثلاث سنوات، الأربعاء، على الرغم من حديث منظمات حقوقية عن انتهاكات لحقوق الإنسان في كلا البلدين.
Read the full story here.
Arabia Saudită nu intră în Consiliul pentru Drepturile Omului al ONU
DCnews.ro, 10 October 2024
În Elveţia, grupul International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) a salutat faptul că “atunci când li se oferă cu adevărat o alegere, statele votează împotriva candidatului cel mai puţin merituos, refuzând să dea putere unor actori puternici care încalcă drepturile fundamentale ale omului”. See the full story here.
See also the articles on HotNews and G4media.
Arab Saudi Gagal Raih Kursi di Badan HAM PBB 2 Kali Berturut-turut
Thaiger, 10 October 2024
Arab Saudi memperoleh 117 suara, jumlah suara terendah di antara enam negara Asia-Pasifik yang bersaing untuk memperebutkan lima kursi di daftar regional pada pemungutan suara untuk United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) atau Dewan HAM PBB. Read the full story here.
Selisih Tujuh Suara dari Kepulauan Marshall, Arab Saudi Gagal Jadi Anggota Dewan HAM PBB
Era / Agence France Presse, 10 October 2024
“Untuk tahun ketiga berturut-turut, ketika diberi pilihan nyata, Negara-negara menolak kandidat yang kurang berhak, menolak memberikan aktor-aktor kuat yang melanggar hak-hak dasar kemampuan yang lebih baik untuk membelokkan proses hak asasi manusia utama demi kepentingan mereka,” ujar direktur ISHR, Tess McEvoy. Read the full article here.
ONU: camouflet retentissant pour ce pays arabe
La Nouvelle Tribune / Agence France Presse, 10 October 2024
Le Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, créé en 2006, a pour mission de promouvoir et protéger les droits humains à travers le monde. Cependant, cet organe n’est pas exempt de controverses, notamment en raison de la présence de pays aux bilans contestés en matière de respect des libertés fondamentales. Read the full article here.
Thailand triumphs in UN Human Rights council bid
Thaiger, 10 October 2024
Tess McEvoy, Programme Director at the International Service for Human Rights, added, ‘States voted down the less deserving candidate, refusing to hand powerful actors who violate basic rights an ability to bend key human rights processes in their favour.’ Read the full story here.
Arabia Saudita fracasa en su intento de ocupar un asiento en Consejo de DDHH de la ONU
La Nación / Agence France Presse, 9 October 2024
Arabia Saudí no logró entrar en el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU, encargado de proteger las libertades fundamentales en todo el mundo, al que accedieron este miércoles 18 nuevos miembros, entre ellos Bolivia, Colombia, México y España. Read the full story here.
See also the article on La República (Peru).
Thailand wins bid for UN Human Rights Council
Thai PBS, 9 October 2024
Thailand won its bid for the UN Human Rights Council with the highest number of votes—177—for a three-year term to promote and protect human rights worldwide. The decision was announced by the UN after a secret ballot on Wednesday. According to the tally, Cyprus and Qatar each received 167 votes, followed by South Korea with 161 votes and the Marshall Islands with 120 votes. Saudi Arabia failed in its bid, receiving only 117 votes, the fewest of the six contenders for five vacant seats. Read the full story here.
L’Assemblée générale de l’ONU refuse l’entrée de l’Arabie saoudite au Conseil des droits de l’Homme
Le Figaro/ Agence France Presse, 9 October 2024
L’Arabie saoudite a échoué mercredi à entrer au Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, un rejet par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies salué par des défenseurs des droits humains qui avaient aussi dans le collimateur des pays d’Afrique qui, eux, ont été élus. Read the full article here.
Échec diplomatique pour l’Arabie Saoudite à l’ONU : l’Assemblée refuse son entrée au Conseil des droits de l’Homme
Tunisie numérique, 9 October 2024
L’Assemblée générale des Nations unies a rejeté, mercredi, la candidature de l’Arabie saoudite pour une place au Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU. Cette décision, saluée par plusieurs organisations de défense des droits humains, met en lumière les controverses liées aux droits de l’Homme en Arabie saoudite, notamment sous le règne du prince héritier Mohammed Ben Salman. Read the full story here.
L’Arabie saoudite échoue à entrer au Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU
La Libre Belgique / Agence France Presse, 9 October 2024
L’Arabie saoudite a échoué mercredi à entrer au Conseil des droits de l’Homme de l’ONU, un rejet par l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies salué par des défenseurs des droits humains qui avaient aussi dans le collimateur des pays d’Afrique qui, eux, ont été élus. Read the full story here.
See also the article on RTBF, 7 sur 7, DHnet, Kolda news, Sud Ouest, La Presse (Canada), TVA Nouvelles and Blick.
Saudi Arabia fails to win seat at top UN human rights body
Middle East Eye, 9 October 2024
Saudi Arabia on Wednesday failed to win a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) after a vote for membership in the 2025-27 term. This is the second time in a row for the Gulf kingdom to lose the elections. In 2020, it also finished bottom in the secret ballot, held at the UN headquarters in New York. Read the full story here.
Mães de vítimas denunciam assassinatos em Conselho da ONU
Folha de Sao Paulo, 6 October 2024
Relatório para avanço da igualdade racial reitera que o racismo brasileiro é um legado da escravização e do colonialismo. Read the full story here.
Coalition calls for Saudi Arabia’s exclusion from upcoming UN Human Rights Council election
Jurist News, 2 October 2024
A coalition of human rights organizations on Wednesday called on United Nations member states to refrain from voting for Saudi Arabia in the upcoming Human Rights Council election, scheduled for October 9. Read the full story here.
Two years after UN Xinjiang report, China sidesteps scrutiny
Geneva Solutions, 2 October 2024
In 2022, a scathing United Nations report about abuses in Xinjiang triggered a storm of scrutiny on Beijing’s human rights record. Two years on, little has been done to raise the issue again at the UN level. Yet, reports of abuses are ongoing, according to human rights groups, which warn that China has built a legal framework to outlaw Uyghur’s right to express their cultural and religious identity. Read the full story here.
Efecto Eco: Artistas Venezolanos Prestan sus Voces con Testimonios sobre la Represión en Venezuela
EIN Presswire,1 October 2024
Efecto Eco es un movimiento digital para darle voz a venezolanos que viven la violación de Derechos Humanos en de la dictadura venezolana […]. Read the full story here.
Б д т ниң уйғурлар һәққидики доклати: мәсилиләр вә чариләр
Radio Free Asia (Uyghur Service), 28 September 2024
Бирләшкән дөләтләр тәшкилати (б д т) 2022-йили 31-авғустта уйғур елидики кишилик һоқуқ әһвалини баһалаш доклати елан қилип, “шинҗаңда болуватқан ишлар инсанийәткә қарши җинайәтләрни шәкилләндүрүши мумкин” дәп хуласә чиқарған иди. Хитай һөкүмити буниңға тездин қарши чиқип, “шинҗаңдики кишилик һәқләр әң яхши қоғдиливатиду. Бу доклат пүтүнләй асассиз баянлардин түзүлгән” дегән. Read the full story here.
UN powerless as war engulfs Middle East
Politico, 28 September 2024
The [United States’] decision to step back from the [Human Rights Council] until at least 2028 sparked speculation that the Biden administration is hedging its bets toward a possible second Trump term. ‘If Trump gets elected and the U.S. is on the council, … would he leave in another temper tantrum? Whom would he partner with to carry out his agenda?’ said Madeleine Sinclair, of the International Service for Human Rights. Read the full story here.
‘We Need Competitive Elections so Only Truly Committed States Are Elected to the UN Human Rights Council’
IPS News, 26 September 2024
CIVICUS discusses the upcoming election of new members of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council with Madeleine Sinclair, New York Office Director and Legal Counsel at the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full article here.
Alerta ante ONU sobre cierre del espacio cívico y ataques a la libertad académica en Venezuela y Nicaragua
La Mesa Redonda, 25 September 2024
El Grupo de Expertos de Derechos Humanos sobre Nicaragua (GHREN), la Misión de Determinación Independiente de Hechos sobre Venezuela, la Red Internacional de derechos humanos de Europa y organizaciones civiles internacionales debatieron las principales preocupaciones sobre las graves violaciones a los derechos humanos, cierre del espacio cívico y los ataques a la libertad académica en Nicaragua y Venezuela. Read the full article here.
German activist fights Russia’s 50-year ban in high-stakes UN rights case
Geneva Solutions, 20 September 2024
A German researcher and activist banned from Russia until his 100th birthday after giving a speech at the UN has filed a complaint, accusing Moscow of violating international human rights law. His case could set a precedent for countries retaliating against their critics at the world body. Read the full story here.
Tribute to legacy of Chinese human rights campaigner
Connacht Tribune, 13 September 2024
Liu Xiaobo’s bust will have a permanent home in the Irish Centre for Human Rights, following this commission which was a partnership with ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China. Read the full story here.
Bust of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo unveiled at University of Galway
Irish Independent, 12 September 2024
A bronze bust of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Liu Xiaobo commissioned by Art for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (HRIC) has been unveiled at University of Galway. The project has been realised in partnership with ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China. Read the full story here.
全球首座刘晓波铜像落户爱尔兰高威大学 历经多方压力终获成功
Voice of America (Chinese service), 12 September 2024
伦敦 — 爱尔兰高威大学(University of Galway)的人权中心星期三(9月11日)为已故诺贝尔和平奖得主刘晓波揭幕了一尊纪念铜像。这是全球首座设立在大学校园内的刘晓波雕像,象征着对他在人权与民主事业上非凡贡献的敬意。然而,这座铜像的落成之路充满了挑战。Read the full story here.
#InPictures: Bronze bust of Nobel laureate unveiled at University of Galway
Irish Legal news, 12 September 2024
A bronze bust of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo, commissioned by Art for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (HRIC), has been unveiled at the Irish Centre for Human Rights at University of Galway. The project has been realised in partnership with ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China. Read the full story here.
Venezuela: des ONG demandent à l’ONU de réactiver la Mission indépendante pour enquêter sur la crise post-électorale
Mediapart / Agence France Presse, 10 September 2024
Des ONG de défense des droits humains ont demandé lundi aux Nations unies de renouveler le mandat de la Mission internationale indépendante d’établissement des faits sur le Venezuela, pour qu’elle enquête sur les troubles post-électoraux qui y ont fait 27 morts de source officielle. Read the full story here.
Des ONG demandent à l’ONU de réactiver la Mission indépendante sur la crise électorale
RTL Info / Agence Belga, 10 September 2024
Des ONG de défense des droits humains ont demandé lundi aux Nations unies de renouveler le mandat de la Mission internationale indépendante d’établissement des faits sur le Venezuela, pour qu’elle enquête sur les troubles post-électoraux qui y ont fait 27 morts de source officielle. Read the full story here.
Casi 30 ONG pidieron a la ONU renovación de Misión de Determinación de Hechos sobre Venezuela
Runrun, 9 September 2024
“Interrumpir el trabajo de la misión en un momento tan crucial tendría implicaciones negativas para la protección de las víctimas, los supervivientes y la población en general, y podría incentivar aún más al Gobierno venezolano a continuar su brutal represión”, señalaron en un comunicado conjunto. Read the full story here.
Organizações apelam à renovação do mandato da missão da ONU na Venezuela
Noticias Ao Minuto / Lusa, 9 September 2024
“Milhões de venezuelanos participaram nas eleições, apesar das irregularidades cometidas pelo governo e das violações dos direitos humanos que tornaram as condições de concorrência desiguais. As autoridades governamentais prenderam membros da oposição, fizeram discursos estigmatizantes, atacaram o espaço cívico, desqualificaram candidatos e impuseram restrições à votação”, acusam as 29 ONG. Read the full story here.
Organizaciones piden a la ONU renovar el mandato de expertos independientes en Venezuela: Los abusos se han agravado tras las elecciones
NTN24, 9 September 2024
Este lunes 9 de septiembre un grupo de organizaciones no gubernamentales exhortó al Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas a “renovar el mandato de la Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos sobre Venezuela”. Read the full story here.
ONG piden renovar el mandato de la Misión Independiente de la ONU sobre DDHH en Venezuela
El Diario, 9 September 2024
El Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU “debe renovar” el mandato de la Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos sobre Venezuela, que investiga en el país caribeño posibles violaciones de derechos humanos, afirmaron este lunes 29 organizaciones nacionales e internacionales. Read the full story here.
Decenas de ONG instan a la ONU a renovar su misión sobre Derechos Humanos en Venezuela
Europapress, 9 September 2024
Una treintena de ONG han instado este lunes a Naciones Unidas a renovar su Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos sobre Venezuela, un grupo de observación encargado de abordar la situación de los Derechos Humanos en el país caribeño, y han hecho hincapié en la importancia de que exista una “rendición de cuentas” a medida que aumenta la “represión postelectoral”. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Infobae.
Una treintena de ONG urgen renovar el mandato de los investigadores de la ONU en Venezuela
Swissinfo / Agencia EFE, 9 September 2024
Un total de 29 oenegés de derechos humanos pidieron este lunes la renovación urgente del mandato de la Misión Internacional Independiente de Determinación de los Hechos sobre Venezuela, que concluiría de lo contrario en octubre, en un contexto de «intensificación de la represión postelectoral» en ese país. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on El Nacional, El Tiempo, VPITV, El Día and Dominicana Al Día.
Ongs pedem renovação de missão da ONU na Venezuela em meio à repressão pós-eleitoral
Gazeta do Povo, 9 September 2024
“Interromper o trabalho da missão em um momento tão crucial teria implicações negativas para a proteção das vítimas, dos sobreviventes e da população em geral, e poderia incentivar ainda mais o governo [regime] venezuelano a continuar sua repressão brutal”, disseram as ONGs em comunicado conjunto. Read the full story here.
Cash-strapped Human Rights Council kicks off meet amid mounting crises
Geneva Solutions, 8 September 2024
With little progress being made on resolving conflicts and other humanitarian crises globally, countries are bracing for a packed UN Human Rights Council. But the global body’s liquidity crisis is putting a spanner into its operations. Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights, an organisation advising human rights defenders and promoting rights and accountability, stressed that states should pay their dues to allow the council to effectively carry out its duties to prevent rights violations and ensure accountability. Read the full story here.
Liu Xiaobo bust to be unveiled at Irish Centre for Human Rights
Irish Legal news, 6 September 2024
A bronze bust of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo is to be unveiled at the Irish Centre for Human Rights (ICHR) at the University of Galway. Art for Human Rights and Human Rights in China (HRIC), who commissioned it in partnership with ARTICLE 19, Index on Censorship, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and Humanitarian China, have donated the bust to the university. Read the full story here.
UN says China’s ‘problematic’ policies in Xinjiang ongoing 2 years after report citing possible ‘crimes against humanity’
Hong Kong Free Press / Agence France Presse, 28 August 2024
The International Service for Human Rights NGO welcomed Turk’s commitment to advocate for the implementation of all the Bachelet report’s rights recommendations to China. ‘The onus is now on China to take meaningful steps forward and on the Human Rights Council to closely monitor until it does so,’ said the ISHR’s China programme manager Raphael Viana David. Read the full article here.
See also the article on Barron’s and Channel News Asia.
BM’den Çin’e Doğu Türkistan Çağrısı: İnsan hakları ihlalleri yeniden gündemde
QHA, 28 August 2024
Uluslararası İnsan Hakları Hizmetleri (ISHR) Çin Programı Müdürü Raphäel Viana David, Yüksek Komiser’in Doğu Türkistan raporunu memnuniyetle karşıladıklarını ve Çin’in BM önerilerini uygulamasını talep ettiklerini açıkladı. Viana David, “Pekin’in eleştirecek bir noktası yok; BM insan hakları bulguları bölünmez ve genel olarak Çin’in anlamlı bir insan hakları reformu yapması için tek gerçek yolu işaret ediyor” dedi. Read the full article here.
Radio Taiwan International, 28 August 2024
聯合國人權事務高級專員公署(OHCHR)27日表示,中國需要全面審查在新疆地區實施的「有問題的法律和政策」,這些政策引發了國際社會對北京當局在新疆侵犯人權的擔憂。 4天後將迎來該機構關於新疆人權的重要報告發布兩週年紀念日。Read the full artile here.
聯合國批新疆政策 台網紅遭疑加入中國大外宣
Deutsche Welle (Chinese Service), 28 August 2024
聯合國人權高專辦公室指出,中國在新疆仍存在許多「有問題」的法律和政策,呼籲北京「迅速採取措施,釋放所有被任意剝奪自由的人」。與此同時,台灣網紅也被指前往新疆旅遊進行「大外宣」,引發台灣社群媒體熱議。國際人權協會(ISHR)則指出,北京在與聯合國交流中缺乏誠意,今年1月曾在聯合國人權審議期間,拒絕所有涉及新疆報告和聯合國相關機構的建議,不願意讓聯合國調查員可「不受限制」進入新疆。Read the full article here.
Pelanggaran HAM di Xinjiang, PBB Desak Tiongkok untuk Bertindak
Metro TV News, 28 August 2024
Raphael Viana David, Manajer Program ISHR Tiongkok, menegaskan bahwa sangat penting bagi Dewan Hak Asasi Manusia untuk memantau kemajuan Tiongkok dengan ketat, terutama menjelang sesi berikutnya yang dimulai pada 9 September. Read the full story here.
L’ONU souhaite des “progrès tangibles” après une visite à Pékin
L’Orient Le Jour / Agence France Presse, 28 August 2024
Raphaël Viana David, de l’ONG Service international pour les droits de l’homme (ISHR), a salué dans un communiqué la déclaration du Haut-Commissariat. “Il incombe désormais à la Chine de prendre des mesures significatives et au Conseil des droits de l’homme de suivre de près la situation jusqu’à ce qu’elle le fasse”, a-t-il observé. Retrouvez la suite de l’article ici.
A voir également: les articles parus dans La Presse et Médiapart.
Report by UNHRC highlights severe concerns about Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region
ANI News, 28 August 2024
Responding to the dismissal of the UPR recommendations, in a joint statement on behalf of 29 NGOs delivered at the Human Rights Council after China’s remarks, the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) urged China to ‘genuinely engage with the UN to enact meaningful reforms’ in line with the recommendations from the UN’s Xinjiang report, UN Treaty Bodies and UN Special Rapporteurs. Read the full story here.
China willing to engage with UN rights body on Xinjiang
Voice of America, 27 August 2024
Raphäel Viana David, China program manager at the International Service for Human Rights, welcomed the high commissioner’s commitment to working with civil society and advocating for the implementation of all U.N. recommendations to China. Read the full story here.
See also the article on The Arab Herald.
UN rights chief renews call for Chinese movement on abuses documented in Xinjiang
Radio Free Asia, 27 August 2024
The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), a human rights advocacy group, also gave a guarded welcome to the High Commission’s statement, but urged concrete actions from the UN agency, including setting up a monitoring and reporting outfit to ‘put an end to China’s exceptionalism.’ Read the full story here.
Inter-American Commission condemns Venezuela’s repression of protestors and Human Rights defenders
Breaking Belize News, 21 August 2024
Оn Аuguѕt 15, thе Nаtіоnаl Аѕѕеmblу раѕѕеd а соntrоvеrѕіаl NGО lаw thаt сrіtісѕ аrguе іѕ dеѕіgnеd tо ѕtіflе сіvіl ѕосіеtу furthеr. Іntеrnаtіоnаl Ѕеrvісе fоr Нumаn Rіghtѕ Еlеаnоr Ореnѕhаw соndеmnеd thе lаw, еmрhаѕіzіng thе urgеnt nееd fоr роlіtісаl аnd fіnаnсіаl ѕuрроrt fоr Vеnеzuеlаn humаn rіghtѕ dеfеndеrѕ. Read the full story here.
Der stille Abbau der Vereinten Nationen
Der Standard, 14 August 2024
Ein Schild sorgt bei Besuchern des europäischen Hauptsitzes der Vereinten Nationen in Genf für Erstaunen. ‘Diese Rolltreppe ist außer Betrieb’, ist dort zu lesen. ‘Wir entschuldigen uns für die Unannehmlichkeit.’ Die stillgelegte Rolltreppe frisst in großem Maß Energie – deshalb landete das metallene Relikt aus den 1970er-Jahren auf der Streichliste der finanziell notorisch klammen Vereinten Nationen. Read the full story here.
Den Vereinten Nationen geht das Geld aus
Evangelischer Pressedienst, 13 August 2024
Ungläubig schaut die Diplomatin aus einem lateinamerikanischen Land die Rolltreppe hinauf. Die Stufen im Palais des Nations, dem europäischen Hauptsitz der Vereinten Nationen in Genf, stehen still. Read the full article here.
See also the articles on Meine Kirchenzeitung and Evangelische Zeitung.
Bei den Vereinten Nationen regiert der Rotstift
Rheinpfalz, 13 August 2024
An allen Ecken und Enden müssen die UN sparen. Ausgerechnet in einer Zeit der Konflikte und Katastrophen kann die Weltorganisation dringend benötigte Hilfe nicht mehr leisten. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Luxemburger Wort ($) and Kleine Zeitung.
Mitgliedsländer halten Beiträge zurück und stürzen UN in die Krise
Handelsblatt, 13 August 2024
Die Weltorganisation muss massiv sparen, weil Zahlungen ausbleiben. Ausgerechnet in einer Zeit voller Konflikte kann die UN kaum noch helfen. Säumige Mitglieder nehmen das offenbar in Kauf. Read the full story here.
See also the article on MSN.
A ‘willing accomplice’? Evaluating South Africa’s response to China’s positions on international human rights
South African Journal of International Affairs, 29 July 2024
This article examines the extent and solidity of South Africa’s support for China’s attempt to undermine the international human rights system. It does so by evaluating South Africa’s responses to China’s positions on seventeen issue areas of the UN Human Rights Council’s work. More specifically, the article assesses South Africa’s actions in relation to 132 Chinese-backed attempts to amend council resolutions in an anti-human rights direction. Read the full story here.
Sudan Faces Famine as Military Blocks Aid Amid Civil War
Truthout.org, 28 July 2024
Sudan’s military is blocking United Nations aid trucks from entering at a key border crossing, causing severe disruptions in aid in a country that experts fear may be on the brink of one of the worst famines the world has seen in decades, The New York Times reported Friday. Read the full article here.
‘Nothing To Eat’: War-Torn Sudan Faces Mass Famine as Military Delays Aid
Common Dreams, 22 July 2024
Both parties in Sudan’s civil war are to blame for a looming mass famine, experts say, and the military’s blocking of U.N. aid at a border crossing with Chad exacerbates the problem. Read the full article here.
See also the article on The African (South Africa).
Grupos de DDHH exigen a los gobiernos protección a periodistas y disidentes exiliados
IPS News, 22 July 2024
Grupos de derechos humanos han pedido a los gobiernos que hagan más para combatir la represión transnacional, ya que diversos informes muestran que régimenes autocráticos están atacando en los países donde se han exiliado a un número creciente de periodistas, disidentes políticos y defensores de los derechos, en en un intento de silenciarlos. Read the full article here.
See also the article on Crónica Viva (Peru).
A UN body is keeping NGOs locked out – states are pushing for reform
Geneva Solutions, 21 July 2024
A technical body in charge of granting NGOs access to the UN is accused of increasingly abusing its power to block certain organisations for political purposes. Some states are taking steps to reform the system, but the efforts are met with significant resistance. Read the full article here.
Syrian organizations hold Europe responsible for violations of refugees’ rights in Turkey
Enab Baladi, 20 July 2024
Seven Syrian civil society organizations have held European Union countries responsible for the violations that Syrian refugees in Turkey have been enduring for years, reaching a peak in early July. A joint statement was signed by the organizations: Syria Justice and Accountability Center, Syrian Center for Media and Freedom of Expression, International Service for Human Rights, Ornamo for Human Rights, and Justice for Life organization. Read the full story here.
Rights Groups Demand Governments Protect Exiled Journalists, Dissidents
IPS News, 20 July 2024
Rights groups have called for governments to do more to combat transnational repression as a series of recent reports show growing numbers of exiled journalists, political dissidents and rights defenders are being targeted by autocratic regimes in an attempt to silence them. Read the full story here.
Encuentro de defensores de DDHH de África y Asia
RTVC Noticias, 11 July 2024
En este momento el norte de Bogotá se está desarrollando un encuentro de defensores de derechos humanos de África y Asia. Watch the full video here.
Word of the Week: ‘709 Case’ (709案, 709 àn), or the ‘Black Friday Crackdown’
China Digital Times, 9 July 2024
Tuesday is the ninth anniversary of the 2015 ‘709’ or ‘Black Friday’ crackdown on Chinese rights lawyers. The following account of the episode, its legacy, and the censorship that surrounded it is the opening entry from CDT’s recent ebook, ‘China Digital Times Lexicon: 20th Anniversary Edition.’ Read the full story here.
Joint statement urges China to address human rights concerns at UN session
Federal Newswire, 5 July 2024
On July 5, 2024, the International Service for Human Rights delivered a joint statement at the 56th Session of the UN Human Rights Council under Item 6: Interactive Dialogue on the adoption of China’s 4th Universal Periodic Review. Read the full story here.
China rejects human rights recommendations from Western countries after routine UN review
Hong Kong Free Press / Agence France Presse, 5 July 2024
‘China dismissed 30 percent of recommendations received,’ said Raphael Viana David of the International Service for Human Rights. ‘Beijing’s facade as a constructive actor at the UN is shattered.’ Read the full story here.
Voice of America (Chinese service) / Agence France Presse, 5 July 2024
中国的人权记录星期四(7月4日)在联合国受到部分国家和组织的严厉批评,而另一些则对北京大加赞扬。外交官和活动人士表示,在1月份对中国人权记录进行例行审议后,中国在一次简短的会议前进行了激烈的游说和施压,要求通过一份报告。 Read the full article here.
At UN, China sharply rebuked, by some, over rights record
Philstar / Agence France Presse, 5 July 2024
China met stinging criticism at the United Nations on Thursday from some countries and organisations over its rights record, even as others showered Beijing with praise. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Barron’s.
NGOs slam China for rejecting UPR recommendations at UNHRC’s 56th session
ANI News, 5 July 2024
Several non-governmental organisations (NGOs) slammed China for rejecting recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) at UNHRC’s 56th session intended to address the severe human rights issues of the country. Read the full story here.
See also the article on the Lokmat Times and MSN.
La ONU reiteró sus condenas a China por la sistemática violación de los derechos humanos a minorías y disidentes
Infobae, 4 July 2024
Varios de los 193 Estados miembro y ONG de la ONU reiteraron este jueves sus condenas a China por la sistemática violación de los derechos humanos en su territorio, como quedó nuevamente expuesto en el último Exámen Periódico Universal realizado en el país. Read the full article here.
La Chine sous haute pression à l’ONU : voici la raison
YOP L-FRII, 4 July 2024
« Les efforts déployés par les Chinois montrent combien ils sont extraordinairement soucieux de ce que la communauté internationale dit à leur sujet », a commenté Raphaël Viana David, de l’ONG Service international pour les droits de l’homme (ISHR). Read the full story here.
日內瓦人權審議:中國極力施壓 平息對其人權狀況的指責
Radio France International (RFI, Chinese service), 4 July 2024
非政府組織國際人權服務社 (ISHR) 代表戴維 (Raphaël Viana David) 表示:“中國的所作所為表明,他們非常在意國際社會對他們(人權狀況)的評價。”他向法新社表示:“中國為了標榜自己是(人權)捍衛者而無所不用其極,令人難以置信“。Read the full story here.
China deploys deflection tactics ahead of UN rights review
Geneva Solutions, 4 July 2024
‘The outreach from China to governments asking them to make friendly recommendations and rebuke every single recommendation by the west started as early as September last year and has been done at every single level, in Geneva and even in country’s capitals. So the pressure definitely has been there,’ Raphael Viana David, programme manager for China and Latin America at the International Service for Human Rights, told Geneva Solutions. Read the full article here.
Rights group condemns China’s National Security Law for suppressing freedom of expression in Hong Kong
ANI News, 2 July 2024
The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) has condemned the imposition of the draconian National Security Law (NSL) by the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in Hong Kong in 2020, which has played a huge role in suppressing the freedom of expression in the city. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on The Print, Indian Narrative, PressWire18, The Hong Kong Herald and MSN.
Rights group ने अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को दबाने के लिए चीन के राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा कानून की निंदा की
Janta Se Rishta / ANI News, 2 July 2024
इंटरनेशनल सर्विस फॉर ह्यूमन राइट्स (आईएसएचआर) ने 2020 में पीपुल्स रिपब्लिक ऑफ चाइना (पीआरसी) द्वारा हांगकांग में कठोर राष्ट्रीय सुरक्षा कानून (एनएसएल) लागू करने की निंदा की है, जिसने शहर में अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को दबाने में बहुत बड़ी भूमिका निभाई है। एनएसएल की चौथी वर्षगांठ पर, आईएसएचआर ने संयुक्त राष्ट्र के विशेषज्ञों के विचारों के प्रति समर्थन व्यक्त किया, इसे हांगकांग में अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता को दबाने के मामले में अपनाए गए अब तक के सबसे “कठोर” कानूनों में से एक कहा। एनएसएल को हांगकांग के निवासियों के गंभीर दमन के लिए लगातार आलोचना का सामना करना पड़ा है।. Read the full story here.
Appel à l’ONU pour mettre fin aux violations des droits des minorités musulmanes au Xinjiang
Le Courrier de l’Atlas, 27 June 2024
Plusieurs organisations de défense des droits de l’homme ont demandé à l’ONU d’intervenir pour mettre fin aux violations des droits des minorités musulmanes dans la région du Xinjiang, en Chine. Read the full article here.
Denuncian posibles torturas en el Rodeo I y exigen la liberación de presos políticos
El Nacional (Venezuela), 26 June 2024
La inquietud de una coalición de organizaciones de derechos humanos quedó planteada en una carta abierta dirigida a Julio García Zerpa, ministro de Servicio Penitenciario. Un caso emblemático señalado es el de Emirlendris Benítez, detenida en el INOF, y quien ha enfrentado restricciones arbitrarias a su atención médica. Read the full story here.
Organizaciones denuncian precarias condiciones de reos en Venezuela
La Noticia de Hoy, 26 June 2024
En una carta pública y dirigida al ministro de Servicio Penitenciario, Julio García Zerpa, nueve organizaciones internacionales, entre ellas Amnistía Internacional, denunciaron “condiciones inhumanas y torturas” a reos de las cárceles venezolanas, en particular, en Internado Judicial El Rodeo I, ubicado en el estado Miranda. Read the full story here.
Varias ONG internacionales denunciaron las condiciones de los presos del Rodeo I
El Diario (Venezuela), 26 June 2024
Nueve organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONG) internacionales denunciaron las condiciones “inhumanas” en las que viven los presos de la cárcel del Rodeo I, ubicada en el municipio Zamora del estado Miranda. Read the full article here.
Amnistía Internacional y otras 8 ONG denuncian condiciones inhumanas de reclusión en El Rodeo I
Efecto Cocuyo, 26 June 2024
«Según la información que hemos recibido, las condiciones de reclusión en el ‘Rodeo I’ son crueles, inhumanas y degradantes, y en ciertos casos, podrían llegar a constituir tortura«, dijo esta organización junto al Centro por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional; Fundación para el Debido Proceso; Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect; Oficina en Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos; Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura; Raza e Igualdad; Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights y Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos. Read the full story here.
Nueve ONG denuncian condiciones inhumanas y posibles torturas en El Rodeo I
TalCual, 25 June 2024
Nueve organizaciones internacionales afirmaron que las condiciones dentro de la cárcel de El Rodeo I son intencionales y con el fin de intimidar o coaccionar a presos políticos, por ser considerados disidentes. A estas, se suman «violaciones sistemáticas al derecho a un juicio justo y garantías de debido proceso». Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Venzuela Visión, El Tiempo (Ve), Diario Versión Final, and La Verdad.
BM ve Sivil Toplum Örgütlerinden Çin’e Sert Tepki
Sabithaber, 25 June 2024
Çin hükümetinin, insan hakları krizini sonlandırma yönündeki önerileri reddetmesi, Birleşmiş Milletler’deki uluslararası insan hakları incelemelerine karşı duyduğu küçümsemeyi yansıtıyor. Bu durumu, imzalayan insan hakları sivil toplum kuruluşları, 25 Haziran 2024’te yayımladıkları ortak bildiride dile getirdiler. Read the full story here.
Canada ambassador to China raises human rights concerns during visit to Xinjiang Uyghur region
Jurist News, 24 June 2024
Last Thursday, campaigning groups, including the World Uyghur Congress, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, and the International Service for Human Rights, urged the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, to provide a public update on the steps taken by both the Chinese government to improve the situation in Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
Organismos internacionales reclaman ante la ONU los abusos de China
Moncloa, 22 June 2024
Cuatro organizaciones no gubernamentales han instado a la ONU a actuar de manera decisiva ante las violaciones de derechos humanos en la región china de Xinjiang, casi dos años después de un informe que alertaba sobre posibles crímenes contra la humanidad. Read the full story here.
Campaigners urge UN rights chief to act on China Xinjiang abuse report
Reuters, 21 June 2024
Campaign groups called on the United Nations human rights chief to take more action over what they said were documented abuses against Uyghurs and other Muslims in China’s Xinjiang region. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Arab News, MSN, The Independent (Ireland), US News, and Swissinfo.
UN Rights Chief Denies Inaction On China Report
Barron’s /Agence France Presse, 21 June 2024
On Friday, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Service for Human Rights and the World Uyghur Congress issued a joint call to action. ‘The ongoing absence of public reporting by the high commissioner to follow-up the atrocity crimes documented by his own office, risks undermining the trust placed in his office by victims and survivors,’ they warned. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on The Citizen and Mizzima.
UN Responds to Criticism over Xinjiang Human Rights Abuses
News Central, 21 June 2024
This came a day after leading rights groups urged UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk to take stronger measures following a 2022 report by former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, which documented alleged ‘crimes against humanity’ against Muslim minorities, including Uyghurs. Read the full story here.
ONGs de defesa dos Direitos Humanos pedem acção da ONU relativamente ao Xinjiang
Radio France International (Portuguese), 21 June 2024
‘O Alto-Comissário das Nações Unidas para os Direitos Humanos (ACNUDH), Volker Türk, deve fornecer uma actualização pública das medidas tomadas pelo governo chinês e pelo seu gabinete para resolver a situação dos Direitos Humanos no Xinjiang’, referiram ontem em comunicado a Human Rights Watch, a Amnistia Internacional, o Serviço Internacional para os Direitos Humanos e o Congresso Mundial Uigur. Read the full story here.
Voice of America (Chinese), 21 June 2024
今,报告已发表近两年了,至今并没有多少更新。人权观察(Human Rights Watch)、国际特赦(Amnesty International)、国际人权服务社(International Service for Human Rights)和世界维吾尔代表大会(World Uyghur Congress)星期四(6月20日)发表声明,呼吁联合国人权事务高级专员福尔克尔·蒂尔克(Volker Türk)采取行动. Read the full story here.
新疆報告2年無後續 人權團體籲聯合國行動
Deutsche Welle (Chinese), 21 June 2024
人權觀察、國際特赦組織、國際人權服務社與世界維吾爾代表大會週四(6月20日)發佈聲明,敦促聯合國人權事務高級專員蒂爾克(Volker Türk)應該發表一份更新的公開報告,說明中國政府和聯合國面對新疆維吾爾人權議題上採取的行動。Read the full story here.
新疆報告發布近2年無下文 人權團體促聯合國勿縱中國
Liberty Times Net (LTN), 21 June 2024
聯合國人權高專辦(OHCHR)2022年發表「新疆報告」詳細記錄中國侵犯維吾爾族人權行為,至今已近2週年卻無任何後續行動,國際各大人權組織與世界維吾爾代表大會近日發表聯合聲明,要求聯合國對中國「反人類罪行」採取具體措施。Read the full story here.
Human rights organizations expressed concern over the situation in Xinjiang, demanded accountability
Presswire 18, 21 June 2024
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, International Service for Human Rights and the World Uyghur Congress said UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk should publicly report on the steps taken by the Chinese government and his/her office to address the human rights situation in Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
See also the article on ANI News.
Chine : les noms des villages Ouïghours effacés et remplacés par les autorités
Mizane Info, 20 June 2024
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, l’International Service for Human Rights et le Congrès mondial ouïghour ont appelé Volker Türk à fournir une mise à jour publique sur les mesures prises par son bureau pour remédier à la situation des droits de l’homme au Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
ONU trebuie să acționeze în privința abuzurilor din Xinjiang, China: grupuri pentru drepturile omului
România liberă / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
Într-o declarație criticată vehement de China, patru organizații importante pentru drepturile omului au solicitat șefului drepturilor omului din cadrul ONU, Volker Turk, să ‘ofere o actualizare publică a măsurilor luate de guvernul chinez și de biroul său pentru a aborda situația drepturilor omului în Xinjiang’. Read the full story here.
Organizações de defesa dos direitos humanos pedem medidas sobre Xinjiang
Noticias ao Minuto / Lusa, 20 June 2024
Organizações de defesa de direitos humanos apelaram hoje às Nações Unidas para que sejam tomadas medidas quanto a violações na região chinesa de Xinjiang, quando passam quase dois anos da publicação de um relatório que descrevia ‘possíveis crimes contra a humanidade’. Read the full story here.
See also the article on MSN.
Rights groups urge UN to ‘address the human rights situation’ in China’s Xinjiang region
Hong Kong Free Press / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
‘The ongoing absence of public reporting by the high commissioner to follow-up the atrocity crimes documented by his own office, risks undermining the trust placed in his office by victims and survivors,’ warned Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Service for Human Rights, and the World Uyghur Congress. Read the full story here.
Chine : plusieurs organisations demandent à l’ONU d’agir pour faire cesser les violations des droits des minorités musulmanes dans la région du Xinjiang
Le Monde / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
Plusieurs organisations de défense des droits de l’homme s’impatientent concernant la situation au Xinjiang (nord-ouest de la Chine). Elles ont appelé, jeudi 20 juin, les Nations unies (ONU) à agir, près de deux ans après la publication d’un rapport explosif détaillant de nombreuses violations dans cette région chinoise. Le haut-commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme, Volker Türk, est nommément interpellé par quatre organisations. Read the full story here.
L’ONU appelée à agir sur les violations des droits au Xinjiang
L’Orient Le Jour / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
Plusieurs organisations de défense des droits de l’homme ont appelé jeudi les Nations unies à agir, près de deux ans après la publication d’un rapport explosif détaillant de nombreuses violations dans la région chinoise du Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Mediapart, La Presse (Canada) and Les Echos.
La communauté internationale appelle l’ONU à agir contre les violations des droits des minorités musulmanes au Xinjiang
Zactus, 20 June 2024
Plusieurs organisations demandent à l’ONU d’agir pour faire cesser les violations des droits des minorités musulmanes dans la région du Xinjiang, en Chine. Ces demandes interviennent suite à un rapport explosif publié il y a près de deux ans par le précédent haut-commissaire de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme, évoquant des possibles « crimes contre l’humanité » contre les Ouïgours et d’autres minorités musulmanes au Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
Quatre ONG demandent à l’ONU d’en faire davantage sur le Xinjiang
Keystone-ATS / MSN, 20 June 2024
Le Haut-Commissariat de l’ONU aux droits de l’homme doit en faire davantage pour le suivi du rapport accablant sur le Xinjiang publié il y a deux ans, selon quatre ONG. Jeudi à Genève, elles ont demandé au haut-commissaire de dévoiler les mesures prises par Pékin. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on La Libre Belgique, La Liberté, Léman Bleu, LFM, Swissinfo, Radio Lac and Blick.
Activistas piden a la onu que actúe ante el informe sobre abusos en xinjiang, China
La Nación Argentina / Reuters, 20 June 2024
Grupos de activistas pidieron el jueves al jefe de derechos humanos de la ONU que tome más medidas ante lo que consideraban abusos documentados contra uigures y otros musulmanes en la región china de Xinjiang. Read the full story here.
UN must act on abuses in China’s Xinjiang: rights groups
Barron’s / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
UN rights chief ‘Volker Turk should provide a public update of measures taken by the Chinese government and by his office to address the human rights situation in Xinjiang’, four leading rights organisations said in a statement. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on New Arab, The Standard, The Daily Tribune (Philippines) and Malaysia Gazette.
Cuatro oenegés reclaman a la ONU que actúe frente a los abusos de China en Xinjiang
La Nación (Argentina) / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
Cuatro oenegés pidieron el jueves a la ONU que actúe frente a las violaciones de derechos humanos en la región china de Xinjiang, casi dos años después de un informe que advertía de posibles crímenes contra la humanidad. Read the full article here.
See also the article on Barron’s.
Human rights groups call for UN update, action on China’s Xinjiang
Voice of America / Agence France Presse, 20 June 2024
Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Service for Human Rights and the World Uyghur Congress issued a statement Thursday calling for action by U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk. Read the full story here.
Hundreds of Xinjiang Villages Renamed in Latest Attempt to Erase Uyghur History and Culture
China Digital Times, 20 June 2024
Chinese authorities are continuing their efforts to Sinicize religious and ethnic minorities. Religious practices during Ramadan were stifled and censored this year, and many mosques across China have been stripped of their Arabic features. Read the full story here.
EU officials to make rare Tibet visit to examine human rights
Radio Free Asia, 14 June 2024
In a June 12 statement, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, Front Line Defenders, International Service for Human Rights and the World Uyghur Congress said that the talks allow European officials to raise key issues with their Chinese counterparts. Read the full story here.
Beijing wants to move on — fast — from Monday’s knife attack
Politico, 13 June 2024
International human rights bodies are calling on the European Union not to engage China through its annual human rights dialogue, scheduled for Friday. ‘While the EU raises concerns during these dialogues, it knows that the Chinese government will not acknowledge abuses,’ a joint letter by five groups said on Wednesday. An EU diplomat defended the mechanism, saying the EU intends to raise important issues with China, such as persecuted Uyhur and Tibetan minorities, individual cases, Hong Kong and human rights lawyers. Read the full story here.
Human rights defenders want policy implemented
The New Dawn Liberia, 11 June 2024
Over 30 human rights institutions, under the banner of the Liberia Coalition of Human Rights Defenders (LICHRD), are calling on the government to fully implement the Draft Human Rights Policy submitted to the Ministry of Justice. The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), based in Geneva, Switzerland, supports the awareness. Read the full story here.
رسالة من 32 منظمة حقوقية إلى الدول الأعضاء في “مجلس حقوق الإنسان” لمطالبة البحرين بإطلاق سراح السجناء السياسيين والناشطين الحقوقيين
Bahrain Mirror, 31 May 2024
مرآة البحرين: دعت 32 منظمة مدافعة عن حقوق الإنسان الدول الأعضاء في “مجلس حقوق الإنسان” إلى التواصل مع البحرين لضمان إطلاق سراح جميع السجناء السياسيين والمدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان المتبقين في السجون. Read the full story here.
Chris Sidoti to Speak on Palestine, Israel & International Law
Tasmanian Times, 24 May 2024
Mr Sidoti has been Australian Human Rights Commissioner (1995-2000) and Australian Law Reform Commissioner (1992-1995). He has also worked in non-government organisations, including as director of the International Service for Human Rights, based in Geneva, Switzerland, and for the Human Rights Council of Australia and the Australian Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace. Read the full story.
BBM urged: Certify as urgent HR defenders protection bill
Malaya Business Insight, 14 May 2024
ALBAY Rep. Edcel Lagman yesterday welcomed President Marcos Jr.’s creation of a special committee to promote and protect human rights under Administrative Order No. 22, but said it must be ‘complemented’ with the proposed Human Rights Defenders Protection Act, which he asked the President to certify as urgent […]. Lagman said the bill is based on the Model Law for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights Defenders developed by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full story here.
Lawmakers welcome rights super body
The Manila Times, 14 May 2024
House Assistant Majority Leader Raul Angelo ‘Jil’ Bongalon said in a press conference on Monday the creation [the creation of the human rights super body] ‘a positive development’. The bill, he said, ‘defends human rights defenders from harassment, prosecution, and even death at the hands of state agents and their private cohorts. It is largely based on the Model Law for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights Defenders developed by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR).’ Read the full story here.
Un comité de l’ONU préoccupé par la construction d’une centrale électrique en Guyane française
BatInfo / Agence France Presse (AFP), 13 May 2024
Un comité de l’ONU, saisi par des Amérindiens de Guyane, a fait part à la France de sa préoccupation face au projet de construction d’une centrale photovoltaïque dans ce département français d’outre-mer en Amérique du Sud […]. La plainte avait été déposée à la demande du chef coutumier du village, Roland Sjabere, par l’Organisation des Nations autochtones de Guyane française (ONAG) avec le soutien du Service international pour les Droits de l’Homme (ISHR), une ONG basée à Genève. Read the full story here.
Lagman urges Marcos to ratify UN treaty on ‘enforced disappearance’
Inquirer.net, 13 May 2024
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr’s creation of a Special Committee on Human Rights must be paired with immediate ratification of the United Nations (UN) treaty on enforced disappearances and Human Rights Defenders (HRD) Protection Act enactment, a lawmaker said on Sunday. ‘The HRD bill defends human rights defenders from harassment, prosecution, and even death at the hands of State agents and their private cohorts. It is largely based on the Model Law for the Recognition and Protection of Human Rights Defenders developed by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR),’ [Albay 1st District Rep. Edcel Lagman] added. Read the full story here.
Sudan humanitarian response: WFP lauds new EU pledge of €302 mln
Dabanga Sudan, 8 May 2024
In the run-up to the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan in Paris last month, and to mark a year since the outbreak of the conflict, several prominent international human rights organisations, press freedom advocates, and humanitarian organisations, have addressed a joint open letter to the High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borell Fontelles, as well as the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU member states, urging ‘urgent, strategic, and concrete steps to respond to the massive cost on civilians of the dramatic human rights and humanitarian crisis in the country and prevent further violations’. Read the full story here.
Organizaciones nacionales e internacionales exigen sentencias contra los responsables del asesinato de Berta Cáceres
Criterio (Honduras), 8 May 2024
A 8 años del asesinato de Berta Cáceres, feminista, defensora del territorio y de los derechos del pueblo Lenca, las sentencias condenatorias en contra de los autores materiales y el coautor del crimen siguen sin ser firmes y el proceso de justicia bajo ataque. Read the full story here.
CEOG : un comité de l’ONU somme la France de respecter le consentement préalable, libre et éclairé des peuples autochtones
Guyanews, 6 May 2024
Saisis le 15 mars dernier par le chef du village Prospérité Roland Sjabère, l’Organisation des nations autochtones de Guyane (Onag) et l’ONG International service for human rights (ISHR), basée à Genève, le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale, une instance onusienne, a appelé la semaine dernière la France à respecter les revendications de la communauté amérindienne Kali’na du village Prospérité. Read the full story here.
VN Comité roept Frankrijk op eisen inheemse Kali’ña in Frans Guyana te respecteren
Dagblad Suriname, 4 May 2024
Deze oproep, ingediend op 15 maart door de Organization des Nations Autochtones de Guyane française (ONAG) en de International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), informeerde CERD-leden over het ontbreken van toestemming van en overleg met het Kali’na-volk over de precieze locatie van het project, ondanks de ligging in een bos van groot cultureel en economisch belang voor het dorp Prospérité. Read the full story here.
Conflit en Guyane : Centrale Photovoltaïque et Droits des Amérindiens
EnergyNews, 3 May 2024
Burkina/Droits des défenseurs des droits humains : La loi 039-2017 vulgarisée
LeFaso.net, 3 May 2024
La Coalition burkinabè des défenseurs des droits humains (CBDDH) avec l’appui de son partenaire International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) a organisé un atelier de vulgarisation de la loi 039-2017 portant protection des défenseurs des droits humains au Burkina Faso. La rencontre entre les acteurs des droits de l’homme et la Direction en charge des droits humains a eu lieu ce vendredi 3 mai 2024 à Ouagadougou. Read the full story here.
Ceog et droits des autochtones: une structure de l’Onu exprime “formellement sa préoccupation”
France Guyane, 2 May 2024
Nouveau rebondissement dans la lutte entre le projet de Centrale électrique de l’ouest guyanais (Ceog) et le village Prospérité, dont la forêt vivrière est déboisée par la construction de la centrale électrique. Read the full story here.
Guyane : un comité de l’ONU se dit préoccupé par la construction d’une centrale électrique à proximité d’un village amérindien
Le Parisien / Agence France Presse (AFP), 2 May 2024
La plainte a été déposée à la demande du chef coutumier du village, Roland Sjabere, par l’Organisation des Nations autochtones de Guyane française (ONAG) avec le soutien du Service international pour les Droits de l’Homme (ISHR), une ONG basée à Genève. Read the full story here.
See also the article on MSN.
Guyane : un comité de l’ONU préoccupé par la construction d’une centrale électrique
Outre-mer la 1ère / Agence France Presse (AFP), 2 May 2024
Un comité de l’ONU, saisi par des Amérindiens de Guyane, a fait part à la France de sa préoccupation face au projet de construction d’une centrale photovoltaïque dans ce département français d’outre-mer en Amérique du Sud. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on La Provence, Connaissances des Energies, Outremers 360 and Mémento.
L’ONU exhorte la France à respecter les droits des peuples autochtones face au projet de la CEOG
Radio Peyi, 2 May 2024
Dans une lettre adressée aux représentants français à l’ONU à Genève, le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale (CERD) des Nations Unies se dit « préoccupé » par le fait « qu’il n’y aurait pas eu de consultation ni de consentement libre, préalable et éclairé du peuple Kali’ña avant l’approbation du projet », ainsi que par les allégations de « recours excessif à la force par les forces de l’ordre, de détention, de poursuites judiciaires et de condamnations pénales à l’encontre de dirigeants et de membres du peuple Kali’ña ». Read the full story here.
Guyane : l’ONU demande à la France de respecter les droits des Autochtones
Radio Canada, 2 May 2024
Un comité des Nations unies a envoyé une lettre aux représentants de la France à l’ONU pour leur rappeler que leur gouvernement doit consulter et respecter le consentement libre et éclairé du peuple Kali’na, des Autochtones en Guyane française qui s’opposent vivement à la construction d’une centrale électrique. Read the full story here.
Œuvre d’art en commémoration aux victimes de racisme
Tribune de Genève, 25 April 2024
Le conseil d’administration a reçu plusieurs sollicitations concernant des victimes de persécutions liées à leur engagement pour les droits humains. Les cas de la Chinoise Cao Shunli et de l’Iranienne Mahsa Amini en font notamment partie. La Ville a décidé d’édifier un monument commun, qui «pourra commémorer l’existence et l’action de ces personnes dont l’engagement pour les droits humains doit être souligné et salué». Read the full story here.
See also the article on MSN.
How Business Can Play A Role In Making Peace
Forbes, 23 April 2024
A 2018 report by the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre and International Service for Human Rights entitled ‘Shared Space Under Pressure’ urges companies to act affirmatively to protect what the report calls ‘civil society space’. The report outlines a series of concrete steps companies can take to support and protect these local activists. Read the full story here.
Book Business Associations Abroad Slam New Hong Kong Security Law
Publishers Weekly, 22 April 2024
The International Publishers Association (IPA) and European and International Booksellers Federation (EIBF) have raised concerns about the potential limitations on the freedom to publish in Hong Kong following the adoption of the widely criticized new national security law Article 23, which is officially now called the ‘Safeguarding National Security Ordinance,’ on March 19. Read the full story here.
Follow the money: What does Middle East investment mean for cycling?
Cyclsit, 22 April 2024
With huge investment pouring into cycling from the Middle East, Felix Lowe asks what this growing involvement means for the future of the sport […]. ‘Cycling is – or should be – a sport characterised by values such as freedom of movement, freedom of expression, equality, diversity, sustainability and respect for the environment. These are not values strongly associated with the authoritarian regimes that rule the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Bahrain,’ [Phil Lynch, director of the International Service for Human Rights] says. Read the full story here.
NGOs call on EU for ‘urgent, strategic, and concrete steps’ to address Sudan’s humanitarian crisis
Dabanga Sudan, 12 April 2024
Several prominent international human rights organisations, press freedom advocates, and humanitarian organisations, have addressed a joint open letter to the High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the European Commission, Josep Borell Fontelles, as well as the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU member states, urging ‘urgent, strategic, and concrete steps to respond to the massive cost on civilians of the dramatic human rights and humanitarian crisis in the country and prevent further violations’. Read the full story here.
Appel : « Algérie, Il faut libérer les détenus et ouvrir l’espace civique »
Le Club de Médiapart, 6 April 2024
À ce jour, plus de 200 personnes sont emprisonnées pour avoir exprimé leur opinion et exercé leurs droits fondamentaux. Pour rendre visible leur détention arbitraire et exiger leur libération immédiate, des militant.es, des associations, des organisations de droits humains et des médias lancent une campagne de mobilisation. Read the full story here.
Ong & Associations : « Les violations des droits des migrants en Tunisie se poursuivent »
Kapitalis, 6 April 2024
Plus d’un an après le communiqué de la présidence de la République tunisienne à l’issue de la réunion du Conseil national de sécurité, qui liait la présence de personnes migrant.e.s « à un complot visant à modifier la composition démographique de la Tunisie », les violations systématiques et les campagnes racistes et xénophobes visant les migrant.e.s subsaharien.ne.s en Tunisie se poursuivent, et restent à ce jour impunies. Read the full story here.
جمعيات حقوقية وانسانية تؤكد في بيان مشترك استمرار الانتهاكات ضد المهاجرين والمهاجرات في تونس
Echaabnews, 5 April 2024
الشعب نيوز/ بلاغات – أصدرت مجموعة هامة من الجمعيات الناشطة في الحقلين الحقوقي والاجتماعي بيانا مشتركا عادت في مقدمته على بلاغ رئاسة الجمهورية الصادر منذ سنة على إثر اجتماع مجلس الأمن القومي والذي ربط تواجد المهاجرات والمهاجرين بـ “ترتيب اجراميّ تمّ إعداده منذ مطلع هذا القرن لتغيير التركيبة الديمغرافيّة لتونس” وقالت “أن الانتهاكات الممنهجة والحملات العنصرية التي تستهدف المهاجرات والمهاجرين من جنوب الصحراء في تونس مازالت مستمرة.” – Read the full story here.
Inside Geneva: Protecting health care in Gaza and defending human rights
Swissinfo, 2 April 2024
The second part of Inside Geneva this week hears from human rights defenders who are attending the current session of the UN Human Rights Council […]. Their work, said Phil Lynch of the International Service for Human Rights, is fundamental to the freedoms we enjoy. Listen to the full episode here.
China tries to block NGO tribute to dead dissident at UN
The Hindu / Agence France Presse, 23 March 2024
‘Cao’s courage inspires defenders globally, so let her legacy and name resonate in this room until there is accountability for all victims of reprisals,’ said a Chinese human rights defender whose identity was not given. Speaking on behalf of 37 non-governmental organisations — including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Service for Human Rights — she included a short silence, which she said was in honour of Cao. Read the full story here.
See also the links on Barron’s, Channel News Asia, MSN and The Citizen.
维权人士在UN人权理事会悼念曹顺利 无视中国阻挠
Radio France International (RFI Chinese) / Agence France Presse, 22 March 2024
中国今天试图阻挠维权人士在联合国人权理事会发表针对已故异议人士曹顺利的声明,但西方各国捍卫发言权,维权人士得以顺利发言悼念曹顺利。 Read the full story here.
See also the article on Swissinfo.
無視中國阻撓 維權人士在UN人權理事會悼念曹順利
CNA News – Focus Taiwan / Agence France Presse, 22 March 2024
中國今天試圖阻撓維權人士在聯合國人權理事會發表針對已故異議人士曹順利的聲明,但西方各國捍衛發言權,維權人士得以順利發言悼念曹順利。多名聯合國人權專家本月14日共同發表聲明稱,從2008年12月起,一些人權維護者倡議並要求參與編寫中國為2009年和2013年聯合國人權理事會普遍定期審議所提交的國家人權報告,曹順利就是這些人權維護者的一員。Read the full story here.
Homenaje a disidente china fallecida expone fracturas en organismo de derechos humanos de la onu
La Nación / Reuters, 22 March 2024
China interrumpió el viernes un intento de varios grupos no gubernamentales de rendir homenaje a una difunta activista china de derechos humanos, en un tenso incidente en un organismo de la ONU que puso de manifiesto las divisiones entre los países occidentales y los partidarios de Pekín. Read the full article here.
See also the article on Yahoo News (español).
Voice of America (VOA Chinese) / Reuters, 22 March 2024
在联合国日内瓦办事处打断了几个非政府组织(NGO)纪念已故中国人权活动人士曹顺利的活动。这些组织是在纪念10年前因在中国外交部外静坐而被拘留的曹顺利女士。NGO称她的死因是一种“致命的报复”。联合国的报告印证了这些NGO的说法,称中国当局拒绝向曹顺利提供医疗,导致了她的死亡。Read the full story here.
Radio France International (RFI Chinese) / Reuters, 22 March 2024
据路透社报导,周五,在联合国人权理事会发生的一起紧张事件中,中方外交官打断了多个非政府组织向一位已故中国人权活动家的悼念发言,这暴露了西方国家与北京支持者之间的分歧。Read the full story here.
ONG logran homenajear a activista china en la ONU tras el décimo aniversario de su muerte
Infobae / Agencia EFE, 22 March 2024
Varias ONG coordinadas por el Servicio Internacional de Derechos Humanos (ISHR) lograron rendir un breve homenaje en la sede europea de la ONU a la activista china Cao Chunli, fallecida hace 10 años en prisión, pese a que la delegación del Gobierno chino intentó boicotear este acto conmemorativo. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Swissinfo.
Tribute to deceased Chinese dissident exposes fractures at UN rights body
Reuters, 22 March 2024
China interrupted an attempt by several non-governmental groups on Friday to pay homage to a late Chinese human rights activist in a tense incident at a U.N. rights body that exposed divisions between Western countries and supporters of Beijing. A Chinese human rights defender speaking on behalf of one of the groups, the International Service for Human Rights, held a brief moment of silence at the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva to mark the anniversary of her death. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Saltwire, MSN, US News, Nasdaq and Street Insider.
Why Did China Object to Tribute for Dead Dissident Cao Shunli at UNHRC ?
News18, 22 March 2024
China on Friday tried to block a statement before the UN Human Rights Council about a dissident who was detained and died after trying to travel to the council in 2014. Beijing used procedural moves to object to a statement presented on behalf of dozens of rights groups paying tribute to Cao Shunli, who was detained as she attempted to travel to Geneva ahead of a UN review of China’s rights record. Read the full story here.
Côte d’Ivoire : La CIDDH initie un atelier de vulgarisation de la loi portant protection et promotion des défenseurs à l’endroit des organisations féministes
AfrikSoir.net, 22 March 2024
La Coalition Ivoirienne des Défenseurs des Droits Humains (CIDDH), avec le soutien financier et technique de l’International Service For Human Rights (ISHR), ont lancé une initiative ambitieuse visant à renforcer la protection des femmes défenseures des droits humains (FDDH) en Côte d’Ivoire. Read the full story here.
UN Rights Chief Speaks Out on Hong Kong, but ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ on China Still Frustrates NGOs
Geneva Observer, 21 March 2024
Campaigners increasingly question the effectiveness of Türk’s so-called ‘quiet diplomacy’ with Beijing. Read the full story here ($).
Exclusive: UN human rights branch under stress amid liquidity crunch
Geneva Solutions, 20 March 2024
As the United Nations faces its worst liquidity crisis in recent history, experts, staff and observers worry about the ramifications on human rights work […]. The UN’s recent decision that it would no longer provide online services for meetings has drawn outcry from rights campaigners who argue it curtails the possibility of civil society groups and states with little resources to participate. Read the full story here.
Projet de centrale électrique en Guyane : des peuples autochtones déposent plainte auprès de l’ONU
Outre-mer la 1ère / Agence France Presse (AFP), 15 March 2024
Des peuples autochtones de Guyane ont déposé vendredi une plainte auprès de l’ONU demandant en urgence l’arrêt des travaux de construction d’une centrale photovoltaïque en raison de son “impact environnemental”. La plainte a été déposée par l’Organisation des Nations autochtones de Guyane française (ONAG) avec le soutien du Service international pour les Droits de l’Homme (ISHR), une ONG basée à Genève, devant le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale, qui ne dispose toutefois d’aucun pouvoir de contrainte. Read the full story here.
CEOG : les opposants au projet saisissent une instance de l’ONU
Guyaweb, 15 March 2024
A la demande du chef du village Prospérité Roland Sjabère, l’Organisation des nations autochtones de Guyane (Onag) et l’ONG International service for human rights (ISHR), basée à Genève, ont saisi ce vendredi 15 mars le Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale des Nations Unies. Ils demandent l’arrêt des travaux de la Centrale électrique de l’Ouest guyanais et le déplacement du projet, jugé trop proche du village. Read the full story here ($).
Guyane : des Autochtones saisissent l’ONU face à un projet empiétant sur leurs terres
Radio Canada, 15 March 2024
Le peuple autochtone kali’na, installé en Guyane française, s’oppose depuis longtemps à la construction d’une centrale à hydrogène sur ses terres. Face à l’inaction de l’État, ils ont décidé de saisir l’ONU […]. L’Organisation des Nations autochtones de Guyane française et l’International Service for Human Rights sont les dépositaires de cette demande. Read the full story here.
CEOG : Prospérité adresse une requête à l’ONU pour l’arrêt des travaux
Mo News, 15 March 2024
La communauté amérindienne du village Prospérité a adressé une requête urgente au Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination raciale de l’ONU pour l’arrêt immédiat des travaux de construction d’une centrale électrique sur leurs terres […]. Ce projet, situé à moins de 2 kilomètres de leurs terres, a été dénoncé comme une forme de discrimination à l’encontre du peuple autochtone Kali’na. Le chef coutumier Roland Sjabere a déposé une requête avec le soutien de l’ONAG* et de l’ISHR. Read the full story here.
Centrale électrique en Guyane : les Kali’na portent plainte devant l’ONU
Reporterre, 15 March 2024
L’Organisation des nations autochtones de Guyane française (Onag) et l’International Service for Humain Rights (ISHR), à la demande du chef coutumier de Prospérité Roland Sjabere, ont déposé un recours auprès du comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination des Nations unies à Genève. Ils réclament l’arrêt immédiat des travaux et le déplacement du projet hors des terres de la communauté. Le Comité tiendra sa session du 8 au 26 avril. Read the full story here.
Guyane : Plainte à l’ONU contre la construction de la Centrale de l’Ouest
Outremers 360 / Agence France Presse (AFP), 15 March 2024
Des peuples autochtones de Guyane ont déposé vendredi une plainte auprès de l’ONU demandant en urgence l’arrêt des travaux de construction de la centrale photovoltaïque de l’Ouest guyanais, en raison de son « impact environnemental ». La plainte a été déposée par l’Organisation des Nations autochtones de Guyane française (ONAG) avec le soutien du Service international pour les Droits de l’Homme (ISHR). Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Connaissance des Energies and Europenews.biz.
国际人权组织在日内瓦纪念曹顺利逝世十周年 声援中国人权捍卫者
Voice of America (VOA Chinese), 15 March 2024
国际人权服务组织(ISHR)3月14日星期四在日内瓦主办中国人权捍卫者曹顺利逝世十周年纪念活动,呼吁国际社会关注中国当局打压人权捍卫者的行为。Read the full story here.
UN News, 14 March 2024
人权专家表示,曹顺利在2013年被捕之时正试图飞往日内瓦参加一场非政府组织活动,这场活动在人权理事会召开会议期间举行,旨在探讨非政府组织与联合国人权机制的合作。专家们强调,“曹顺利一案被列入到秘书长此后有关与联合国在人权领域开展合作而遭到报复的报告中,而且这一问题仍然是我们授权任务中的一个优先事项”。Read the full story here.
Diez años tras su muerte Cao Shunli es homenajeada en Ginebra, ciudad a la que nunca llegó
Infobae / Agencia EFE, 14 March 2024
“El destino de Cao estuvo íntimamente ligado a Ginebra. Falleció en parte porque quería venir aquí y utilizar el sistema de derechos humanos de la ONU que en esta ciudad da voz a todos”, señaló en el homenaje Phil Lynch, director ejecutivo de una de las ONG organizadoras, el Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Diario ABC.
VIDEO | Diez años tras su muerte Cao Shunli es homenajeada en Ginebra, ciudad a la que nunca llegó.
EFE Noticias, 14 March 2024
Dieciocho ONG de derechos humanos se han dado cita en la Plaza de las Naciones ginebrina, ante la sede europea de la ONU, para recordar su desaparición, uno de los peores ejemplos de la represión del régimen chino contra los defensores de derechos humanos. Watch the full video here.
Diez años de la muerte de Cao Shunli en una China que sigue retrocediendo en libertades
Infobae / Agencia EFE, 14 March 2024
Hace este jueves una década que la abogada Cao Shunli murió en un hospital de Pekín tras seis meses en prisión por pedir mayor transparencia y participación de la sociedad civil en China, reflejando las dificultades que afrontan los defensores de las libertades fundamentales en el país asiático […]. Este jueves, Ginebra celebra un acto de homenaje a Cao en el décimo aniversario de su muerte en cautividad. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Swissinfo.
国际人权组织在日内瓦纪念曹顺利逝世十周年 声援中国人权捍卫者
Voice of America (VOA Chinese), 14 March 2024
国际人权服务组织的中国区项目经理拉斐尔·大卫(Raphael David)称中国政府系统性地打压那些试图与联合国人权机制合作的个人,不仅威胁到个人的安全和自由,也破坏了国际社会维护人权的努力。Watch the full video here.
曹顺利去世十周年 联合国专家促中国当局调查并追责
Radio Free Asia (RFA), 14 March 2024
曹顺利于2013年9月14日在北京国际机场被捕。当时,她在联合国人权理事会会议期间,试图飞往日内瓦参加非政府组织与人权机制合作的活动。她在五周内下落不明,之后再次被拘留,并被指控“寻衅滋事”。她的健康状况据称由于酷刑虐待以及当局未能提供及时充分的医疗服务而严重恶化,但她仍被拘押。她于2014年2月19日住院,3月14日去世。Read the full story here.
L’apartheid c’è ancora: è quello delle donne afgane
Il Sole 24 Ore, 14 March 2024
L’apartheid non è finito nei primi anni Novanta, esiste ancora nel XXI secolo e riguarda la metà della popolazione afgana, venti milioni di persone: le donne. «Gender apartheid» lo chiama un gruppo di leader afgane e iraniane in esilio, che insieme ad avvocati internazionali e altri attivisti chiede che venga finalmente riconosciuto, che la definizione dell’ apartheid nel diritto internazionale venga interpretata in modo tale da includere le gerarchie di genere, e non solo quelle etniche. Read the full story here.
Un festival de cine en Ginebra refleja las violaciones de los derechos humanos en todo el mundo
Euronews, 9 March 2024
El cine siempre ha sido uno de los mayores canales de denuncia social. Estos días se celebra en Ginebra un festival que tiene como objetivo poner en el foco las violaciones de los derechos humanos que se cometen en el mundo. El festival FIFDH se lleva a cabo en un momento crucial en el que el recrudecimiento de la invasión de Rusia a Ucrania o la guerra entre Israel y Hamás ha llevado a diferentes organismos internacionales a condenar las posibles violaciones de derechos humanos. Read the full story.
Defensora Lourdes Gómez denuncia en la ONU la cooptación del sistema judicial
Prensa Comunitaria, 9 March 2024
El 4 de marzo, en el marco del 144 periodo de sesiones de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) la defensora de derechos humanos, Lourdes Haquelina Gómez Willis, se refirió a la situación de las personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Guatemala donde la cooptación del sistema judicial sigue siendo un motivo de preocupación. Read the full story here.
Should ‘gender apartheid’ be an international crime?
Context News, 6 March 2024
If gender apartheid is included in a draft U.N. crimes against humanity treaty, countries that adopt it would be obliged to criminalise it and take action against offenders […]. ‘This is a generational opportunity to ensure that gender apartheid is explicitly recognised as a crime against humanity and codified in a treaty,’ said Phil Lynch, executive director of Geneva-based International Service for Human Rights. Read the full story here.
NGO Approvals by a UN Committee Could Finally See ‘Long-Overdue’ Reform
Passblue, 5 March 2024
The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, a little-known but powerful United Nations body, is crippled by politics and failing to carry out its mandate of enabling NGO participation in the work of the UN. Read the full story here.
Repression in Venezuela intensifying ahead of elections, rights groups say
The Guardian, 22 February 2024
Fears Maduro government is trying to shut down scrutiny after lawyer is arrested and UN human rights office shut down. Read the full story here.
China’s uncertain trail in Latin America
Diálogo Político, 20 February 2024
More than two decades have passed since China’s landing in Latin America. This span provides a field of vision that makes one thing evident: the socio-environmental impact and other pernicious effects have overshadowed the benefits of Chinese presence in the region. Contrary to the elite’s optimistic discourse, Latin America risks falling into economic dependence and political subordination to China. Read the full story here.
Rights Groups Call on UNHRC for Action Against Taliban’s Gender-Based Persecution
Kabul Now, 14 February 2024
The International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) and the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) have jointly appealed to the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), urging urgent attention to the ongoing gender-based persecution by the Taliban in Afghanistan. Read the full story here.
Documentary filmmaking and human rights: a delicate balance of exposure and protection
Modern Times Review, 9 February 2024
As the FIFDH Human Rights Film Festival in Geneva anticipates its sixth annual Impact Days from 10 to 12 March, discussions began in earnest with a January webinar […]. Panelist Elise Golay of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) explained how her organisation works. ‘We have a collective approach. We are within an axis of work through training. This can also be access to information or providing information to defenders and communities. We also work through the strengthening of national laws for the protection of defenders.’ Read the full story here.
La incierta huella de China en América Latina
Diálogo Político, 8 February 2024
El desembarco de China en América Latina cumple más de dos décadas. Con esa visión de campo, se hace evidente que los beneficios de su presencia quedan eclipsados por el impacto socioambiental y otros efectos negativos. Frente al discurso optimista de las élites, el riesgo de la región con China es caer en la dependencia económica y en la subordinación política. Read the full article here.
China, derechos humanos y actividades empresariales en América Latina
El Veedor Digital, 7 February 2024
22 organizaciones latinoamericanas e internacionales, entre ellas el International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) y la coalición CICDHA*, han elaborado un informe, presentado ante el Comité de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales (CDESC) de la ONU, que analiza en detalle 14 proyectos en los que actores empresariales y financieros bajo jurisdicción china han incumplido normas internacionales de derechos humanos, laborales y medioambientales. Read the full article here.
China reprueba en derechos humanos
El Ínterin, 4 February 2024
Raphaël Viana, encargado de China y América Latina en el International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), observa desde Ginebra, donde ser realizó la sesión [del EPU de China]: ‘Se abrió una brecha en la narrativa china por la posición de algunos países del Sur Global’. Read the full story here.
China largely satisfied with UN review of its rights record despite mixed outcome
Tibetan Review, 30 January 2024
‘A lot of governments issued friendly recommendations to China during last week’s UPR in Geneva, which demonstrated China’s influence, but despite the enormous pressure that many developing countries feel [from Beijing,] there were some bold statements from Latin American countries,’ Raphaël Viana David, China and Latin America Programme Manager at the Geneva-based International Service for Human Rights, has told the voanews.com. Read the full story here.
Analysts: UN Rights Review Shows Limits of China’s Global Influence Campaign
Voice of America, 29 January 2024
‘A lot of governments issued friendly recommendations to China during last week’s Universal Periodic Review [UPR] in Geneva, which demonstrated China’s influence, but despite the enormous pressure that many developing countries feel [from Beijing,] there were some bold statements from Latin American countries,’ Raphaël Viana David, China and Latin America Program Manager at the International Service for Human Rights [ISHR] told VOA by phone. Read the full article here.
See also the article on China Factor.
Cómo la última revisión de la ONU rompió con la narrativa de un apoyo unánime de América Latina a China
Infobae, 27 January 2024
Un grupo significativo de países de la región emitió recomendaciones constructivas y críticas sobre derechos sexuales y reproductivos, regulación empresarial y acceso de expertos de Naciones Unidas a todo el territorio chino […] “El EPU de China es crucial dada la falta de escrutinio internacional en la ONU sobre su situación, especialmente en regiones como Xinjiang, donde la minoría étnica uigur enfrenta abusos graves”, aseguró en diálogo con Infobae Raphaël Viana David, gerente de Programas del Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos. Read the full story here.
At a UN review, China basks in the flattery of friendly countries
The Economist, 25 January 2024
Once every five years or so, each UN member state has to have its human-rights record examined under a so-called Universal Procedural Review (UPR) overseen by the body’s Human Rights Council. Every country in the UN may pose questions and recommendations to the state under review. This week China had its turn […]. Some developing countries also made criticisms, albeit couched in soft language. Thirteen states, including several Latin American democracies, urged China to allow unfettered visits by UN experts. This shows that some countries in the global south do want China to stop flouting UN rules, says Raphael Viana David of the International Service for Human Rights. Read the full story here.
See also the article on the Hindustan Times.
China enfrenta críticas en la ONU por su historial en derechos humanos en primera revisión desde informe de Bachelet
La Tercera (Chile), 24 January 2024
“En un contexto de alta presión de Beijing sobre países del Sur Global para que hablen en favor de las políticas del gobierno, saludamos que Chile haya emitido recomendaciones arraigadas en una perspectiva de derechos humanos imparcial: las prácticas de contracepciones coercitivas contra mujeres uigures y la represión en contra de activistas en China, documentadas por la ONU, deben cesar”, comentó a La Tercera Raphael Viana David, encargado del programa para China y Latinoamérica del International Service for Human Rights (ISHR). Read the full story here.
Wie China den Uno-Menschenrechtsrat austricksen will
Neue Zürcher Zeitung, 24 January 2024
Alle fünf Jahre findet bei der Uno in Genf ein umfassender Menschenrechtsdialog statt. China macht mit, aber versucht, Mitgliedsstaaten für seine Ziele einzuspannen […]. Auffallend war auch, dass es aus Asien, Afrika und Südamerika handfeste Empfehlungen für China gab, nicht nur aus Europa oder den USA«Es geht nicht um den Westen contra China, auch wenn China versucht, es so darzustellen», sagt Raphael Viana David, der beim International Service for Human Rights für China zuständig ist. Read the full story here ($).
This article is also available in English.
«La Chine sur le grill à l’ONU»
RTS La 1ère, 23 January 2024
La Chine essaye, « sans cesse, à chaque session, de restreindre l’accès à l’ONU », a dit Raphaël Viana David, responsable du Programme Chine pour ISHR, en réaction aux pressions de Pékin à la veille de son Examen Public Universel. Listen to the full interview here (2:33).
China’s UN rights review will test alignment of Global South
Swissinfo, 23 January 2024
China’s human rights record is being examined by the international community at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Over the next two weeks, observers will be watching closely to see which states, especially from the Global South, put the spotlight on a damning 2022 UN report on alleged rights violations in China’s western Xinjiang region. ‘It’s important that UN Member States echo the recommendations of the report in the UPR, because this reminds the international community that it is not only important but also legitimate, as is any document issued by a UN body,’ says Raphaël Viana David. Read the full story here.
Por temor a la revisión de la ONU, China presiona a los países para que elogien su historial en derechos humanos
Infobae, 23 January 2024
El gigante asiático quiere aplastar cualquier tipo de disidencia durante la próxima semana, cuando el Consejo de Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas lleve a cabo su primera revisión en cinco años sobre el historial del país. “El EPU es un control de temperatura muy importante y una oportunidad para que los países expresen su preocupación basándose en la documentación de la ONU”, dijo Raphael Viana David del Servicio Internacional para los Derechos Humanos. “No debería ser un esfuerzo conjunto de elogiarse unos a otros y tomarse de la mano”. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Eju.tv.
聯合國審議|路透社揭中共游說盟友「說好話」 人權觀察批「洗白」 流亡藏人籲關注西藏文化滅絕
The Chaser News / Reuters, 23 January 2024
報道引述4名外交人員指出,中國常駐聯合國日內瓦代表團持續向各國特使發出備忘錄,為周二舉行的普遍定期審議作準備。他們表示,其他國家有時會嘗試影響其他成員國在聯合國人權理事會上的發言,但中國的游說規模是前所未見的。國際人權服務社成員戴維(Raphael Viana David)稱,普遍定期審議是非常重要的一次「體溫檢查」,也是各國以聯合國文件作基礎去表達關注的機會,而非「互相稱讚」對方。Read the full article here.
See also the article on Yahoo News (Chinese).
Photon Media / Reuters, 23 January 2024
聯合國人權理事會今(23日)審議中國及香港的人權狀況,《路透社》獨家報道,中國一直遊說非西方國家在會議期間讚揚其人權紀錄,中方還提供具體發言要點,包括讚揚中國在婦女權利和殘疾權利方面的紀錄,一名匿名的非洲國家外交官向《路透社》表示,已收到要求在會議上支持中國,並將按要求行事。有外交官指,其他國家有時會試圖影響別國在聯合國理事會的發言,但中國遊說的規模卻是非比尋常。有外交官表示,其他國家有時會試圖影響聯合國理事會別國的發言,但中國的遊說規模是非比尋常。國際人權服務社中國和拉丁美洲項目經理Raphael Viana David指,普遍定期審議是一項非常重要的檢查,也是各國根據聯合國文件表達關切的機會,而非共同互相支持和讚賞對方。Read the full story here.
Exclusive: China lobbies countries to praise its rights record ahead of UN review – diplomats
Reuters, 22 January 2024
China has been lobbying non-Western countries to praise its human rights record ahead of a key U.N. meeting where it will face questions and criticism over its actions in Hong Kong and Xinjiang, according to diplomats and documents […]. ‘The UPR is a very important temperature check and a chance for countries to signal concern on the basis of U.N. documentation,’ Raphael Viana David from the International Service for Human Rights said. Read the full story here.
See also the articles on Yahoo News, Rappler, Swissinfo, Taiwan News and U.S. News.
Beijing Is Pouring Resources into Its UN Human Rights Review—All to Prevent Any Real Review from Taking Place
China Files, 22 January 2024
For the first time since 2018, China will undergo a Universal Periodic Review (UPR), in which UN member states evaluate one another’s human rights records. The credibility of reviews can be affected by the relentless pressure Beijing applies to UN institutions. During its 2018 review, Chinese authorities succeeded in temporarily removing critical submissions from Hong Kong, Tibetan, and Uyghur groups. Read the full story here.
TQ vận động các nước khen tụng Bắc Kinh tại cuộc kiểm điểm nhân quyền ở LHQ
Voice of America (Vietnamese Service) / Reuters, 22 January 2024
Trung Quốc vận động các nước (ngoại trừ các nước phương Tây) ca ngợi thành tích nhân quyền của Bắc Kinh trước cuộc họp quan trọng của Liên hiệp quốc, nơi Bắc Kinh sẽ đối mặt với những chất vấn và chỉ trích về hành động của họ ở Hong Kong và Tân Cương, theo các nhà ngoại giao và các văn bản tài liệu. Ông Raphael Viana David từ Cơ quan Nhân quyền Quốc tế nói: “UPR là một cuộc kiểm tra rất quan trọng và là cơ hội để các quốc gia báo hiệu mối quan ngại dựa trên tài liệu của Liên hiệp quốc”. “Đây không phải là nỗ lực chung để khen ngợi nhau và nắm tay nhau.” Read the full story here.
Menjelang Sidang Dewan HAM PBB, Cina Lobi untuk Kasus Pelanggaran pada Muslim Uyghur
Tempo.co (Indonesia) / Reuters, 22 January 2024
Menurut laporan Reuters, Senin, 22 Januari 2024, empat diplomat mengatakan bahwa misi Cina di PBB Jenewa telah mengirimkan memo kepada utusannya sebagai persiapan peninjauan catatan Beijing oleh Dewan HAM PBB yang dijadwalkan pada hari Selasa, 23 Januari 2024. ‘UPR adalah pemeriksaan suhu yang sangat penting dan kesempatan bagi negara-negara untuk memberikan sinyal kekhawatiran berdasarkan dokumentasi PBB,’ kata Raphael Viana David dari Layanan Internasional untuk Hak Asasi Manusia. ‘Seharusnya tidak menjadi upaya bersama untuk saling memuji dan berpegangan tangan.’ Read the full story here.
United Daily News (聯合報) / Reuters, 22 January 2024
根據相關文件以及知情外交官向路透社透露,中國最近在遊說非西方國家在本周二(1月23日)重要的聯合國會議上讚揚其人權記錄,北京預計將因在香港和新疆等地的所作所為而在該會議上面臨質疑和批評。國際人權服務社的戴維(Raphael Viana David)說:「普遍定期審議是一次非常重要的溫度測試,也是各國根據聯合國文件表達人權關切的機會。這不應是一次互相吹捧、兄弟攜手示好的會議。」
Radio France International (RFI, Chinese service) / Reuters, 22 January 2024
国际人权服务社的拉斐尔·维亚纳·戴维(Raphael Viana David)说:“普遍定期审议是一次非常重要的测温,也是各国根据联合国文件表达关切的机会。这不应是一次互相赞扬、手拉手的共同努力”。提出在会议上发言请求的国家数量通常都很高,达到163个。Read the full story here.
See also the article on Deutsche Welle (Chinese service) and Boxun.com.
Hoe China de vergaderzalen van de wereld overneemt
Het Financieele Dagblad, 18 January 2024
Veel internationale overlegorganen, zoals de Verenigde Naties, zijn ontstaan op initiatief van westerse landen, maar die raken steeds meer invloed kwijt aan China. Peking voelt zich als een vis in het water in multilaterale gremia, waar alle landen hun zegje kunnen doen […]. Dat is vooral zichtbaar in de VN-mensenrechtenraad, vertelt Raphael Viana, China-specialist bij de International Service for Human Rights in Genève. Van oudsher verdedigden landen elkaar altijd wel als ze onder vuur lagen over mensenrechtenschendingen die ook in eigen land speelden. ‘Maar het is nu veel gecoördineerder dan voorheen. Sommige landen verschijnen systematisch in de onderhandelingen over elkaars resoluties.’ Read the full story here.
ONU : le Maroc va présider le Conseil des droits de l’Homme
Les Echos, 11 January 2024
Le Maroc a décroché mercredi à Genève la présidence du Conseil des droits de l’Homme des Nations unies. Acquise largement, l’élection suscite néanmoins la critique. Tess McEvoy, codirectrice du bureau de New York du groupe de défense du Service international pour les droits de l’Homme prévient : « Le Maroc doit s’abstenir d’intimider ou d’exercer des représailles contre les défenseurs des droits de l’Homme qui collaborent avec les Nations unies. » Read the full story here ($).
Morocco wins vote to lead UN human rights body after showdown with S.Africa
Reuters, 10 January 2024
Morocco won a vote on Wednesday to lead the United Nations Human Rights Council after a heated showdown with South Africa, which said Rabat’s human rights record made it unfit to preside over the body […]. Rights groups say Morocco’s new role should prompt it to safeguard human rights at the highest level. “In particular, Morocco must refrain from intimidating or carrying out reprisals against human rights defenders engaging with the U.N.,” said Tess McEvoy, the Co-Director of the New York office of the International Service for Human Rights advocacy group. Read the full story here.
See also the articles in the Strait Times, CNBC Africa, U.S. News, Business Day (South Africa), Netwerk24, Arab News, Sowetan Live, The Star (Malaysia), and Philenews.
Morocco Wins Vote to Lead UN Human Rights Body
Voice of America / Reuters, 10 January 2024
‘In particular, Morocco must refrain from intimidating or carrying out reprisals against human rights defenders engaging with the U.N.,’ said Tess McEvoy, the Co-Director of the New York office of the International Service for Human Rights advocacy group. Read the full story here.
Africa: Moroccan Envoy Pips South African for UN Human Rights Council Post
All Africa, 10 January 2024
The UN Human Rights Council has elected Ambassador Omar Zniber of Morocco as president of the UN Human Rights Council for 2024 after he beat South African envoy, Mxolisi Nkosi in a vote. According to a scorecard set up by the ISHR, neither South Africa nor Morocco meets all the standards set by the Human Rights Council. South Africa nudges Morocco in the scoring, with neither country having ratified fundamental international human rights treaties and optional protocols relating to them. Read the full story here.
Marokkó képviselőjét választották meg az ENSZ Emberi Jogi Tanácsának vezetésére
Hirado.hu / Reuters, 10 January 2024
Marokkó irányíthatja az ENSZ Emberi Jogi Tanácsának munkáját idén, miután a Genfben szerdán megtartott szavazáson megkapta a legtöbb szavazatot. „Marokkónak mindenképpen tartózkodnia kell az ENSZ-szel együttműködő emberi jogi aktivisták megfélemlítésétől vagy az ellenük irányuló megtorlástól” – jelentette ki Tess McEvoy, az International Service for Human Rights nevű emberi jogi csoport New York-i irodájának társigazgatója. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Magyar Szó.
Nations Unies : le Maroc à la tête du Conseil des droits de l’homme de l’ONU
L’Indépendant / Reuters, 10 January 2024
Le Maroc a décroché mercredi 10 janvier à Genève la présidence du Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies (Onu), au terme d’un bras de fer houleux l’opposant à l’Afrique du Sud […]. Les groupes de défense estiment que le nouveau rôle du Maroc devrait l’inciter à protéger les droits de l’homme au plus haut niveau. “En particulier, le Maroc doit s’abstenir d’intimider ou d’exercer des représailles contre les défenseurs des droits de l’homme qui collaborent avec les Nations unies”, a déclaré Tess McEvoy, codirectrice du bureau de New York du groupe de défense du Service international pour les droits de l’homme. Read the full story here.
See also the article on Maghreb Émergent.
Marruecos logra la presidencia del Consejo de DDHH de la ONU en 2024
Swissinfo / Agence France Presse, 10 January 2024
El representante permanente de Marruecos en la ONU en Ginebra fue elegido el miércoles presidente del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, un organismo a cargo de la promoción y la protección de estos derechos en el mundo […]. Oenegés marroquíes e internacionales denuncian reiteradamente la represión de los periodistas, los activistas y de los derechos humanos en Marruecos, sobre todo recurriendo a procesos para crímenes de derecho común o a la vigilancia digital. Read the full story here.
Morocco becomes president of Human Rights Council, breaking African deadlock
Geneva Solutions, 10 January 2024
Reacting to the results of the election, the International Service of Human Rights said in a statement: “In this new role, Morocco now has a heightened responsibility to show concrete and meaningful progress towards upholding the highest possible standards for the protection of universal human rights. Read the full story here.
Moroccan Diplomat Outshines South African Rival for UN Human Rights Council Presidency
Media Talk Africa, 10 January 2024
In a historic election, Ambassador Omar Zniber of Morocco clinched the presidency of the UN Human Rights Council for 2024, triumphing over South African envoy, Mxolisi Nkosi. Citing an evaluation by ISHR, both South Africa and Morocco fell short of meeting all the standards set by the Human Rights Council, with South Africa edging ahead marginally in the assessment. Neither country had fully ratified fundamental international human rights treaties and their related optional protocols. Read the full story here.
Morocco and South Africa vie for rights council top role, exposing legitimacy stakes
Geneva Solutions, 8 January 2024
The Human Rights Council will vote on Wednesday to select its next president after African states reached an impasse over which of the two candidates – Morocco or South Africa – to put forward. ‘As we have seen in recent years with the defeat of council candidates such as Russia, competitive elections enable electors to make choices based on human rights considerations, among others, rather than having that choice made for them behind closed doors,’ Phil Lynch director of the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), told Geneva Solutions. Read the full article here.