Loi N° 039-2017/AN, Portant Protection des Defenseurs des Droits Humains au Burkina Faso
English translation: Act No. 39-2017 on the protection of human rights defenders in Burkina Faso
Complemented by: Commission Nationale des Droits Humains – Contenu de l’arrêté du MNPDDH (Mécanisme National de Protection des Défenseurs de Droits Humains)
English translation: National Human Rights Commission – Content of the MNPDDH order (National Human Rights Defenders Protection Mechanism)
Type of instrument: Law
Status (as of 1 January 2025): Adopted on 27 June 2017.
Comments on the instrument:
The Law contains several of the rights enshrined in the Model Law, albeit in a simpler way, without going into detail as to what each right entails. While certain rights are not explicitly enunciated, some of their elements are referenced (e.g. there is no explicit mention of the rights to privacy or freedom of movement, but the law contemplates sanctions for harassing or arbitrarily detaining a human rights defender). There are obligations on the State, however, no explicit mention is made of obligations to facilitate the work of human rights defenders or to protect their rights. The Law includes sanctions for crimes committed against human rights defenders, which is a pioneering aspect that is in line with Section 30 of the Model Law.
While the law did not create a protection mechanism, it was created by the NHRI through one of its Orders. The mechanism includes human rights defenders in its work, and it has a broad set of functions to protect them. However, some powers of the mechanism are expressed broadly, as compared to the specificities in the Model Law, this could operate to the detriment of human rights defenders. In addition, the Order does not contemplate independent reviews of the mechanism’s functioning, and the fact that the mechanism was created by an NHRI Order, and not a law or presidential decree, could make it more susceptible to restriction.
Does the instrument contain specific provisions easily used to restrict human rights defenders’ rights?
Comparison to the Model Law
Below is a short summary of the instrument compared to the Model Law. For additional information and analysis by ISHR on Burkina Faso, click here.
A selection of fundamental rights for human rights defenders incorporated in the instrument:
Provision |
Covered? |
Analysis / articles |
Definition of Human Rights Defender |
4, 5 |
Right to promote and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms |
3, 6 |
Right to Form Groups, Associations, and Organisations |
6 |
Right to Solicit, Receive and Utilise Resources |
6 |
Right to freedom of expression and to seek, receive and disseminate Information |
6, 9 |
Right to access and cooperate with NGOs, government organisations and intergovernmental organisations |
5, 6 |
Right to participate in public affairs |
5, 8 |
Right to Peaceful Assembly |
6 |
Right to represent and advocate |
5, 6 |
Right to freedom of movement |
21, 22 |
Right to Privacy |
13, 18, 20 |
Freedom from intimidation or reprisal |
7, 23 |
Freedom from defamation and stigmatisation |
12, 19, 20 |
State obligations regarding human rights defenders in the instrument?
Provision |
Covered? |
Analysis / articles |
Obligation to respect, promote, protect and fulfil rights of human rights defenders |
10, 12 |
Obligation to facilitate the activities and work of human rights defenders |
17, 20 |
Obligation to prevent and to ensure protection against arbitrary or unlawful intrusion, interference, and intimidation or reprisal |
12, 15, 16, 17 |
Obligation to investigate, provide an effective remedy and ensure reparation |
14, 19-28 |
Mechanism on the protection of human rights defenders established in the instrument?
The mechanism is developed in the NHRI’s ‘MNPDDH Order’. This built on article 15 of the implementation decree of the NHRI law which confers the responsibility to protect human rights defenders through the establishment of sub-committees, with the permanent sub-committee on civil and political rights having a specific mandate to ensure the protection of human rights defenders.
Provision |
Covered? |
Articles |
Cooperation with human rights defenders, civil society, and national and international human rights bodies |
3, 11, 14 |
Training of mechanism’s personnel on human rights and fundamental freedoms |
8, 9 |
Periodic reviews with independent experts and CSOs on the functioning of the Mechanism |
Resources for adequate functioning of the Mechanism / transparency on resource usage |
5, 14, 18-26 |
Public acknowledgement of human rights defenders’ work and rights (promotion of UN Declaration) |
11 |
Disseminate information on protection programmes for human rights defenders, Mechanism’s work |
11 |
Development of protocols and guidelines based on best practices to protect human rights defenders |
11 |
Assist investigations for prosecuting offences against human rights defenders |
11 |
Granting of protective measures based off a specific risk assessment |
Review / appeal of Mechanism decision before courts or independent authority |
Confidentiality and personal data protection |
Actions to achieve structural changes (annual reports on the situation of human rights defenders, advising government on laws and policies related to human rights defenders) |
8, 11 |
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Loi N° 039-2017/AN, Portant Protection des Defenseurs des Droits Humains au Burkina Faso
English translation: Act No. 39-2017 on the protection of human rights defenders in Burkina Faso
Complemented by: Commission Nationale des Droits Humains – Contenu de l’arrêté du MNPDDH (Mécanisme National de Protection des Défenseurs de Droits Humains)
English translation: National Human Rights Commission – Content of the MNPDDH order (National Human Rights Defenders Protection Mechanism)