© Charlotte Giang Beuret for ISHR. All rights reserved.


Secretary-General documents cases of reprisals from ISHR’s #EndReprisals campaign 

On 9 September the Secretary-General released his annual report on reprisals, in which he included three of four cases ISHR has been actively campaigning on, namely the cases of Khurram Parvez and Irfan Mehraj (India) and Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja (Bahrain). 

In his report, the Secretary-General includes follow up information on Parvez, whose case has been documented since 2018, Mehraj, whose case has been documented since 2023, and Al-Khawaja’s case, which has been documented in the report since 2021, and prior to that in 2011 and 2012. 

While we welcome the inclusion of these cases, ISHR finds it unacceptable that some others are not. This includes cases such as Pham Doan Trang, a Vietnamese blogger, journalist, and democracy activist, whose case was included in the 2022 report of the Secretary-General on allegations of long-term arbitrary detention and lengthy sentencing for sharing reports on the human rights situation in the country with the UN and other international actors. The Secretary-General should continue to explicitly include cases in the follow-up section of his report until those cases are resolved. Dropping a case from the report while the victim languishes in detention falls far short of the protection victims of reprisals deserve.  

We call on States to publicly raise these four cases and hold their peers accountable. Khurram, Irfan, Abdulhadi and Trang were arbitrarily detained because they shared or sought to share information with the United Nations. These are clear cases of reprisals which need our attention, and we must continue to make these cases visible. Together we can #EndReprisals! 

Protect our voices at the UN: #EndReprisals!

Protect our voices at the UN: #EndReprisals!

Imagine determined individuals speaking up for what’s right for their communities, and then facing intimidation, threats and even imprisonment when they engage with the United Nations. This is not acceptable. Help us safeguard their voices and freedom. Join our campaign to #EndReprisals!

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