Thank you for taking action: Carlos Correa is free!
Espacio Público announced today that Carlos Correa had been indeed arrested and has now been released from detention.
This week, in sister events in New York and Geneva, 15 candidate States presented their vision for Human Rights Council membership for the period 2018 – 2020. They also responded to questions on how they would realise their pledges and commitments.
The Human Rights Council Pledging Event – which has become part of the annual calendar of events in New York and run for the second time in Geneva – provides an opportunity for dialogue between different stakeholders. With the generous sponsorship of Iraq, the Czech Republic and Uruguay in New York and Uruguay, Albania and Canada in Geneva, the events aim to enhance transparency and accountability in human rights council elections and promote adherence to Council membership standards.
A record number of candidate States participated in this year’s two events – 15 in total. Of the contenders for Council membership – Australia, Afghanistan, Angola, Chile, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Qatar, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, and Ukraine took part in at least one event – Nigeria was the only candidate State that was not present in either event. Participating States spoke to the importance of all candidates taking part in such an event.
For the 2017 elections, the same number of candidates as vacancies have presented themselves in all but one region (Asia Pacific), resulting in what is known as ‘closed slates’. ‘Elections to the Human Right Council are often not as competitive as we would hope. Unfortunately, all too often closed slates are the norm. This year, we welcome the competitive nature of the Asia Pacific slate – and the participation of all candidate States from that region in the event. We encourage other regions to be inspired by their example’, said ISHR’s Legal Counsel Tess McEvoy.
Facilitated by Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, in New York, and Kate Gilmore, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, in Geneva, candidate States were asked questions from the audience as well as from twitter using the hashtag #HRCPledging. For example Australia, as a key supporter of National Human Rights Institutions, was asked whether it would reverse cuts to the funding of the Australian Human Rights Committee.
Themes running through the New York event included the importance and central role that civil society plays in the Human Rights Council, and the integral and key role National Human Rights Institutions play in the promotion and protection of fundamental rights. Another discussed topic was the need to strengthen the liaison between the New York and Geneva UN offices and thus, the links between peace and security and human rights.
In Geneva, a recurring theme was the discussion of possible measures to promote the realisation of the General Assembly resolution 60/251, which states that Council members shall uphold the highest standards in the promotion and protection of human rights. Mechanisms were suggested on how to ensure council members can seek to ensure other members adhere to human rights standards. Furthermore, the protection of rights of human rights defenders was a key theme.
During the events commitments were made on national human rights situations:
As well as in relation to activities as Council members:
‘ISHR urges the candidate States of the 2017 election into the Human Rights Council to take their future membership seriously, uphold the highest human rights standards and cooperate fully with the Council and other human rights mechanisms’, said Michael Ineichen, ISHR’s Human Rights Council Advocacy Director.
‘When elected, we also expect new members to implement their pledges, and engage closely with national and international civil society to review and adapt their human rights priorities’, Ineichen said.
For more information concerning the upcoming Human Rights Council election and to view our scorecards, which offer a quick, objective comparison of the human rights situation of candidate States, click here.
You can also catch up on the events by watching the New York event on UNWebTv and/or the Geneva event on the ISHR Youtube channel.
Photos of the dicussions can be found on our facebook page.
Contacts: Tess McEvoy, [email protected] and Michael Ineichen, [email protected]
Following the HRC election events, questions received on Twitter and email were submitted by ISHR to candidates for Human Rights Council membership.
See Australia’s responses here.
See Ukraine’s responses here.
Photos: Lorena Russi Serna, (New York) and ISHR Geneva)
Espacio Público announced today that Carlos Correa had been indeed arrested and has now been released from detention.
The international community must uphold their commitments towards, and responsibility to protect, civilians by taking urgent measures to ensure access for necessary and life-saving humanitarian aid.
NGOs from across Venezuela and beyond call for the release of the Executive Director of Espacio Público, Carlos Correa, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared by individuals believed to be connected with State security forces.