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ACHPR 79: Established defenders’ protection mechanisms need more resources

On 14 May 2024, ISHR delivered a statement on the situation of human rights in Africa, with a particular focus on the impact on civic space of the implementation of recommendation 8 of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in African States as well as the need to ensure that existing measures and mechanisms to protect defenders are effective.

ACHPR77: African States must continue to strengthen legal frameworks protecting defenders

On 24 October, ISHR delivered a statement on the situation of human rights in Africa, drawing the attention of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (‘the African Commission’) to the concerning trend of adopting laws and policies that restrict the rights of defenders in Africa, especially in Angola and Zimbabwe, as well as the need to ensure that existing measures and mechanisms to protect defenders are effective.

Urgent appeal on the NGO draft law in Angola

The adoption of the draft law approving the status of Non-Governmental Organisation in Angola by the National Assembly considerably limits in its provisions the enjoyment of fundamental freedoms and shrinks civic and democratic space. We are calling the Special Rapporteurs on the situation of human rights defenders to help address this situation.

Angola | Stop harassing defenders using their right to peaceful assembly

As part of the UPR process, a review of Angola human rights record is scheduled to take place on 7 November 2019. As a prelude, NGOS, State delegations and the NHRI gathered for the pre-session organized on 9 October. This pre-session offered civil society a platform to directly advocate to State delegations ahead of the UPR session and facilitated the possibility for diplomatic delegations to ascertain information on Angola’s human rights record.

Wrap Up | Human Rights Council pledging events

This week, in sister events in New York and Geneva, 15 candidate States presented their vision for Human Rights Council membership for the period 2018 – 2020. They also responded to questions on how they would realise their pledges and commitments.