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Repository of United Nations recommendations on human rights in China

This page compiles all recommendations issued by UN human rights bodies - including the UN Special Rapporteurs and Working Groups, the UN Treaty Bodies, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - on the human rights situation in China since 2018. Recommendations are sorted by topic and community affected.

ACHPR 73: ISHR urges States to respect the rights of defenders and end reprisals against them

ISHR registered to deliver a statement on the situation of human rights defenders in Africa during the 73th session of the African Commission. It highlighted progress in drafting and enacting legislation to protect human rights defenders and expressed concern about reprisals and the impact of unconstitutional changes of government on protecting of human rights defenders

Outcomes of the NGO Forum

As a pillar of interaction between the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights and NGOs, the NGO Forum took place online on 19-20 April 2022 before the 71st session of the Commission.


Prepared by civil society, is comprehensive and contains almost all rights and obligations in Model Law, albeit in less detail.