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HRC46 | Civil society presents key takeaways from Human Rights Council

16 organisations* share reflections on the key outcomes of the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, as well as the missed opportunities to address key issues and situations including pushbacks and other human rights violations faced by migrants and refugees, and the human rights situations in Algeria, Cameroon, China, India, Kashmir and the Philippines. A shortened version was delivered at the Council. Full written version below.

#ACHPR 60 | ISHR’s statements to the African Commission

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ISHR delivered two statements during the 60th ordinary session of the African Commission. The statements congratulated the Government of Côte d’Ivoire for adopting the implementation decree for its national human rights defenders protection law. They also raised concerns about the situation of human rights in African countries such as Ethiopia, Burundi and Sudan. The statements also noted the end of Commissioner Alapini-Gansou’s term as the Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders in Africa.