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Human rights defender’s story: Óscar Calles, from Venezuela

‘Human rights organisations, activists and defenders only exist to ensure that all persons can live with dignity,' says Oscar Calles. 'Do not turn your backs on the hundreds of victims who are still awaiting justice to this day,’ he further urges States at the UN Human Rights Council, calling on to renew a key accountability mechanism for Venezuela.

HRC55: OHCHR remains suspended as repression in Venezuela increases

In the context of increased repression in Venezuela, UN officials, experts and States call for the respect for human rights defenders, the release of those arbitrarily detained, fair elections and the unconditional return of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Venezuelan defender Rocío San Miguel must be released

The Venezuelan human rights defender Rocío San Miguel was arbitrarily arrested on Friday at the airport, along with relatives. She must be released immediately and the rights of defenders in the country respected.

Venezuela: Committee member calls on Chair for protection

This week, Venezuelan delegates repeatedly took the floor to discredit members of the Human Rights Committee during the review of Venezuela’s compliance with its obligations under the Covenant. Committee members called for protection for themselves and highlighted concerns about reprisals against civil society.