HRDAP 2025: Apply now for ISHR's hybrid training for human rights defenders!
Are you a human rights defender keen to use the UN to push for change at home? If so, apply for the 2025 edition of ISHR’s flagship training, the Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme (HRDAP)!
The call for application for HRDAP25 is now closed.
After a successful edition in2024, ISHR is pleased to launch the call for applications for the 2025Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme (HRDAP25), which will take place both remotely and in Geneva! Below are some important dates to consider before applying:
Mandatory distance learning course: 14 April – 8 June 2025 (part time)
In-person course in Geneva: 10- 20 June 2025 (full time)
Deadline to apply: 10 January 2025, midnight CET (Geneva Time)
Programme description with all the information can be downloaded here.
Learn more about why you should apply for HRDAP by watching this video!
What is the Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme 2025 (HRDAP25)?
The course equips human rights defenders with the knowledge and skills to integrate the UN human rights system into their existing work at the national level in a strategic manner andprovides an opportunity for participants to prepare for and engage in advocacy activities at the UN with the aim to effect change back home.
Online course topics – ISHR
Defenders will complete a 10-week hybrid learning programme, online and offline, which will include:
Accessing the HRDAP Platform, where they can complete e-learning courses on each key UN human rights mechanism and on advocacy strategies, and access interactive learning materials and case studies on the ISHR Academy
Taking part in live Q&A sessions with human rights experts
Receiving a continuous personalised advocacy support and coaching in order to develop concrete advocacy objectives to make strategic use of the international human rights system taking into account the local context
Building networks around the world, and learning from peers from a range of regions working on a range of human rights issues
Applying their knowledge to case-studies scenarios and enhancing their advocacy toolbox according to their specific needs (elevator pitch, SMART recommendations…)
Receiving support and advocacy accompaniment to conduct activities during the 59th and 60th Human Rights Council sessions and other relevant opportunities.
Participants will have the unique opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills while being in Geneva as well as to meet and share with their peers and experts (UN staff, diplomats, supporting NGOs…). The blended format of the course allows defenders to continue their vital work on the ground, while diving into the inner workings of each key UN human rights mechanism and gaining first-hand experience from advocates and UN staff on how civil society can strategically engage in the international human rights space. The methodology we use is interactive and learner-centred and encourage participation of everyone.
Gain knowledge and tools, which they can use to ensure their voice is central in international human rights decision-making
Explore and compare the benefits of engagement with the Human Rights Council, the Special Procedures, the OHCHR, the Universal Periodic Review and the Treaty Bodies, and examine how they can use them to bolster their work at the national level
Develop strategies and advocacy techniques to increase the potential of their national and regional advocacy work
Could you be one of our 2025 participants?
This programme is directed at experienced human rights defenders working in non-governmental organisations, with existing advocacy experience at the national level and some prior knowledge of the international human rights system.
ISHR supports, and promotes solidarity with and between, defenders working in the following areas or contexts, which we recognise as intersectional and interdependent:
Equality, dignity and non-discrimination
Environmental justice and sustainability
International accountability for the repression of human rights defenders
Transparency and rule of law
The hybrid programme will bring together around 16 committed human rights defenders from different backgrounds, who work on a wide range of areas that are linked with our programmes to ensure a sustainable collaboration. This can include, but is not limited to, defenders working on the following thematics: women rights; Indigenous people’s rights; the human rights of LGBTIQ+ persons; anti-racism; reclaiming civil society space and increasing protection of human rights defenders.
What do former HRDAPers say?
16 human rights defenders from 15 countries took part in the last edition, HRDAP24. At the end of the training, 98% of the participants were either extremely satisfied or very satisfiedwith the programme and felt that they would be able to apply what they learnt to their own day-to-day work. Find out more about the outcomes of HRDAP24here.
‘GO FOR IT! I was able to meet all of these amazing people and also make friends, and to know what work they are doing and how they are able to overcome obstacles I didn’t even know about. I feel like for the last ten days we became, in some ways, a family and it’s been the greatest experience. And also the way I’m able to think now about the tools that the UN has is different. I also feel more confident to do my work now.’
Cynthia Palacios Reckziegel, Center of Legal and Social Studies (CELS), Argentina.
How to apply?
First, download and read carefully the HRDAP 2025 Programme Description to find out more about modalities, requirements and funding. If you meet the criteria, take some time to apply usingthis online formbefore midnight Geneva time on Friday 10 January 2025!
As only a limited number of human rights defenders are able toparticipate in HRDAP each year, in addition to our range of guides and handbooks, ISHR has developed an e-learning space in English, French and Spanish to help human rights defenders strengthen their advocacy skills with the UN for greater impact on the ground: the ISHR Academy. The learning modules demystify the UN human rights system and build capacity to push for change. Discover new tools, insider tips, defender stories, and more!
Salomé leads our work on trainings and capacity development initiatives online and offline, such as the Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme and the ISHR Academy. Salomé has over 9 years’ experience working in the humanitarian sector in the field of access to education and advocacy as a project manager.
Isabella Matias Heredia
Isabella worked in the field of the rights of displaced populations and with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. She is interested in activist protection issues, specially the intersection of human rights advocacy and international law, particularly in the protection of vulnerable groups. She aims to contribute to creating safer environments for activists worldwide. Isabella is in her final year of her Master’s degree in International and Development Studies.
First, download and read carefully the HRDAP 2025 Programme Description (see at the beginning of this webpiece) to find out more about modalities, requirements and funding. If you meet the criteria, take some time to apply using the online form before midnight Geneva time on Friday 10 January 2025!
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