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ACHPR 79: Established defenders’ protection mechanisms need more resources

On 14 May 2024, ISHR delivered a statement on the situation of human rights in Africa, with a particular focus on the impact on civic space of the implementation of recommendation 8 of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) in African States as well as the need to ensure that existing measures and mechanisms to protect defenders are effective.

ACHPR71: States in Africa must guarantee the effectiveness of human rights

ISHR delivered a statement on the situation of human rights defenders in Africa during the 71st session of the African Commission. It highlights significant progress made on the continent on the protection of defenders but equally that violations of their rights remain deplorable in some countries.

Mali | Put an end to the vicious cycle of impunity

On 22 March, the independent expert on the human rights situation in Mali presented his third report. Though commending the government for its continued collaboration with the mandate, he also shared concerns on the insecurity in the northern and central regions of the country.

HRC46 | Key issues on agenda of March 2021 session

The 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council, from 22 February to 23 March 2021, will consider issues including the protection of human rights defenders, systemic racism, police brutality and violence against peaceful protests-particularly in the United States of America-, freedom of religion or belief, protection and promotion of human rights while countering terrorism, the right to food, among others. It will also hold dedicated debates on grave human rights situations in States including Nicaragua, Venezuela, Occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem, Syria, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Burundi, Iran, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Myanmar, Eritrea, among many others. Here’s an overview of some of the key issues on the agenda.

ACHPR67 | Commissioners present their activity reports

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During the 67th ordinary session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR or the Commission), ISHR delivered statements during the interactive dialogue regarding activity reports of the Commissioners of the Commission under item ­6. The statements reminded the importance of protecting women's rights, raised concerns about the situation of human rights defenders facing intimidation, reprisals, and restriction, and noted that abuses against environmental, land, and indigenous people’s defenders continue to increase across Africa.

ACHPR67 | Stop the violent repression of protests in Africa

On 24 November, ISHR delivered a statement on the situation of human rights in Africa, with a particular focus on the restrictions to freedom of assembly in Africa and the recent arrests of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights’ (EIPR) staff in Egypt.