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Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Latin America & Caribbean

Venezuela: Over 80 NGOs demand immediate release of human rights defender Carlos Correa

NGOs from across Venezuela and beyond call for the release of the Executive Director of Espacio Público, Carlos Correa, arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared by individuals believed to be connected with State security forces.

Espacio Público and the undersigned organisations demand the immediate release of Carlos Correa, director of the NGO Espacio Público, who was intercepted by people dressed in black, hooded, and taken to an unknown destination on 7 January at around 5:00 p.m. in the centre of Caracas. This mechanism has previously been used by State security forces to arbitrarily detain and subject to enforced disappearance human rights defenders, those involved in politics or who may be critical of the government of Nicolás Maduro.

Carlos Correa is the director of the organisation Espacio Público, a journalist and human rights defender with more than 20 years of experience in the promotion and defence of human rights and freedom of expression in Venezuela. He is also a professor-researcher at the Human Rights Centre of the Andrés Bello Catholic University. After his arrest, he has not communicated with his family or trusted lawyers, a human right and also a guarantee of due process in the case of arrests established in the Organic Code of Criminal Procedure.

Relatives and colleagues of Carlos Correa have asked several detention centres about the whereabouts of the defender, but the authorities have denied that he is in those centres. We recall that denying information implies collaboration in the consolidation of an enforced disappearance and that the officials involved are responsible before the law.

We warn that this arbitrary detention and forced disappearance is taking place in the context of an intensification of harassment and persecution by the Venezuelan State towards all actors who represent the defence of civil and political liberties in the country. On 15 August, the ‘Law for the control, regularisation, operation and financing of non-governmental organisations and non-profit social organisations’ was approved, a regulation that violates the principles of autonomy and independence inherent to the right of association, and under the assumption that non-governmental and non-profit initiatives are ‘enemies of the homeland’, that they use ‘illicit funds’ to ‘finance terrorism’.

A few months ago, Nicolás Maduro mentioned Carlos Correa in a speech broadcast by the national media, in which he said he remembered him for his work with the Fe y Alegría radio broadcasting network. Moreover, Correa and the organisation Espacio Público have been mentioned by Diosdado Cabello on his television programme, in a persecution of his work defending freedom of expression.

Family members explain that Correa has health conditions that require immediate treatment, and that the State is responsible for guaranteeing access to the medicines he needs to maintain his physical condition. Furthermore, the State and public officials in charge of him are responsible for the psychological integrity of Carlos Correa and all those arbitrarily detained and disappeared.

The forced disappearance of Carlos Correa is part of the crime of persecution for political reasons and is an attempt by the Venezuelan government to silence the work of civil society, which demands respect for civil and political human rights, especially in the context of the crisis generated by the lack of transparency of public bodies in the context of the elections of 28 July 2024.

We demand that the Venezuelan State:

  • Reveal the whereabouts of Carlos Correa, human rights defender, journalist and researcher.
  • Safeguard the physical and psychological integrity of Carlos Correa, guaranteeing his access to ongoing medical treatment that he needs to maintain.
  • Allow Carlos Correa to communicate with his family and trusted lawyers, in compliance with his legal obligations and with respect for the right to due process.
  • Grant Carlos Correa’s full and immediate release.


  1. Laboratorio de Paz
  2. A. C. Jóvenes y Desarrollo
  3. Acceso a la Justicia
  4. Acción Ciudadana Contra el SIDA (ACCSI)
  5. AlertaVenezuela
  6. Aula Abierta
  7. Asociación Civil Mujeres en Línea
  8. Asociación Movimiento Vinotinto
  9. Aula Abierta
  10. Caleidoscopio Humano
  11. Cátedra de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado
  12. Cecodap
  13. Cento por la Justicia y el Derecho Internacional – CEJIL
  14. Centro de Acción y Defensa por los Derechos Humanos (CADEF)
  15. Centro de Derechos Humanos – UCAB
  16. Centro para los Defensores y la Justicia
  17. Cepaz – Centro de Justicia y Paz
  19. Clima21
  20. Comisión de DDHH de la Federación Venezolana de Colegios de Abogados del estado Apure
  21. Comisión de la Mujer de la Universidad de los Andes
  22. Comisión para los Derechos Humanos del Estado Zulia
  23. Consorven
  24. Cubalex
  25. Defiende Venezuela
  26. Edgar Enrique Antunez
  27. Expresidenta de la CIDH y ex Canciller de Chile, Antonia Urrejola
  28. Ex-Relator para la Libertad de Expresion CIDH Director del Centro de Derechos Humanos y Derecho Internacional
  29. Humanitario. American University, Eduardo Bertoni
  30. Equalia
  31. Espacio Público
  32. EXCUBITUS Derechos Humanos en Educación
  33. Expresión Libre
  34. Feminismoinc
  35. FIDH (Federación Internacional por los Derechos Humanos), en el marco del Observatorio para la Protección de los
  36. Defensores de Derechos Humanos.
  37. Freedom House
  38. Fundación Aguaclara
  39. Fundación Marcelino Pan y Vino
  40. FundaRedes
  41. Fundatransvida
  42. Fundehullan
  43. Grupo de Reflexión de Excarcelados Politicos de Nicaragua (GREX)
  44. Grupo Interdisciplinario Emergencia Humanitaria en Agua
  45. Guadalupe González González
  47. Impulsa Latinoamérica
  48. Instituto de Investigaciones de la Información y de la Comunicación IDICI UCAB
  49. International Service for Human Rights
  50. Javier Larrondo, presidente de Prisoners Dedenders
  51. Laboratorio de Paz
  52. Lateral LAB
  53. Mesa de Diálogo de la Juventud Cubana
  54. Monitor Social AC
  55. Movimiento SOMOS
  56. Observatorio de Derechos Humanos Universidad de Los Andes
  57. Observatorio de Derechos LGBTIQ+ de Venezuela
  58. Observatorio de Juventudes Venezuela
  59. Observatorio de Violencias LGBTIQ+
  60. Observatorio Global de Comunicación y Democracia
  61. Observatorio Venezolano de Conflictividad Social (OVCS)
  62. Observatorio Venezolano de Prisiones
  63. Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia
  64. Oficina de Washington para Asuntos Latinoamericanos (WOLA)
  65. Organización Mundial Contra la Tortura (OMCT), en el marco del Observatorio para la Protección de los Defensores de
  66. Derechos Humanos.
  67. Prepara Familia
  68. Prisoners Defenders
  69. Programa de Promoción de los derechos indígenas en Venezuela “Wayamoutheri“
  70. Programa Venezolano de Educación Acción en Derechos Humanos (Provea)
  72. PROVEA (Programa Venezolano Educación Acción en Derechos Humanos)
  73. Proyecto RUTA
  74. Odevida, Capitulo Venezuela
  75. Red de Activistas Ciudadanos por los Derechos Humanos (Redac)
  76. Red por los derechos humanos de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (Redhnna)
  77. Resonalia
  78. Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights
  79. SABANA
  80. SINERGIA, Red Venezolana de Organizaciones de Sociedad Civil
  81. Un Mundo Sin Mordaza
  82. Unidad de Defensa Jurídica (UDJ)
  83. Unión Afirmativa
  84. Unión de Presas y Presos Políticos Nicaragüenses (UPPN)
  85. Voces de la Memoria INC
  86. Voluntarios Con Vzla
  87. UPPN, Nicaragua, Yaritzha Rostrán Mairena

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