Picture of a scale symbolising Law and Justice

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Transparency and rule of law

ISHR provides solidarity and support to defenders working to promote transparency, to combat corruption, and to safeguard and strengthen laws and institutions that protect defenders and promote democracy, accountability and the rule of law.

People and communities flourish in societies that respect human rights and the rule of law. This requires an environment characterised by a vibrant and independent civil society, laws that protect the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, institutions and processes that enable public participation, governments that are representative and accountable, and mechanisms that provide remedy and redress for injustice. Human rights defenders play a vital role in the establishment and maintenance of such an environment, and are often among those that are first silenced or attacked when authoritarian or illiberal governments or unscrupulous corporations move to dismantle democratic institutions and the rule of law. 

Through this programme, ISHR provides solidarity and support to defenders working in deteriorating environments where there is a need to safeguard democratic institutions and accountability mechanisms, as well as those working in environments where there is an opportunity to strengthen human rights defenders protection laws and mechanisms.

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Read our latest news on transparency and rule of law.

ACHPR81: States must take proactive measures to protect defenders

Following the presentation of the Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders’ Intersessional Report, ISHR delivered a statement calling on his mandate to release his long-awaited report on reprisals and remind States of their obligations to ensure a safe environment for defenders to conduct their activities.

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