2023 Human Rights Defender Advocacy Program Group infront of the UN building in Geneva ©Ben Buckland

2023 Human Rights Defender Advocacy Programme participants and ISHR staff in front of the UN building in Geneva ©Ben Buckland

Defenders' stories

Here at ISHR we are constantly being inspired by the brave people taking action to defend human rights and want to share some of their stories with you.

Angkhana Neelapaijit from Thailand

When Thai human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaijit was disappeared in 2004, his wife Angkhana Neelapaijit decided to seek justice. In this video, Angkhana talks about her husband's enforced disappearance, her experience as a human rights defender, and her hope for the future.

Patricia Schulz

Patricia Schulz is a Swiss lawyer specialised in international human rights law and gender equality. She is a Senior research associate at UNRISD, the United Nations Research Institute on Social Development, and a former member of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

Human rights defender’s profile: Cédric Herrou from France

ISHR had the chance to meet with Cédric Herrou for the Geneva premiere of movie 'Libre' where director Michel Toesca follows him in his endeavours in France's Roya Valley. During our interview, Herrou, a migrant rights defender and president of association 'Défends Ta Citoyenneté', shared his testimony, challenges, aspirations and calls to action with ISHR.

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